Mr. Rule’s Earth Science Class
Classroom Rules
●Show respect- Students are expected to be respectful of themselves, other classmates, teachers, staff, and all classroom materials. This includes handling all lab materials appropriately.
●Be responsible- Students are expected to bring all necessary items to class (book, notebook, homework, pens, pencils, and science folder).
●Be positive- Students are expected to enter the classroom ready to work.
Science Homework
Science assignments will be given on a regular basis, but the students will often be given a lot of time in class to work on or complete these assignments. During this time I encourage students to ask questions. I am here to help. I use a point system for grading. You will notice the weight of an assignment based on the points assigned to each assessment. Homework will be scored based on the length and complexity of an assignment.
●Quizzes- Typically students will receive one quiz per chapter/section. I will give a several day notice of these quizzes so they will need to prepare for it. I encourage students to review their vocabulary on a regular basis. Quizzes will be worth approximately 40pts.
●Tests- Tests will be given after each chapter and are worth 100pts. They will be a combination of multiple choice, fill in the blank, and short answer questions.
●Students will be working with an assigned group with assigned roles during lab work
●Lab work will be done during classroom time
●Lab grades will vary depending on the complexity and time needed to complete
●Lab grades are based on observation and discussion reports, as well as appropriate behavior and participation during the lab.
Notebook/Bell Ringer Check
●With each chapter, students will keep a science notebook and folder with all necessary assessments and daily Bell Ringer activity.
●Their notebook and Bell Ringers will act as their study guide for the chapter test. It is important that the student not throw away any assignments or returned quizzes before the chapter test.
●Students will not have a personal textbook. We will use one in class and utilize different online textbooks and technology, along with handouts.
Discipline/PBIS Reward
●All classroom procedures will be in alignment with the district and school policies. Student will receive marks for inappropriate classroom behavior (ie. not prepared for class, tardies, being disrespectful, etc.) These marks are cumulative over the quarter between all classes and will determine the student's participation in PBIS reward activities.
6th Grade Topics
●Scientific Method
●Lab safety and equipment
●Plate tectonics
●Earth, Moon, and the Sun
●The Solar System
●Stars, Galaxies, Universe
●A trip through Geological time
●Weather and Climate
Contact Information
This is only an overview of all the things that will be going on this year in Earth Science. I am very excited to be working with you and your son/daughter this year. We should be doing some exciting things that I hope the students enjoy. There is a lot of work to be done! If you ever need to contact me, please email me at or call the school at 622-2932.