Workplace Health & Safety Inspection Check Sheet
– Engineering (Area 4)
Inspections examine the physical conditions of the workplace with respect to health and safety (H&S).
Its purpose is to
-Ensure existing controls are functioning adequately and compliance with the minimum legal and other requirements are maintained.
-Identify and record potential and actual hazards in the workplace.
-Identify hazards that require immediate attention.
-Recommend and implement corrective actions or where necessary stop work until high hazard conditions are rectified.
-Facilitate continuous improvement.
Legal Framework
United Kingdom:
-Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
-Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Republic of Ireland:
-Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005
-Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007
It is the responsibility of the Manager with delegated responsibility for H&S at each workplace / activities / operations to ensure that inspections are undertaken at the required frequency. Responsible Managers should where possible, participate in the inspection with at least one other person who works in the area.
- This inspection should be performed monthly or more frequently following a significant change such as changes to the workplace, personnel, work activities or following an accident or incident.
- Where the check relates to a large number of items such as Portable electrical appliances, a representative sample of the items in the workplace should be checked. A reference should be placed in the notes detailing which items specifically were checked. A different sample group should be checked from inspection to inspection.
- Completed inspections should be retained by the responsible manager and a copy stored in an agreed network drive location to which the Occupational Risk Manager has access.
- All actions must be communicated by the responsible manager to the person(s) responsible for implementation.
- Previous actions must be reviewed and signed off during subsequent inspections.
- Where a requirement is deemed “Not Known”, every reasonable attempt must be made by the Responsible Manager to establish the status of the requirement.
- NOTE: Actions arising out of items marked with a * should be notified to for action.
Document / Workplace Health and Safety Inspection Check Sheet – Engineering / Issue / 3
Department / Risk Safety and Quality / Page / 1 of 8
Authority / Occupational Risk Manager / Date / October 2010
Workplace Health & Safety Inspection Check Sheet
– Engineering (Area 4)
BASE / INSPECTION TEAM / DATEDisplayed Notices, Signs and Posters / Standard to be met / Yes / No / N/A / Notes – detailing evidence of checks or any gaps/issues identified
HSE health and safety law poster. / The poster must detail the:
-H&S contact (Occupational Risk Manager)
-Name(s) of appointed H&S representative(s)
Fire action notices / Emergency Procedures must be displayed by each fire break glass call point. / Check at least one fire break glass call point, specifying which one. Notice should detail:
-Action on discovering a fire,
-Action on hearing the alarm,
-Location of the assembly point
-Emergency contact details / Fire break glass call point location checked:
First aid notice / The notice should detail:
-How to obtain first aid
-Names of first aiders, appointed persons and / or emergency services
“No Smoking” notice / At entrances to the workplace premises.
Accident report forms / Current copies readily available for use
Miscellaneous safety signs / Displayed at potentially hazardous areas e.g. :
-slippery when wet
-low headroom
First Aid at Work Regulations 1981
First Aid and Accident Reporting / Standard to be met / Yes / No / N/A / Notes – detailing evidence of checks or any gaps/issues identifiedFirst aid box / -The first aid box must be fully and correctly stocked (refer to and use the “First aid kit contents check and replacement ordering form”)
-Contents within expiry date
-Clear / unobstructed access to first aid kit
-Kit size sufficient for the number of employees / Size of kit:
Earliest expiry date:
Contents last checked:
Eye wash bottles / -Available at location where there is a risk of foreign matter entering the eyes
-Within expiry date with seals in tact and clean
-In readily accessible / unobstructed location / Eye wash location checked:
Expiry date of eyewash bottles:
Obtaining first aid and accident reporting / Select one employee and confirm they understand the process for obtaining first aid /reporting accidents / Name of employee:
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
Fire Safety / Standard to be met / Yes / No / Not known / N/A / Notes – detailing evidence of checks or any gaps/issues identifiedThe means of escape / fire exits are clearly marked and easily identifiable / -Green directional signs at each fire exit
-Emergency lighting provided which is in working order and good repair* / Fire exit location checked:
The means of escape / fire exits are accessible / -Doors opens without the use of a key
-Routes and doors are unobstructed
-Doors and routes lead to a place of safety
-Doors are in working order and good condition*
-Self-closers working effectively
-Doors open easily (i.e. not sticking)
No evidence of unsafe behaviours which could give rise to fire hazards / -Doors are not held/wedged open by unauthorised methods (unless specifically designed e.g. using magnetic switches)
-Combustible and flammable materials not allowed to accumulate
-Sources of ignition are well controlled
-Combustible materials stored away from sources of ignition
Fire extinguishers are available and accessible / -On hooks/floor stands at designated points
-Suitable for type of fire that may occur e.g. CO2 for electrical*
-Within current inspection date*
-Anti-tamper seals intact*
-Correct safety instructions for extinguisher type / Fire extinguisher location checked:
Type of extinguisher:
Date fire extinguisher inspection due:
Fire alarm – detection and warning system / -Means of raising the alarm throughout building*
-Audible/visual alarm throughout building*
Action in the event of discovering a fire and on hearing the fire alarm / Select one employee and confirm that they are aware of process on discovering fire and hearing the fire alarm / Name of employee:
Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
Electrical Safety / Standard to be met / Yes / No / Notes – detailing evidence of checks or any gaps/issues identifiedSelect 3 portable electrical appliances (i.e. items with a plug) / Current test label displayed*
In working order and good repair – no visual evidence of damage such as:
-frayed cables
-damaged plug
-appliance overheating / ApplianceID No.Date test due
Sockets and Extension Leads – sufficient and adequate / -Not overloaded (multiple points not in use)
-Sufficient sockets to meet needs
-No trailing electrical extension leads
Workplace (Health Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
Workplace requirements / Standard to be met / Yes / No / N/A / Notes – detailing evidence of checks or any gaps/issues identifiedSuitable and sufficient lighting / -All areas (external and internal) adequately lit taking account of work activities, safety and security (including night time working).
-In working order, good repair and clean*
-Task lighting available if required
-Free from glare, dazzle and/or reflection
-Light fittings shielded with suitable cover
-Light switches accessible
-Light fittings located to prevent damage
Furniture (chairs, tables, cabinets etc) / -In working order and good repair*
Floors* / -Sound construction
-Free from obstructions/ holes / uneven surfaces / slip and trip hazards
-Effective drainage
Access and egress routes / -Clear, unobstructed and safe
Low ceiling or headroom / -Clearly marked with hazard warning marking
Doors / -Unobstructed
-In working order and good repair*
Toilets, wash basins / -Clean, in working order and good repair
-Adequately stocked
-Sanitary disposal bins provided and serviced
-Well ventilated
Housekeeping / -Area clean, tidy,
-Free from clutter, trip hazards, trailing cables
Drinking water / -Available supply of clean drinking water*
-Water dispenser cleaned regularly
-Filter (where fitted) changed 6 monthly / Date dispenser last cleaned:
Date filter change due:
Waste management / -Adequate waste receptacles
-Waste receptacles regularly emptied
-Waste segregated and recycled (if facilities exist)
Ventilation / -Adequate ventilation*
-Extractor fans in working order and good repair*
Temperature / -Reasonable temperature inside building*
-Thermometers provided
Storage areas and facilities / -Adequate and suitable storage
-Storage areas readily accessible
-Suitable equipment to access storage at height
-Storage equipment in good condition
-Stored items not overhanging
-Stored items stable – not liable to roll / fall
-Heavy items stored at low level
-Storage racks / cabinets / shelves not overloaded and not liable to collapse
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
PPE / Standard to be met / Yes / No / Notes – detailing evidence of checks or any gaps/issues identifiedCorrect PPE available for use
-Hearing protection
-High visibility clothing
-Foot protection / -PPE readily available for risks identified
-Safety signage mandating use of PPE
-PPE storage facilities available if required
-Assessment available on requirements and specification of PPE used
PPE use / Select one employee and verify:
-knows what PPE to use for the risks,
-knows how to use the PPE
-knows how to obtain replacement PPE
-has a record of non disposable PPE issued for their use
-has PPE in working order and good repair
-Uses, wears and stores PPE correctly / Name of employee:
PPE checked:
Work at Height Regulations 2005
Work at Height Safety / Standard to be met / Yes / No / Notes – detailing evidence of checks or any gaps/issues identifiedAccess equipment (e.g. kick stool, step ladder or ladder) / -Available and suitable for intended use
-Stable, in working order and good repair
-Stored in a safe manner
-Annual inspection in date / Ladder / Steps Serial / ID No.:
Date of last annual inspection:
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
Standard to be met / Yes / No / Notes – detailing evidence of checks or any gaps/issues identifiedPassenger lift / -Valid 6 monthly statutory (LOLER) inspection / Date LOLER inspection due:
Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005
Noise Control Safety / Standard to be met / Yes / No / Notes – detailing evidence of checks or any gaps/issues identifiedNoise / -Adequate provision of hearing protection
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Standard to be met / Yes / No / N/A / Notes – detailing evidence of checks or any gaps/issues identifiedRisk assessment / Select a work activity and verify that
-Current and valid risk assessment in place
-Identified control measures are in place and effective / Work activity selected:
Date risk assessment review due:
Control measure reviewed:
Maternity / young person / Lone Worker risk assessment / Risk assessments completed (if applicable) for
-pregnant employees
-young persons
-lone workers
Identified control measures are in place and effective / Name of employee(s) (if applicable):
Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
Display screen equipment (DSE) / Standard to be met / Yes / No / Notes – detailing evidence of checks or any gaps/issues identifiedDSE assessment completed / Select a DSE userand verify that a current and valid DSE Assessment and identified control measures are in place / Name of DSE user:
Date DSE assessment review due:
DSE workstation chairs – select one chair at random* / -Adjustable height, tilt and backrest
-Swivels / Location of chair inspected:
NOTE: Actions arising out of items marked with a * should be notified to for action.
Issues Identified and action required / taken / By Who / Follow-up / Sign off by / Date signed offDocument / Workplace Health and Safety Inspection Check Sheet – Engineering (Area 4) / Issue / 3
Department / Risk Safety and Quality / Page / 1 of 8
Authority / Occupational Risk Manager / Date / October 2010