Data Center Shared Services (DCSS)
Operational Committee
Table of Contents
3Deliverables and Responsibilities
This Committee provides a forum for the discussion, coordination, approval and resolution of Data Center Operation issues. The Committee is established to improve data center process through the principles of increased communication, functional requirements gathering, creation of best practices, and completing operational responsibilities. The Committee will also recommend standardized products where possible.
Objectives of the Committee are:
- Provide the primary communication linkage among data center and server room operators throughout the Urbana Campus
- Provide a cross-organizational forum to manage, develop, address and make recommendations for innovations, enhancements, workflows, policies, procedures and standards for University of IllinoisData Center services.
Functional Requirements
- Assess user and/or unit and departmental needs and requirements
- Standardize products and services to meet organizational needs.
- Develop templates for service level description (SLD) for all shared data center services.
- Create procedures for reviewing technology designs and implementations.
Best Practices
- Define components of Data Center Operations. (i.e. Security, facilities, etc)
- Create and publish Data Center Operations Best Practices.
- Create and publish Data Center Cost Models.
- Define standard roles and responsibilities for Data Center Operations.
- Create and review support and maintenance contracts for data centers across campus so that better pricing can be leveraged during the renewal period with like vendors.
Operational Responsibilities
- Implement action items and delegated responsibilities as assigned by the EGCDCC (Executive Governance Committee for Data Center Consolidation).
- Gather and assemble reports on progress of Data Center Consolidation goals, strategies and assigned responsibilities
- Provide timely updates to the EGCDCC on all Committee activities.
The DCSSops is chartered through the EGCDCC, which is commissioned through the Provost Office of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The DCSS is an operational committee that develops policies, procedures, best practices and cost/fee structures for the consolidation and operation of shared data centers throughout the Urbana campus.
Shared data center policies and cost/fee structures are reviewed and approved by the EGCDCC. All documents, tools and templates will be posted online and available to the University of Illinois.
The DCSS Committee will create and provide guidance and the appropriate tools to implement successful migration from smaller to larger data centers along with the needed policies and procedures.
3Deliverables and Responsibilities
The principal responsibilitiesand functions of the DCSS isto assist in defining and supportingthedaily operations of the campus shared data centers. This includes recommendations for cost models, daily operations, standardizations, etc. The secondary responsibilities of the DCSS are to provide materials that will assistthe University of Illinois in managing their data centers according to best practices.
The DCSS acts as the liaison between those units with data center needs and responsibilities on the Urbana campus and this shared data center initiative. In addition, the DCSS will help manage campus data centers through the implementation of standardized policies and procedures.
TheDCSSshall consist of at least 6 and no more than 10 members that provide a balanced representationofdepartments that represent the university mission along with the vision of the DCSS charter. The EGCDCC appoints committee members based on an open nomination process.
Areas of focus are Teaching, Research, Facilities, Extension,Auxiliary Services, and Administration throughout the Urbana campus.
Members are appointed to this committee based on their expertise and experience in areas of focus. The expectation is that members will focus on the success of the shared data center consolidation initiative. Members not meeting this expectation will be replaced.
Each member is expected to participate in regular meetings, serve on additional sub-committees and complete assignments as needed. The time commitment is expected to be between 10 and 20hours per month depending on projects and timelines yet to be defined.
Membership policies and procedures:
Committee leadership will consist of the appointed co-chairs. In the absence of both of the co-chairs,the Executive Governance Committee will appoint a temporary chair. Sub-Committees will be created as needed to work on specific issues. The Sub-Committees will operate under the direction of the DCSS.
The Committee will meet on a regular basis to discuss, review, and work on Committee objectives and projects. Meeting notes will be published by a designate of the DCSSon the wiki after approval.Actions can be taken without meetings by coordination via email.
Meeting policies and procedures:
Communicating the Committee’s decisions and recommendations in an efficient and consistent manner is crucial for the success of the DCSS. By raising awareness of best practice standards and operational strategies throughout the organization, the Committee will continue to be an enabler for strategic plans and daily operations. The Committee will provide a forum to evolve the communication methodology and provide a vehicle for disseminating the information. Communication will be distributed through as many channels as possible.
Training workshops will be offered on an as needed basis once the best practices are available. This will provide the opportunity for all data center specialists throughout campus to be informed on procedures and to have access to templates and forms as needed.
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