2008 Automotive Coatings Questionnaire 5-19-08

2008 Questionnaire:

Suggested Control Measure for Automotive Coatings

Purpose of Questionnaire

The purpose of the questionnaire is to assess the industry’s progress in meeting the new volatile organic compounds (VOC) limits established in the Suggested Control Measure for Automotive Coatings (SCM) approved by the California Air Resources Board (ARB/Board) on October 20, 2005. The Boardresolution for the SCM directed staff to:

(1)monitor the industry’s progress towards meeting the new VOC limits; and

(2)conduct a technology assessment prior to the effective dates of the new limits.

We appreciate your cooperation in providing the information. If you have any questions about completing the questionnaire, please contact:

Ms. Marcia Jorgensen(916) 323-9687 email:

Mr. Minh Pham (916) 324-0226email:

The questionnaire is available in electronic form on our web site at:

The completed questionnaire is due to ARB by June 16, 2008.

If you wish to claim your response to this questionnaireas confidential, please complete Attachment 2.

Regular Mail:
California Air Resources Board
Stationary Source Division
Technical Development Section
P.O. Box 2815
Sacramento, CA 95812
RE: Automotive Coatings Questionnaire / Overnight Mail:
Cal/EPA Building
Air Resources Board
Stationary Source Division (6th Floor)
Measures Assessment Branch
Technical Development Section
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA95814
RE: Automotive Coatings Questionnaire
email: You may also return the questionnaire via email to the above listed staff.

General Information

Company: / Web Site:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Contact: / Position:
Phone: / FAX: / Email address:

I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all information entered on the 2008 Questionnaire: Suggested Control Measure for Automotive Coatings is complete and accurate.

Name: / Title:
Signature: / Date:

Compliant Product Information

1a.Indicate the status of your company’s efforts to comply with the VOC limits in the SCM.

(See Attachment 1 for the VOC limits).

Coating Category / Are Products Currently Available that Comply
with 2009 and 2010 VOC Limits / Will Products Be Available By January 1, 2009
that Comply with 2009 VOC Regulatory Limits / Will Products Be Available By January 1, 2010
that Comply with 2010 VOC Regulatory Limits
Adhesion Promoter / Yes No / If No, then / Not Applicable / Yes No
Clear Coating / Yes No / If No, then / Yes No
Color Coating / Yes No / If No, then / Yes No
Multi-color coating / Yes No / If No, then / Yes No
Pretreatment Coating / Yes No / If No, then / Yes No
Primer / Yes No / If No, then / Yes No
Primer Sealer / Yes No / If No, then / Not Applicable / Yes No
Single-Stage Coating / Yes No / If No, then / Not Applicable / Yes No
Temporary Protective Coating / Yes No / If No, then / Yes No
Truck Bed Liner Coating / Yes No / If No, then / Yes No
Underbody Coating / Yes No / If No, then / Yes No
Uniform Finish Coating / Yes No / If No, then / Yes No
Any other coating type / Yes No / If No, then / Yes No

1b. Does your company offer cleanup solvents that meet the 25 g/l VOC limit (effective in 2010)?

Yes / No
If no, please explain.

2.Complete the table below for your compliant products. Check all that apply.

Coating Category / Are Water-based Products Available? / Are Solvent-based Products Available? / For Solvent-based products, Is TBAC1 used?
Adhesion Promoter / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No
Clear Coating / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No
Color Coating / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No
Multi-color coating / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No
Pretreatment Coating / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No
Primer / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No
Primer Sealer / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No
Single-Stage Coating / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No
Temporary Protective Coating / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No
Truck Bed Liner Coating / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No
Underbody Coating / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No
Uniform Finish Coating / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No
Any other coating type / Yes No / Yes No / Yes No

1 TBAC: Tertiary-Butyl Acetate

3.Do you anticipatethat thesupply of your VOC compliant products will be sufficient tomeet the needs of your California customers/vendors?

Yes / No
If no, please explain.

Automotive Refinishing Facilities

1.How many automotive refinishing shops in California use your company’s coatings?

0- 100 / 101- 500 / 501-1000 / 1001- 1500 / 1500+

2.What percentage of automotive refinishing shops in Californiausing your products needed to be modifiedin order to use coatings compliant with the SCM VOC limits?

0- 20% / 21-40% / 41-60% / 61-80% / 81-100%

3.Please describe the type of modification to infrastructure and/or equipment (i.e. air movement, air movement and heat). Estimate the percentage of shops that needed each type of modification.

Describe Modification: / Percentage:

4.Do you anticipate any difficulties in converting all automotive refinishing shops that use your coatings to compliant products by the applicable implementation date?

a. In the SouthCoastAirBasin by January 1, 2009

Yes / No
If yes, please explain.

b. In the San JoaquinValleyAirBasin by January 1, 2009

Yes / No
If yes, please explain.

c. In the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District by January 1, 2009 (Proposed)

Yes / No
If yes, please explain.

d. In the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District by January 1, 2009 (Proposed)

Yes / No
If yes, please explain.

Attachment 1

Table 1 presents the VOC limits established in the ARB’s SCM for automotive coatings. The SCM was approved on October 20, 2005. The South Coast Air Quality Management District revised Rule 1151 in December 2005 to implement the SCM. The San Joaquin Valley Unified APCD adopted Rule 4612 in September 2006 to implement the SCM.

Santa Barbara County APCD and Ventura County APCD are in the process of amending their rules to implement the SCM. Both proposed rules retain the recommended implementation date of January 1, 2009.

Table 1: VOC Limits

Coating Category / VOC regulatory limit, as applied in grams/liter
January 1, 2009 / Effective
January 1, 2010
Adhesion Promoter / 540 (4.5)
Clear Coating / 250 (2.1)
Color Coating / 420 (3.5)
Multi-color coating / 680 (5.7)
Pretreatment Coating / 660 (5.5)
Primer / 250 (2.1)
Primer Sealer / 250 (2.1)
Single-Stage Coating / 340 (2.8)
Temporary Protective Coating / 60 (0.5)
Truck Bed Liner Coating / 310 (2.6)
Underbody Coating / 430 (3.6)
Uniform Finish Coating / 540 (4.5)
Any other coating type / 250 (2.1)

The SCM also established a VOC limit of 25 g/l for surface preparation and cleanup solvents.

Attachment 2


If you wish to designate any information contained in your questionnaire asConfidential Information, please provide the data requested below and return it with your completed questionnaire forms. In accordance with Title 17, California Code of Regulations (CCR), sections 91000 to 91022, and the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.), the information that a company provides to the Air Resources Board (ARB) may be released (1) to the public upon request, except trade secrets which are not emissions data or other information which is exempt from disclosure or the disclosure of which is prohibited by law; and (2) to the federal Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), which protects trade secrets as provided in Section 114(c) of the Clean Air Act and amendments thereto (42 USC 7401 et seq.) and in federal regulation; and (3) to other public agencies provided that those agencies preserve the protections afforded information which is identified as a trade secret, or otherwise exempt from disclosure by law (Section 39660(e)). Trade secrets as defined in Government Code Section 6254.7 are not public records and therefore will not be released to the public. However, the California Public Records Act provides that air pollution emission data are always public records, even if the data comes within the definition of trade secrets. On the other hand, the information used to calculate emissions is a trade secret. If any company believes that any of the information it may provide is a trade secret or otherwise exempt from disclosure under any other provision of law, it must identify the confidential information as such at the time of submission to the ARB and must provide the name, address, and telephone number of the individual to be consulted, if the ARB receives a request for disclosure or seeks to disclose the data claimed to be confidential.

Company Name: ______

declares that only those portions specifically identified and submitted in response to ARB's information request on the questionnaire are confidential "trade secret" information, and requests that it be protected as such from public disclosure. All inquiries pertaining to the confidentiality of this information should be directed to the following person: