October 3, 2006
Debra Courville, HDSB; Tony Petitti, TCDSB; Kathy Doherty Masters, WCDSB; Richard Ward, Ophea; Nancy Schad, Ophea;
Joanne Walsh, HDSB; Kim Potter, PDSB; Jennifer Powles, CIS; George Kourtis, TDSB, Jennifer Johnston, TDSB, Lara Paterson,
Nancy Popovitch, HPEDSB, Diahne Graham,
Sue McMahon, Carolyn Temertzoglou, Ron Lopez, Jayne McCullough; Jennifer Cowie-Bonne,
Agenda Item / Discussion / ActionLetters for Boards and Directors of Education / Letters were sent to boards regarding representation from their board at Oasphe.
Letter 1: has been sent to Directors of Education who have representatives with Oapshe.
Letter 2; has been sent to Directors of Education who do not have representation. It outlines the mandate of Oasphe and seeks representation from the board.
Letters were also sent to 12 French boards / The January 11th meeting will be held in room 301 and therefore there will be conference availability
Oasphe Fall Meeting Flyer and Agenda / The meeting will start at 10:00 am promptly since the agenda is quite long.
Steve Friesen will present at the Fall meeting and will speak about increasing H&PE sections and intramural involvement.
Meeting Organization:
Treasurer’s Report
Available Funds to support DPA.
Ministry Reports: OTF & Healthy Schools, Filming with TVO
Winter Conference Update
Large Group Session: 10 minutes Lara Patterson
Elementary - Early successes:
Secondary - Ideas to maximize participation and continuing to encourage support for getting and keeping kids active.
(1 minute handout + Tennis Ball Icebreaker – Lara Patterson)
DPA in the Future/ DPA and Beyond. 10 minutes - Deb C
Whole group Introduction: Begin with a 3-minute introduction framing the session by outlining what is meant by sustainability, accountability and A & E.Challenges & Potential Solutions:
Small Group Session:15 minutes each + 5 minutes travel time
Sustainability: Tony P & Kim P.
Accountability: Jennifer J. & Joanne
Assessment and Evaluation: Richard W. & Nancy P
There will be 3 mall Group sessions and Rotation to each station. Each station has a facilitator who will summarize the group discussion to the whole group at then end of the session.
Sustainability: What is needed to sustain DPA? How do we advocate for this? Perception of DPA by staff.
Advocacy position: links to learning
Healthy schools
Links to safe schools (bullying)
Staff “buy in”
Accountability: How successful is it? How do we measure the impact and success of the program? What criteria will be used to measure it? What data will be measured? How will use measure academic scores, behaviour, culture of school? Anecdotal observation by stakeholders.
Assessment and Evaluation: How do we measure student achievement? How do we assess students and when.
End Goal = Expectations:
- determine next steps regarding Advocacy at the board, school & ministry level,
- develop tools for accountability,
- messages regarding assessment and evaluation.
Wrap Up: 5 minutes
Reports from the small group facilitators –
Election of Officers:
Share the Wealth: Diahne Graham
Curriculum Survey Review: a walk through the elementary and secondary surveys. Delegates will be divided into two smaller groups. Timeline is 40 minutes in length with the groups switching half way through. /
Fall Meeting Agenda
10:15 to 11:00 Intro & Updates11:00 to 12:30 DPA
12:30 to 1:15: Lunch & Share the Wealth
1:15 to 2:15: Steve Friesen
2:15 to 3:00: Walk through the survey
Constitution Review
/ Section 5.9.Bullet 2 was moved from 5.10 to 5.9. It now includes determining of officers and alternates at general meetings. The executive that is sitting during February, April or October general meeting will conduct this process has been changed to read: “The “Past- President …will conduct this process.”
Bullet 3 was added to ensure that the executive had the power to bring individuals on to the executive at any point throughout the year if deemed necessary by the executive. This person would then be duly elected through the formal electoral process at the next appropriate general meeting.
Section 5.1 Add to the duties of the Past-President. The Past-President will oversee the process of the election of officers.
Winter Conference
/ Theme: Healthy Schools conceptDate: last week of January
Venues: Back to a local resort
Focus for leadership:
Leadership Development
Other provincial perspectives
Ministry Speakers
Andy Anderson
Adapted Phys Ed. / Kim Potter and Nancy P will pursue possible venues and e-mail the group regarding room costs, meals, Av materials, breakout rooms, activity rooms etc. Conference packages.
Time will be needed at the Fall General meeting to reconvene around details.
Spring Meeting/Conference
/ Rainbow/Trillium Lakelands board will organize this Conference.Scheduled date is May 7th, 2007
Curriculum Review
/ The surveys are now on-line. The link takes the respondent to the elementary survey. Scroll to the bottom to locate the secondary survey.The visuals should represent the associations: Ophea, Oasphe and the Curriculum logo. Pictures should represent healthy active students, it at all.
The surveys will be on-line as of October 9th. The Official launch is at Ophea Fall Conference.
Letters will go to boards and board contacts. It will also be on Oasphe and Ophea websites.
Ophea will also send out an e-message to 13,000 Ophea members.
The announcement will include a request that only educators complete the survey. Other stakeholders will be asked for their input at a later date. A statement about protecting privacy and freedom of information will also be included.
French surveys have been translated and waiting final review. They will then go on-line but will not be on-line by Monday. When they are launched they will be available for the same period of time as the English surveys.
The professor at Brock, Brent, needs direction from Oasphe as to what we want/intend to do with the data; what we want to extract from the data. The results may help to indicate needs of board in the province.
Finances: see attached report for details. Ophea is lending financial support for getting the French surveys on line and may be able to help with the cost of analysis.
Launch of the Survey: Ophea Kids Health Conference.
Diahne will provide the secondary curriculum documents
TDSB will provide the elementary curriculum documents and include the revisions regarding DPA (stapled to the front)
Announce the launch at registration & before the key note, make it as instant message on the phones in the rooms so delegates receive it when they arrive.
TDSB will prepare bookmarks with a “blurb” about the survey and the site for the survey.
Draw prizes: Exercise in Disguise; TDSB prizes, PDSB Hooked on DPA carabineer.
The survey will be available for completion on Friday from 8:30am to 5:30pm / See attached reportfor more details about this stage of survey launch.
Please log on to the survey and review them.; read the drop down menus, read the questions, check spelling or lack of clarity, highlighting of titles. Please send Nancy Schad the feedback by noon of Thursday Oct 5th so she can make changes. ()
Do not complete the survey since you data will not be collated until the official launch.
If there are other websites that would warrant having the survey on the site, please let Nancy know.
Nancy P. will send Nancy Schad the pertinent statement regarding confidentiality that can be added to the survey.
Nancy will send out an e-mail with timeslots for Oasphe members to select to supervise the stations. Please respond to her if you are willing to supervise for an hour or two on Friday.
/ There is $2,500 that associations may apply for. The Fall deadline is October 13th and the Winter deadline is Feb 2.Oasphe is considering applying for a grant to help with curriculum survey costs.
Healthy Schools
/ The ministry is looking for feedback from a variety of stakeholders on Comprehensive School Health. They want schools to identify themselves as Healthy Active Schools. It means that they mirror the 4 pillars of comprehensive health. It requires making changes to the curricular, social, physical environment of the school and then links to the community.Ophea – updates & CAC report / CAC report: Oasphe did not have representation at the meeting. An environmental scan was done to discuss success in terms of workshops and teacher training and challenges such as inclusion of students with disabilities and support for teachers to make appropriate challenges.
Lara Patterson is running a workshop for teachers in Nov. with Vicki Keith. She will share this information and resource at the next meeting.
DPA and Beyond: Focus of discussion centred on Sustainability, Community and Parent Involvement, Other connections and Links, sharing success stories, Opportunities for Extensions and Equity and Social Justice.
Kids Health Conference is sold out. CAC will run 3 different workshops.
Richard also delivered the Oasphe report and discussed the curriculum review as well as DPA Assessment and Evaluation. Ophea would like to be partnered in this next stage of implementation.
Carolyn presented messages around fitness assessment.
There are follow up action items. See detailed report. / From Carolyn T.
Annual Active Living Conference
Friday, November 10t, 2006 – 10:00am – 4:00pm at Variety Village,
contact: Archie Allison
416-699-7167 extension 236
See attached CAC electronic report from Richard.
Heart and Stroke Funds / The Heart and Stroke has now put out a call for Advocacy Funding for initiatives directed at increasing physical activity.
More information may be found at the Heart and Stroke Foundation website. / See attached Living School memo
/ Fitness Assessment – See attached reportOasphe brochure – there will be 6 hundred copies of the bookmark distributed at the Ophea winter conference. It will be the precursor to the brochure.
Safety: Postponed to the Fall General Meeting.
New Business