D. Gregory
Virtual Business
Mr. Dalton Gregory
Tarkington High School
2017 – 2018
Materials Needed:
1. Pencil or Pen
2. Folder with notebook paper.
Students are required to bring all materials to class every day. Students will not be allowed out of the class to retrieve these.
Hall Passes:
Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom except in a dire emergency. This includes going to the restroom and, especially, going to another teacher. Please take care of all of your personal business on your own time.
Daily Assignments (homework, classwork, current events, etc.) / 40%Tests / 60%
Daily assignments are generally due the day after they are assigned at the BEGINNING of the period unless designated otherwise. Assignments turned in after the due date will receive a 30-point deduction the first day late and will NOT be accepted after that. DO NOT try to turn in assignments late, as I will return it to you marked with a ZERO. Students who are absent are responsible for getting their make-up work from me. All make-up work is due the day after the student returns to class in order not to be counted late. Assignments assigned prior to the absence are due the day the student returns.
Tests will cover the material from the book, lecture, class discussion, videos etc. and will be scheduled once every 1 to 2 weeks. Tests will include essay questions and will require a pen or pencil and notebook paper – please bring these on test days.
Students are highly encouraged to take notes during class, as I will often expand on topics covered in the book. All information from the lecture and class discussion is apt to appear on a quiz or test.
Makeup Tests and Retests:
Retest will be given within five school days after the test is returned and/or the grades posted for those students who make below a 70 on any test. As a rule, retests are more difficult than the original test. The highest possible grade on a retest is a 70. You may retest only ONCE for each failed test. Retests will be given in the Learning Lab.
Retests will be given before or after school, but please allow enough time to complete the test. If you do not finish the retest in the allotted time, you will be graded on what you finish.
Makeup tests will be scheduled on as needed basis for those who miss a test due to absence. Students have five school days after they return to class to complete the makeup exam or a zero will be recorded in the grade book. Makeup tests and retests will be given in the Learning Lab.
School Messenger App
Students and Parents can receive reminders about assignments using the School Messenger app. This app can be downloaded via the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. After creating your account and choosing the appropriate Role (parent or teacher) you can join the following the Virtual Business class group by using the code QRFVU2.
Extra Credit
There will be NO opportunities for extra credit in this class. DO NOT expect to come to me before finals asking for any extra credit assignments, NONE will be given.
I am available for tutorials the following days and times. If you need help during a time when I am not available, please see Ms. Weldon
Tuesday / 7:30 – 7:50
3:40 – 4:00
Wednesday / 7:30 – 7:50
3:40 – 4:00
3:40 – 4:00
Friday / 7:30 – 7:50
3:40 – 4:00
Other Rules
Please be prompt to class. All tardies will be sent to the attendance office, no exceptions. If you are not in the room when the bell rings, you are tardy. I WILL NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BE TARDY TO GO TO THE RESTROOM!
Please be prepared. Once again, late work will have 30 points deducted the first day late, after which work will not be accepted. Also, come to class with your notebook and something to write with and on EVERY day. Failure to do so will result in after school detention.
Please be courteous and respectful. Do not interrupt other students or, especially, me during lecture or class discussion. Pay attention during the lecture and class discussion.
Food or drinks are not allowed in the classroom per school board policy. No headsets or CD players allowed.
Contacting Me
My conference is sixth period from 1:01 to 1:51. I am available at that time and before and after school (except for Tuesday) to discuss your child’s progress. Please contact me beforehand so that I can be sure to set aside enough time to discuss your child with you. I can be reached via the Tarkington High School office at 281-592-7739 or via email at .
Computer Use Rules
Please read carefully. You will be responsible for knowing and following the rules, procedures, and expectations listed.
· Leave the computer settings as they are. DO NOT change the background or screensavers. DO NOT download or install software.
· Begin warm-ups immediately after the tardy bell rings.
· You will be responsible for you computer at your assigned seat. If there is a problem, notify me immediately. DO NOT mark on the computers or the mousepads.
· Stay in the program required for your assignment.
· Please clean and arrange your work area neatly before you leave.
· Do your own work. Altering or using a file other than your own will result in an immediate referral.
· Make-up work is your responsibility.
· NO computer games!
· Do not get on the Internet without my permission. Browse only the assigned sites.
Student E-Mail
School policy states that students are required to use their Tarkington ISD e-mail when corresponding with faculty and staff. This e-mail is accessed via Gmail using the following format: #studentidnumber#@tarkingtonisd.net (ex. ).
Class Syllabus
I. Virtual Business – Retailing
A. Market Research
1. Define market research
2. Explain the difference between primary and secondary research
3. Determine an adequate sample size for a survey
4. Use segmentation to analyze survey results
5. Use market research to make smart advertising decisions for a business
B. Product
1. Explain the importance of product choices in retailing
2. Use surveys to determine most popular products
3. Be able to change product mix and interpret sales results
4. Manage product selection to achieve profit goals
C. Place
1. Understand the concept of cost per square foot
2. Be able to compare amount and cost of space at different locations
3. Assess the types of customers around a given location
4. Assess potential locations given competitor locations
5. Choose a store location that will yield a profit
D. Price
1. Explain the relationship between price, cost, and margin
2. Explain how prices and sales volume is related
3. Find a price that maximizes profit by generated reasonable volume and reasonable margins
4. Define a “loss leader”
5. Set prices across all products to achieve a profit goal
E. Promotion – Traditional Media
1. Understand promotion as a key element of the marketing mix
2. Identify different types of promotion
3. Track revenue and expenses associated with promotional activities
4. Be able to compare efficiency of promotional campaigns
5. Choose promotional means to achieve business goals
F. Promotion – Email
1. Identify different sources of Email address lists
2. Understand the importance of subject lines and offers in Email marketing
3. Track and analyze Email response metrics
4. Avoid spam reports by properly spacing Emails
5. Use Email promotion to achieve profit goals
G. Staffing, Selling, & Customer Service
1. Explain several different job functions within a retail store
2. List the problems that can result from understaffing at each position
3. Discuss why some retail establishments staff salespeople while others don’t
4. Understand the expense/revenue tradeoff of staffing decisions
5. Adequately staff a retail store to achieve a profit goal
H. Purchasing & Inventory Control
1. Explain why purchasing is essential to a retail business
2. Understand target inventory levels
3. Explain the tradeoffs between purchasing too much and too little
4. Set custom purchasing policies for rapidly expiring items
5. Manage purchasing for efficiency and customer satisfaction
I. Merchandising
1. Define merchandising in a retail store
2. Identify items that are likely needs
3. Identify items that are likely impulse purchases
4. Identify items that are likely complementers
5. Describe strategies for placing needs, impulse items, and complementers
6. Use merchandising principles to improve the revenue of a business
J. Security & Risk Management
1. Explain the importance of security in a retail business
2. Given different options for increasing security
3. Analyze the cost-effectiveness of a security system
4. Plan store security to achieve profit goals
K. Financing & Business Planning
1. Understand that most business require substantial financing (capital) to get started
2. Be able to estimate start-up costs for a business
3. Monitor cash levels to determine adequacy of financing
4. Extrapolate from a small business to a larger business when estimating financing needs
5. Acquire adequate financing to start a business while minimizing financing costs
II. Virtual Business – Management
A. Recruiting, Resumes, & Hiring
1. Explain why recruiting and selecting good employees is so critical to a business
2. List alternative Internet and non-Internet recruiting options
3. Understand the importance of an error-free resume
4. Be able to review a resume effectively
5. Evaluate applicant references and explain the importance of references
6. Use their recruiting knowledge to hire employees and increase business output
B. Employee Opinions
1. Appreciate the importance of getting feedback from employees
2. Understand how to act based on employee feedback
3. Use surveys to determine employee satisfaction
4. Use data segmentation techniques to get usable information from data sets
5. Use visual observation to diagnose and eliminate workplace problems
6. Improve employee job satisfaction
C. Employee Supervision
1. Understand the concept of employee supervision
2. Be able to identify management actions that supervisors use
3. Use positive and negative feedback constructively
4. Identify legal and ethical risks in managing employees
5. Use supervision principles to be able to improve business outcomes
D. Strikes, Unions, & Collective Bargaining
1. Explain the role and importance of unions in America
2. Argue the side of a union in a labor dispute
3. Argue the side of management in a labor dispute
4. Define a labor strike
5. List ways in which strikes can be avoided or ended
E. Management Accounting
1. Understand the components and purpose of an income statement
2. Can explain revenue, expenses, and profit
3. Calculate percentages to analyze financial statements
4. Understand the components and purpose of the balance sheet
5. Find major assets and liabilities from a balance sheet
6. Use information from financial statements to improve the profitability of a business
F. Pricing & Sales
1. Understand the concept of bidding on jobs
2. Be able to price jobs appropriately, based on cost and other factors
3. Understand deliver capacity, quantities and due dates
4. Accept only jobs that can be successfully delivered
5. Combine price and bidding decisions to improve the profitability of a business
G. Operations Management
1. Define operations management and workflow
2. Assess and identify workflow problems
3. Take corrective actions to improve operations
4. Analyze results of actions as part of a feedback loop
5. Redesign complex processes to improve operations and business output
H. Business Plan Math
1. Define a business plan and its major components
2. Understand how math drives much a business plan
3. Use production goals and cycle times to compute required processes
4. Compute space requirements based on square footage of needed components
5. Lease and plan space to meet business goals
I. Risk Management & Insurance
1. Understand that all businesses have some risk
2. Explain how insurance can reduce or even eliminate some risks for a business
3. Define premiums, deductibles, and coverage limits
4. Explain the relationship between premiums and deductibles and coverage limits
5. Use insurance effectively to reduce risk in their business
J. Forms of Business Ownership
1. Identify the major forms of business ownership: sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation
2. Compare and contrast the effect of form of business ownership on access to capital
3. Compare and contrast the effect of form of business ownership on tax obligations
4. Compare and contrast the effect of form of business ownership on owner’s personal risk and liability
5. Be able to choose an appropriate form of business ownership for a venture
Virtual Business
Mr. Dalton Gregory
Tarkington High School
2017 – 2018
Parents, please note that by signing this form you are giving your child permission to be on the Internet.
I have read and understand Mr. Gregory’s class procedures and rules.
Student Name (Please Print)
Student Signature Date
Parent Name (Please Print)
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
Parent or Guardian E-Mail Address Parent or Guardian Phone Number