646.898.9924 | | | 433 44th St Apt 4f | New York, NY | 10036
Objective /
- To obtain an engagingtechnical artist position at a company that is excited about what they are creating. I am lookingto work with a talented team where I can really help to build something awesome.
Summary /
- 14+ Years of Programming Experience:C#, C++, HLSL/Cg, Python, Mel, Java, Objective-C, GML (Game Maker Language), Unreal script, and Visual Basic.
- 12+ Years of 2d/3d Art Experience: Modeling, Uving, Shaders, Texturing, Lighting, Effects, Rigging, and Animation.
- Pipeline: Ability to create efficient tools and processes, and to teach other artists to use them effectively.
- Energy: Very self-motivated and work well in a team, trying to get the most out of everyone.
Software and Skills /
- Engines: Unity | Frostbite | Unreal | Game Maker
- Art: Maya | Photoshop | XSI | 3dMax | Mudbox | Zbrush | FX Composer | Render Monkey
- Code: Visual Studio | XCode | GIT | Subversion | Perforce
- Languages: C#, HLSL/Cg, Python, Mel, C++, Java, Objective-C, GML (Game Maker Language), Unreal script, and Visual Basic.
Experience /
- Avalanche Studios | Technical Artist
From: 08/2013 - Present
Titles:Just Cause 3 (PS4, XB1, PC)
Duties:Createdmost of the shaders for the game and builtmanyeditor and pipeline tools. - Inhuman Entertainment | Owner
From: 08/2011 - Present
Titles:Super Tap Ultra, Absolon, String Theory, DNA, Continuum (iOS, Android, Windows Phone)
Duties:Created several games using the Unity3d engine. Design, code, and art. - EA - Visceral Games | Technical Artist
From: 01/2010 – 08/2011
Titles:Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel (X360, PS3, PC), Cancelled Project (X360, PS3, PC)
Duties:Head of shader development. Tools development. - EA - Pandemic Studios | FX Artist
From: 05/2008 – 1/2010
Titles:The Saboteur (X360, PS3, PC)
Duties:Created all effects and worked on tools and shader development. - Backbone Entertainment | Technical Artist
From: 03/2006 –10/2007
Titles:Monster Lab (WII,DS), Sonic Rivals (PSP)
Duties:Art sub-lead, tools development, modeling, texturing, and lighting. - Freelance [Liquid Development, X-src, Corona Leonis, Avaria]
From: 01/2003 - 03/2006
Titles:Damnation, Jaws Unleashed, Karaoke Revolutions Party,Kohan II:Kings of War, Endless Ages, Mojo Masters, Imperator, Dark Storm Online
Duties: Modeling, texturing, rigging, and animation.
Education and Awards /
- Nanaimo District Secondary School: Graduated 2000, Nanaimo BC.
- Center for Digital Imaging and Sound: 4 Months, 3d Animation, Burnaby BC.
- National Skills Canada Competition:First place in all of Canada, Character Animation.
- Microsoft Publish Competition: Best Windows 8 Application, Super Tap Ultra.
- Microsoft App Competition: Best App of the Month, Super Tap Ultra.