Robert Middleton (immigrant)
Lancaster County, Virginia , Record Book No.2, 1637-1640
Page 223
Robert Middleton of Co. of Lanc., planter, sells to Thos. Kid of the same Co., planter, 250 acres “at the head of Mr. Burnham’s Creek” adj. land of “sd Middleton and Willys”, land of Thos Pattison and Robt Chowning the sd land due on a patent to Middleton dated 18th Jan 1658/9. Dated 27th Dec. 1660. Signed Robert Middleton. Wit: Robt Chowning, Tho Pattison, Tho Widowes, Johen Stevenson. Recorded 1st Jan 1661/62.
Page 224
Power of Atty. Robt. Middleton and Mary his wife to Mr. Henry Corbyn to ack. Bill of sale of Dec 26th 1660 on 260 [sic] acres. Dated 26th Dec 1660. Signed Robt. Middleton, Mary Middleton, Wit: Nich Archer, John Harris. Recorded 13th –1661.
Page 383
Grant. Samuel Mathews Esq., to Tho Willys and Robt Middleton 600 acres of land. Dated James Citty 15th Sept. 1658. Signed Samuel Mathews, W. Claybourne Secy. RobtMiddleton assigns his share of above to Tho Willys. Dated 12 Sept. 1660. Signed Robt Middleton. Wit: Hen Corbyn, John Harris. Recorded 20th Sept. 1660.
Power of Atty. “Robert Middleton and Mary Middleton my wife” to John Harrys to ack. Above. Dated 12th Sept. 1660. Signed Robt Middleton, Mary Butcher [sic]. Wit: Hen Corbyn, John Harrys. Recorded 12th Sept. 1660.
Page 369
Gervayse Dodson assigns right in above to Hen Corbyn gent. Dated 22 Oct. 1659. Signed Ger Dodson. Wit: Will Bayliffe, Tho Middleton. Rec 1st March 1659/60. “Whereas the land xx doth properly belong to me John Wood x I xx for a valuable consideration xx sell sd land xx to Henry Corbyn gen.” Dated 1st Nov. 1659. Signed John Wood. Wit: Mary Butcher, Mary Basnet. Rec 1st March 1659/60. Power of Atty. Gervayse and Isabell Dodson to Mr Mathew Kemp to ack assignment of patent bearing date 27th Aug. 1658 for 2000 a to Mr Henry Corbyn, Dated 22nd Oct. 1659. Signed Ger Dodson, Isable Dodson. Wit: Will Bayliffe, Robt Middleton. Rec. 25th Jan. 1659/60.
Page 370
Power of Atty. John Wood to Mathew Kemp as above. Dated 1 Nov 1659. Signed John Wood. Wit: Mary Butcher, Mary Basnet. Rec. 25th Jan. 1659/60.
Page 370 “Whereas Mr Henry Corbyn did request me to take up a parcel of land in Potomac River 2000 acres I did accordingly find in Mabesooscars Creek bounding upon Capt. Streater or Henry Vincents land wch I gave Mr. Gervayse Dodson order to survey for me I being then -----him and he upon my employment and I did --- to show me the said land but Dodson contrary to Law and equity did survey the sd land for himselfe wch sd land I intended for the only use of the sd Mr Corbyn xx and I do by these presents assign all my right xx to the sd Corbyn xx”. Dated 23 Aug. 1659. Signed John Wood. Wit: Robt Middleton, Mary Tugwell. Recorded 1st March 1659/60
Westmoreland County, Virginia
27 March 1667: The Patent of William Berkley unto Robert Middleton was assigned by Middleton to William Shoares, containing 1,120 acres in Westmoreland County at the head of the main branch of Yeocomoco River….branch dividing this land and the land of Mr. Francis Clay….700 acres graned unto Middleton per patent 26 Sept 1665 and 420 acres, the residue due by transportation of nine persons into this Colony. Westmoreland County, VA, Deeds Patents, Etc., Part 1, 1665-1667, p. 311-312. Mr. Shoares was from England and apparently got extra land for sponsoring additional immigrants.