The University of TexasHealthScienceCenter at San Antonio
Tobacco Funds Budget
Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 2010
Permanent Endowment Funds – UTHSCSA (Fund 811)
Greehey Children's Cancer Research Institute
The Institute has two main goals: 1) Advance scientific knowledge relevant to childhood cancer in order to provide the basis for future progress in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment; 2) accelerate the translation of existing knowledge into novel interventions.
The program supports the equipping and continued maintenance and operation of the GCCRI research building, recruitment of staff scientists and collaborators, expansion of programs in tumor virology, hematological malignancies, cancer genetics, molecular oncogenesis, cancer epidemiology and biostatistics, and continuation of a lecture series.
Strategy F.1.1., Tobacco Earnings - UTHSCSA
FTE’s – 94.19
FY 2009 U.B.$15,964,585
FY 2010 Income:
Regular Appropriations$ 9,000,000
Revised Receipts - Distributions 1,820,000
Revised Receipts – Interest Income 450,000
FY 2010 Available Method of Finance$27,234,585
FY 2010 Expenditures Budget:
Research Activities:
Salaries and Wages$ 4,839,990
Other Personnel 1,451,997
Other Operating 3,460,602
Graduate School Maintenance &Operation:
Other Operating $600,000
Infrastructure Support:
Other Operating $600,000
Capital Outlay $1,264,000
Debt Service $3,789,125
FY 2010 Total Expenditures Budget$16,005,714
FY 2010 U.B. (Estimated)$11,228,871
Permanent Health Funds for Higher Education (Fund 810)
Permanent Health Funds will be assigned to schools to support health education, research programs, and infrastructure operations.
Strategy F.1.2., Tobacco Permanent Health Fund
FY 2009 U.B.$ 420,584
FY 2010 Income:
Regular Appropriations$1,571,220
Revised Receipts - Distributions 271,894
Revised Receipts – Interest Income 15,000
FY 2010 Available Method of Finance$2,278,698
FY 2010 Expenditures Budget:
- NursingSchool – Faculty Support and Technology Upgrades
FTE’s – 13.58
Salaries and Wages$ 806,406
Other Personnel 241,922
Other Operating 88,230
- School of Health Professions Departmental Administration
FTE’s – 1.40
Salaries and Wages $ 85,976
Other Personnel 25,793
Other Operating $184,112
Total $295,881
- Institutional Research Grant Program
FTE’s – 0.01
Salaries and Wages $ 835
Other Personnel 251
Other Operating 275,396
Total $276,481
- Infrastructure Support
FTE’s – 0.00
Other Operating $305,337
Total $305,337
Permanent Health Funds for Higher Education (Fund 810), continued
- Summary of Permanent Health Funds Expenditures
FTE’s – 14.99
Salaries and Wages $893,217
Other Personnel 267,965
Other Operating 853,075
FY 2010 Total Expenditures Budget$2,014,257
FY 2010 U.B. (Estimated)$ 264,441
Permanent Endowment Funds – Lower Rio Grande Valley RAHC
RegionalAcademicHealthCenter (RAHC)
These funds are intended to financially support medical education and research endeavor in which programs are directed at the distinctive regional healthcare needs and are conducted in affiliation with health professionals and educational entities of the LowerRio GrandeValley.
Strategy E.1.2 – RegionalAcademicHealthCenter
FTE’s – 0.00
FY 2009 U.B.$1,358,193
FY 2010 Income:
Regular Appropriations$ 541,000
Revised Receipts$ 30,000
FY 2010 Available Method of Finance$1,929,193
FY 2010 Expenditures Budget:
Instructional Activities:
Other Operating $134,600
Research Activities:
Capital Outlay $743,833
Other Operating 80,078
FY 2010 Total Expenditures Budget $958,511
FY 2010 U.B. (Estimated) $970,682
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