March 5, 2004
Call to Order: 10:20 AM
Present: Lisa Hellman, Raymer Sale, Jr., CLU, Michael Carmean, Lance Ledbetter, David Johnson, LUTCF, Art George, Barrie Ruland, Susan Cook, Deborah Phillips, LUTCF, Rick Bailey, CFP, RHU, REBC, Robert A. Guenther, Jr., CLU, ChFC, Terri Godfrey Doyle, Anthony Campbell, David Knight, Lucite Husband-Perez, Michael A. Wardrip, LUTCF, Keith Mangrum, Linda Mackey and Gina Grantham, CAE of AESI.
Absent: Bob Swanson, Jeff Fish back, CHC, Trey Tompkins, JD, Marc Montaturo, Shan Ricketts, Kirk Rouse, Chet Thwaites, Sam Macfie, Russell Head and Patty Murphy, RHU.
President’s Remarks: President Elect Lisa Hellman reported NAHU’s Capitol Conference is the banner event of NAHU and Georgia was proud to have strong representation. Insurance 101 was scheduled for May 6, 2004 at a cost of $125 per person. Marketing was planned to begin later in the month, with possible advertising in the Atlanta Business Chronicle being explored. The Nominations Committee had met and was soliciting nominations. NAHU’s Leadership Training meeting was scheduled immediately after the Board of Directors meeting.
Minutes: The minutes of the January meeting were approved as presented.
Finance Committee / Treasurer’s Report: Michael Carmean reviewed the Budget Report for period ending 2/27/04 reflecting Income of $109,508.39, Expenses of $93,551.12 and Funds Available of $11,421.36. All reimbursement requests for Capitol Conference attendance were requested to be submitted by April. Treasurer Carmean advised NAHU convention funding would be revisited based upon revenues from the Golf Outing, Insurance 101 and the COBRA seminars. The funding results were to be presented to the Board for voting. Due to a collections issue with a 2003 Convention vendor, Treasurer Carmean suggested consideration of establishing policies and procedures to address coming into the next convention and collections procedures. Motion passed to approve Financial Report as presented.
Regional Report: The Regional Leadership Conference was scheduled for August 13th-14th in Nashville.
Old Business: No report.
Chapter Reports:
Atlanta – Rick Bailey advised AAHU’s DI Day scheduled for March 23rd had 194 pre-registered, 3 gold and 11 silver sponsors. The March 19th regular chapter meeting would cover dental and vision along with a NAHU presentation on working with the media. AAHU’s present focus was on reaching out for media contacts.
South Atlanta – Susan Cook reported SAAHU’s next meeting was scheduled for March 18th at the Steak and Ale on Virginia Avenue from noon until 2:00 p.m. on the Broker from Good to Great. She reported membership interest being stimulated by carrier distribution of meeting notices.
Chattahoochee – Anthony Campbell reported the February CAHU meeting with Eric Frazier on ethics was well attended.
Coastal Empire – Terri Godfrey Doyle advised membership was going well with CEAHU. The Georgia Insurance Commissioner was scheduled to speak at their March 19th meeting. She and Barrie Ruland planned to attend the Capitol Conference.
Middle Georgia – No report.
Northeast – No report.
Northwest - No report.
CSRA – Lisa Hellman reported she and Carol Hayes met with Russell Head and the CSRA Board the day before. The current members of the Board planned to resign, although interested in assisting a new leadership team. Plans were to draft a new slate for election in April. It was stated Carol Hayes advised of some 20 members interested in meeting.
South – Deborah Phillips advised the SGAHU had 17 attendees at their February meeting offering 3 hours of continuing education. The next meeting was scheduled for April 14th.
Programs: Bob Guenther reported Lisa Hellman was trying to tape meetings to provide on-the-shelf resources for local programming. A Federal Legislative PowerPoint presentation was available for use with last minute emergencies along with an approved moderator. He reported ordering a CD on an HSA presentation from NAHU for $20 as a third program available to offer. The Insurance 101 event was scheduled for May 6th at Villa Christina. Sponsors included Great West, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Humana. One sponsorship remained to be sold. Avenues to reach employers other than through the Gwinnett Chamber were requested. COBRA seminars were scheduled for June 17th at the Gwinnett Chamber and June 18th in Macon at the Idle Hour Country Club with Quida Peterson.
Membership: Art George reviewed membership reports reflecting standings of the GAIN, 100% Board and Recruiter of the Year contests. Atlanta added 8 new members bringing them to 539. Northeast and South also each added 1 new member. In the GAIN report Atlanta went from 7th to 9th place for large local Chapters, Coastal had moved from 1st place to 2nd , Northwest dropped to 27th from 3rd and South had moved from 27th to 12th place. He indicated there had not been much change in the 100% Board contest. Lisa Hellman encouraged all to recruit a new member. Jodi Braner of Atlanta had 10 new members in the Recruiter of the Year contest. He planned to check on Middle Georgia AHU’s change from 83.33% to 27% participation in the Chapter Bankdraft contest.
Government Affairs: Michael Wardrip advised of much activity at the State Capitol. Although HB 1038 received a good hearing with 8 testifying in favor of the Health Risk Pool, ultimately current leadership reservations with changing the assignment system held it back. A joint resolution urging Congress to repeal the Waxman Long Term Care amendment was hoped to be out before the 33rd day of the Legislative Session. A LTC Study committee was anticipated to be postponed to the next Session. Key issues were noted as unemployment tax increases from the Labor Commission, and several bills relating to tort reform with dangerous legislation to allow hospitals protection from any independent contractor. HB 1302 Small Group Plan A/B on employee choice plans with no mandates was controversial and would need to be addressed in the Senate. He reported the Long Term Care Partnership Bill was anticipated the following week.
Fundraising: David Knight thanked all for raffle ticket sales. Michael Carmean distributed copies of his letters and the responses received. Bob Guenther was commended for Great West buying $1,000 worth; Art George and Susan Cook for Kaiser’s $500 purchase; and Blue Cross Blue Shield with $1,500 in ticket purchases. Art encouraged everyone to support the April 22nd Golf Outing at Bear’s Best. Suggestions included promoting the event to group reps encouraging them to take their agents and having staff email promotions to the membership.
Awards: David Johnson requested signatures on the Awards applications. He advised the deadline for LPRT qualification was March 31st.
Technology: David Johnson reported the web site was up to date with Convention registration and sponsorship materials and Golf Tournament information loaded on the site. He planned to post Group 101 information when forms were available.
Communications: Deborah Phillips advised GAHU support the CURE Valentine’s Party and requested that Art George and Dave Johnson report on the events. Each reported successful turnouts and Art planned to send a picture for the newsletter with Cuddles the CURE Mascot. He and Susan Cook planned to begin the training at the hospital. Both Patty Murphy and David Knight had completed it already.
Education: Lacita Husband-Perez requested media assistance to promote the COBRA Seminars. Deborah Phillips indicated she would distribute promotions to newspapers on COBRA and
Insurance 101.
Ethics: No report.
Convention: Keith Mangrum reported the GAHU Convention was scheduled for July 22nd-24th at a great new location in Savannah. The program was reviewed, highlighted by Saturday keynote presenter Neal Boortz. The Convention Budget was distributed and reviewed. The budget was based on 150 paid attendees and booth workers, which was felt to be conservative. There were 4 Diamond, 1 Gold and 12 Silver Booths committed to date. The Sponsorships line item was increased as $10,000.00 had already been secured in creation of new Signature and Podium Sponsors. The Golf Tournament was set for 70 players. Inquiry made as to plans for a PAC breakfast at the Convention and Lisa Hellman suggested speaking with the PAC Committee. All were encouraged to promote sponsorship and participation at the Convention. Bob Guenther requested a list of carriers within our membership and their contribution history. Lisa Hellman, Susan Cook and Rick Bailey were to send lists to the office for compilation.
PAC: No report.
New Business: Lance Ledbetter reported holding a Nominations conference call meeting. Rick Bailey had offered to run for the Treasurer position. Lance indicated there was interest from other potential candidates, although no others were yet confirmed. Willingness to serve forms had been distributed to all interested. Lisa Hellman reported the Sub-Committee previously appointed to review the bylaws planned to have them available for the next meeting of the Board. Theresa DeBruin and Jean Van der Sommen had taken the current bylaws and compared to the NAHU model state bylaws.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 11:45 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gina Grantham, CAE, Executive Director