Bettye Mae Jack Middle School
Junior Beta Club Guidelines
“Let us lead by serving others.”
The Bettye Mae Jack Middle School Junior Beta Club chapter of the National Junior Beta Club will adhere to these rules and practices.
New Membership
Potential new candidates can be reviewed at the end of the first semester of the school year. To be eligible for membership, students must have an average of 88 or above in all classes for the previous semester. A student joining the Bettye Mae Jack Middle School chapter of the National Junior Beta Club must pay a $20 membership fee. ($15 is for National Junior Beta Club dues and $5 is for the Bettye Mae Mae Jack Middle School Chapter dues.)
Current Members
Any member that is terminated will not be able to be reinstated until the beginning of the next school year. If a member is terminated a second time, he/she will not be eligible for reinstatement.
Each member is required to maintain an 88 or above average in every class for each nine week period. Any member who does not maintain an 88 or above in each class will be put on academic probation. This member will have one nine week period to pull up his or her grade to an 88 or above. If he/she does, the student is off academic probation and back in good standing. If he/she does not pull up the grade to an 88 or above, the student’s membership will be terminated.
Any member who receives an office referral is immediately put on character probation. If this member does not receive any more office referrals during the next nine weeks, then he/she is back in good standing. If he/she receives a second or more office referrals within that school year, his/her membership will be terminated with no eligibility of reinstatement.
Club Meetings
All meetings will be organized by the sponsors. All members are to be respectful and attentive at club meetings. Club meetings are a time to discuss important club business and take care of club matters. It is not a time to goof off and discuss the latest gossip with friends. If a member chooses to be disruptive at meetings it will result in the member being put on character probation and any further disruptions in meetings will result in the member being terminated without the possibility of reinstatement. Members must conduct themselves accordingly during all meetings and activities of the Bettye Mae Jack Middle School Junior Beta Club. All members must commit to attending all club meetings. Any student failing to attend regular meetings will have their membership terminated. The only excuse for missing a meeting is an excused absence.
Probation Policy
Each member is only allowed two academic probation periods during their membership. Any member receiving a third probation will automatically be terminated without the possibility of reinstatement.
Fund Raisers
All members must participate in fund-raising activities. If a member does not participate in fund- raising, he/she will have their membership terminated.
Service Projects
All members must participate in service project(s) in which the club participates. If a member does not participate in the service project(s), he/she will have his/her membership terminated.
●Must be an 8th grader in good standing
●Will preside over meetings and assist the sponsor(s) on all major club functions
●The Vice-President of the previous year will inherit this position as long as he/she is in good standing.
●Must be a 7th grader in good standing.
●Will preside over meetings if the President is absent.
●Will assist the President and sponsor(s) on all major club functions
●7th or 8th grade student in good standing
●Maintain records of club meetings, absenteeism, and participation of group members
●WIll assist the President, Vice-President, and sponsor(s) on all major club functions
●2- 6th grade representatives will be elected
●Other representatives may be appointed by sponsor(s)
Even though the club is led by these officers and sponsor(s), great ideas can be and are expected to be generated and offered by EVERY member.
Beta Convention
●Students must be a member in good standing of the Beta club at least one semester prior to being eligible to go to convention.
●Must participate in fundraiser or pay out of pocket for convention
Confirmation of Understanding
Each club member must sign this copy of these guidelines affirming that he/she has read and understand them. The parent/guardian of the club member must also sign this copy of these guidelines.
Club Member signature ______
Printed Club Member name ______
Date ______
Parent/Guardian signature ______
Printed Parent/Guardian name ______
Date ______