Sponsored fundraising for TOFS
Every year, scores of fundraising events are run by members and their friends to raise money for TOFS: most are small but nonetheless very effective. Members’ fundraising is very important to TOFS, providing more than half of the charity’s income in a typical year. So thank you very much for doing it!
Sponsored activities don’t need to involve much organisation on your part –usually you ask friends, family, colleagues, neighbours to ‘sponsor’ you (ie donate to TOFS) because of some challenge you are undertaking. Collecting the sponsorship money is relatively easy nowadays.
Simple sponsored activities
You could ask colleagues, neighbours, friends and family to sponsor you to:
§ lose weight, or stop smoking;
§ grow or shave off hair/moustache;
§ go without something special – chocolate or alcohol for say a month
§ collect things.
Several TOFS members took part in sponsored ‘Ice bucket challenges’ during 2014, for instance.
Some simple sponsored activities can involve TOF children themselves. One small group of TOF children walked across the Humber Bridge – with their parents guiding them, of course. And there have been more than one sponsored ‘Teddy toddle’ for TOFS in recent years.
If you do organise a sponsored activity yourself, please keep it simple and safe.
Marathons and other tough challenges
There are many challenge events, run by professional third-party organisations and held around the country and throughout the year which you can sign up for, prepare for and take part in.
Examples include: runs such as Marathons and half-marathons, triathlons, parachute jumps, cycle rides, ‘Tough Mudder’ and other assault course-style events, and long-distance walks.
For challenges like these, TOFS recommends you only take part in a properly organised event run safely by third party professionals.
Some challenging events have limited places and are fully subscribed very quickly. TOFS has some places for the London Marathon, and we ask members and friends who would like to run London to apply to TOFS for these. About a quarter of all of TOFS’ income was from this Marathon in 2014.
If you do decide to take part in a challenge event, take notice of the organiser’s recommended training: TOFS does not want members getting injured whilst doing TOFS a good turn!
Collecting the money
Whatever type of fundraising you are doing, using one of the fundraising websites makes the money aspects easy for you.. Ask your supporters to donate via credit or debit card via your chosen fundraising website – you can even email them a link direct to your unique fundraising ‘page’.
No need for people to sign up to old-style sponsorship forms and no need for you to collect actual cash! Nowadays it is quite normal for sponsors to donate in advance of the event.
TOFS is listed on three fundraising websites: MyDonate, Virgin MoneyGiving, and JustGiving. They all allow you to set up your own unique ‘page’ with your photo and write-up about what you are doing and why. They all also collect Gift Aid (ie they reclaim tax already paid) from the Government for those donors who are taxpayers, and forward all the money automatically to TOFS: a substantial saving in administration for both you and TOFS.
Our favourite - MyDonate (www . mydonate.bt.com) – very low cost
TOFS has had very good experience with MyDonate. In 2014 it passed on 99.1% of the money raised by TOFS fundraisers to TOFS, and additionally it has passed on 100% of Gift Aid. MyDonate has all of its running costs paid for by BT, as part of BT’s charitable giving: the charities like TOFS get charged only credit card handling fees (about 1.3%) and debit card fees (about 15p, fixed.)
Virgin Money Giving (w w w.virginmoneygiving.com) – best for two-charity fundraising
If you would like to raise money for both TOFS and another charity, splitting the cash between the two for instance, Virgin Money Giving is the fundraising site to choose.
Virgin Money Giving is a not-for-profit organisation, but has to pay for its own running costs, for which it charges 2%, in addition to credit and debit card fees of 1.45%. About 96.5% of money raised via VMG (plus 100% of Gift Aid) will end up with TOFS.
JustGiving (www . justgiving.com) – expensive!
TOFS is listed on JustGiving, as it is a major player in UK fundraising.
About 93.20% of money raised through JustGiving will end up with TOFS. TOFS is much better off if you choose MyDonate!
Cash and Charity Cheques are fine too !
Some of your sponsors may prefer to give cash, or ordinary cheques. You can get this to TOFS either by:
§ sending us a cheque/ cheques made out to TOFS (in the post: TOFS Office, St Georges Centre, 91 Victoria Road, Netherfield Nottingham NG4 2NN); Please put a note in with a posted cheque or send us an email () saying what the cheque is for; or by
§ paying it into the TOFS bank account. Lloyds Account 00063772, Sort code 30 96 12. Please use the ‘reference’ to indicate what it’s for, and send us an email as well; or by
§ Sending it to us via Paypal, on which we are listed, adding a note (or send us an email) to say what it is for (though they charge TOFS 1.4%, note!).
TOFS also accepts ‘Charity Cheques’ (made out to TOFS again) so a sponsor can donate money that they have already put into a CAF ‘Charity account’. Please post these to the office, again with a note saying what it’s for.
A note about Gift Aid
If a sponsor donates by cash or cheque, and they are a UK Taxpayer, TOFS can reclaim from HMRC the income tax they have already paid on the money donated though GiftAid. TOFS just needs names, addresses, declarations and signatures. Ask your sponsor to complete our sponsorship/donation form which is at the end of this leaflet and tick to say that they agree with the tax declaration in it.
Ideas for raising the most you can… make the most of your efforts!
Start early
People who are raising money a long time before an event tend to raise more than those at the last-minute.
Make sure your ‘story’ on your fundraising page is good
The websites allow limited space. Your message should include your connection with TOF/OA and why you decided to raise money. Add photos!
Get extra sponsorship from your employer
Some employers will add to your sponsorship money raised (or even match it up to a certain limit) as part of their charitable commitment. Ask!
Set an example by putting best sponsors first
Ask someone you know will be generous to be your first donor, whether online or on a paper sponsorship forms. Subsequent donors won’t want to give a lot less than the names preceding them.
Declare a target, then raise it
Set a believable fundraising target. Once you get there, raise the target – some people won’t give (or not much) if they think you have already achieved!
Decide who to ask for sponsorship
Write out a list of people to ask for sponsorship. You might put this in headings such as family, friends, work colleagues, neighbours, and social/sports mates.
Actively target people
Send individual emails and personal messages on Facebook (etc) to the sponsors you’ll target. If you see your target people, ask them individually face to face. Complete a form and get the cash there and then if possible.
Send out updates
Give the World updates via Social media or maybe a round robin email about how your preparation is going, what’s changed, etc. Add photographs!
Use local Radio and newspapers
Local media can be very interested in your personal connection TOFS – your fundraising cause. The TOFS Office can send you guidance notes on media interviews.
Make sure you say how to find your fundraising page.
If dealing in cash - collect the money when people sign up
Avoid a visit after the event to collect the cash, and avoid having uncollectible sponsorship promises!.
And finally…..
We hope it goes well – please let TOFS know what your plans are. And please send TOFS a write-up and some photos after the event – we like to feature them in Chew . We have to tell you that TOFS can take no responsibility for any activity you undertake, or event you organise, or any loss, injury sustained or damage caused as a result of fundraising events held in aid of TOFS. This is because TOFS has no control over your events! But whether large or small, all your fundraising activities are very much appreciated by TOFS.
Whatever you decide to do, please:
§ Think carefully about it – make a plan;
§ Think about and avoid risks – we want you and anyone else involved to stay safe;
§ Observe legal requirements and take care not to give offence when asking for donations.
Sponsored fundraising for TOFS Guidebook 2015 Version 6A 1470 wds edited SLJ
Sponsored fundraising for TOFS Guidebook 2015 Version A Draft 3
Sponsored fundraising for TOFS Guidebook 2015 Version A Draft 3