The TI-GRAPH LINK™ for Macintosh® Condensed Guidebook for the TI-82 Graphing Calculator (glm82-usa.pdf which requires Adobe® Acrobat® Reader) and the TI-GRAPH LINK™ software are located in the resource/graphcal/ti82res folder on the CD ROM as are all other files mentioned in this brief summary.

The latest version of the TI-Graph Link software is available for download at the TI Web Site at docs/link.htm. The TI-Graph Link hardware is available from Instructional Products Dealers or the TI Accessory Store. Visit the TI Web Site or call Texas Instruments at

1-800-TI-CARES for further information.


1. Install the TI-82 Graph Link software onto your hard drive.

2. Install TI-82 fonts into the fonts folders in your system folder.

0Ñ  Connect the Graph Link cable to your computer print/modem port.

1Ñ  Connect the other end of the cable to the port at the bottom of theTI-82 calculator. TURN THE CALCULATOR ON AND MAKE SURE YOU ARE AT THE HOME SCREEN.

5. Open the program "TI-82 Graph Link Software."

6. From the menu select SEND, and then PROGRAM...

7. Locate the TI-82 Graph Link data files on the CD. The graph link data files are contained in the ti82data folder in resource/graphcal/ti82res/ti82data on the CD.

8. Select a data file program and press ADD, then continue to add any additional desired data files. When all data files have been added, press DONE, and then SEND.

MAKE SURE THAT THE TI-82 IS CONNECTED AND WAITING TO RECEIVE DATA. To receive data, press [2nd] [LINK] <RECEIVE> [ENTER]. The calculator will say "waiting..."

9. To use the data files on the TI-82 calculator press [PRGM]; then select the program number; and press [ENTER] to activate the program on the Home Screen.

10. To see the data stored in TI-82 lists, press [STAT] [1:EDIT].

11. To plot the data on the TI-82, press [2nd] [STAT PLOT]. You can refer to Chapter 2 of the Graphing Calculator Workbook for detailed instructions on plotting data.

0  A list of all the data files appears in the appendices of the Instructor's Manual and the ti82res folder.

Additional technical information is available in TI-GRAPH LINK™ for Macintosh for the TI-82 Condensed Guidebook.

File: MACGLINST82.doc