Monday, July 8, 2013 @ 7:00 PM
The Funk House, Southbury, CT
Attendees:Dave McCormick, Christine Hunihan, Chris Wolf, Dave Critelli, Matt Funk
Board Voting Activities:
- New Board members / positions approved: Chris Wolf - President, Jon Brower - Vice President, Jenn Giles - Secretary, Frank Drumm - Boys' Program Coordinator
- The Board approved 2 charitable donations in the amount of $100 each.
Operations / Ongoing Business:
- Treasurer's report: Dave A. provided summary report prior to meeting. Our bank account balance is approximately the same as last year this time which is good considering our 2013 expenditures.
- Reviewed HTGD: No new discussion
- Reviewed Settlers items: Prior to the spring season, we will provide a colored diagram of how the fields need to be lined to Tom Crowe.Dave C will coordinate Boys' and Girls' scheduling at Settlers. The Girls will most likelystay with 2 practice days only (Gainfield will still be used). We would like to seed the worn areas on the field closest to the access road - Christine to contact Tom Crowe (Fall programs to avoid seeded field).
- Reviewed picnic: Would like to use MeadowviewPark again next year.
- Middlebury turf proposal: Since we are getting in on the ground floor, we will have priority. We need a Club representative to attend Middlebury P&R meetings and help to guide the Club in related activities. Christine volunteered. Jenn, would you be able to assist?
- Little Stickers: Agreed on 1 day for boys and girls with the following day as a rain date (most likely Sep 7/8). As in the past, a separate insurance request will need to be submitted. Matt can provide details.
- Boys' Fall In-House: Programs can be expanded beyond Bantams if coaches are available. Frank to coordinate.
- Store options / merchandise: We agreed to keep the same model as this year with the online Champion store and separate orders for shorts / skorts and specialty items.
- H.S. turf usage: We agreed to scheduling 1 additional game on the turf for each team (like we did this year), grouping the games where possible (Sundays only until school ends). Of course, this is moot if the Middlebury turf is available.
- Equipment: No requests were brought forward. We need to decide where to store the goals and remove them from Gainfield and LMES before the end of the summer. Options are Dave C's house or Ma's Storage outside ($50 / month). Chris W. has a trailer - just needs someone with a truck. Chris W. will coordinate. We will not purchase loaner equipment (this decision was pending from an earlier Board meeting).
- Boys' scheduling: Chris W. to confirm that Dave Mentgen can manage Boys' scheduling next year.
Action Items:
- Chris W. to remove Matt from bank account and add Jon Brower
- Dave A. will provide a detailed financial report and Matt will distribute.
- Chris W. to coordinate goal storage