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Jesús Ángel Miguel-García, Prof., Ldo., M.A.
El boletín
Número 4, abril de 2004
We still find ourselves profoundly in dismay by the pain and indignation, due to the abominable and execrable act of terrorism that shookMadrid on March 11th. I would like to thank all the Manitobans and Spanish officials from the embassy and consulate who phoned and emailed members of the Spanish community in Winnipeg after the terrorist attack. Your messages of support have moved us. On March 11th we all shared our consternation and impotence in the face of violence and hate.
The Spanish Institute sends its message of solidarity to the victims and their families.
At the same time The Spanish Institute expresses the deepest conviction that the terrorists will never destroy our values and the peaceful democratic coexistence.
Terrorism has no logic and rationality. Only those who respect other people’s rights deserve to be respected. We must keep working towards a peaceful society through peaceful means.
Jesús Á. Miguel-García
SPANISH CONSUL THANKS SPANISH INSTITUTE“I wish to express my gratitude for your message of solidarity with regards to the tragedy resulting from the terrorist attack in Madrid.
At this time of concern and grief, we have to reaffirm our defence of liberties and democratic values.”
Yours sincerely,
Ignacio Sánchez de Lerín
Consul General of Spain
THE SPANISH INSTITUTE MOURNS AND ORGANIZES MASSThree TV channels (Global News, A-Channel, CKY),The Free Press and The Sun interviewed Mr. Miguel-García after he announced that The Spanish Institute was stopping all its activities for three days as a sign of mourning for the victims of the terrorist attack in Spain.
Mr. Miguel-García phoned several members of the Spanish community in Winnipeg that day to make sure their families were safe. He organized a Mass in Spanish and read special prayers. The Free Press and The Sun published his letter expressing his condemnation of the terrorist attack and, at the same time, gratitude for all the signs of solidarity shown by so many Manitobans who contacted The Spanish Institute.
SPANISH INSTITUTE CALLS FOR RECOGNITION OF NEWCOMERS’ PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONSOn 21st March, coinciding with the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, recognized by the United Nations, The Spanish Institute called for immigrants’ international professional qualifications to be recognized in Manitoba. Mr. Miguel-García was interviewed and featured on CKY TV News.
MR. MIGUEL-GARCíA SPEAKS ON RADIO ON SPANISH POLITICS AND TERRORISMOn Monday 22nd Mr. Miguel-García was special guess of CKUW Radio Station. He talked during an hour long programme about the abominable terrorist attack and Spanish politics.
MR. MIGUEL-GARCíA TO MEET MINISTER OF LABOUR AND IMMIGRATION AND MINISTER FOR MULTICULTURALISMMr. Miguel-García will be meeting the new Minister of Labour and Immigration and the Minister responsible for Multiculturalism, the Honorable Nancy Allan on May 3rd. He will also meet members of Manitoba Ethnocultural Advisory and Advocacy Council.
THE SPANISH INTITUTE NEW COURSES IN THE PAPERSMr. Miguel-García was featured on The Free Press newspaper on March 3rd promoting the Spanish courses offered at The Spanish Institute: Spanish for holidays, Spanish for Business, La tertulia™, The Spanish Institute Book Club and The Spanish Institute Cine Club. Other services include: translation and interpretation and consultancy.
The Spanish Institute, and Mr. Miguel-García as its director, was featured 21 times during March.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW FOR “EL MIRADOR NEWS”As director of The Spanish Institute, Mr. Miguel-García was interviewed in exclusivity by “El Mirador News”, the bilingual newspaper of Manitoba.
MR. MIGUEL GETS STUDENT TO JOB SHADOW HIMJacqueline, a 12th Grade student, recently asked to “job shadow” Mr. Miguel at The Spanish Institute on 8th April “to gain a bit of experience and insight on job opportunities” given her “appreciation of Spanish”. Jacqueline is a great role-model of a young multi-lingual Manitoban. She is already bilingual in English and French and fluent in Spanish. The zest for words will open her worlds.
MR. MIGUEL INVITED TO BECOME MEMBER OF THE MANITOBA ETHNOCULTURAL ADVISORY AND ADVOCACY COUNCILMr. Miguel was recently invited to be nominated for the next term of the Ethnocultural Advisory and Advocacy Council. The election requires to serve a three-year term. Members of the Council require to deal with the broad spectrum of multiculturalism.
The best 101 tips to learn Spanish better™Mr. Miguel has written “The best 101 tips to learn Spanish better”. This document will change the way you learn. You will learn Spanish better and faster. Free to all students of The Spanish Institute. Also available for sale to the general public.
SPRING AND SUMMER COURSESEmail or phone The Spanish Institute for more information about the new courses from April till June and the summer courses. Courses for school children available. A few places still left.
ACTOS CULTURALESSt. John of the Cross’ Canticle
Presented by Adhere & Deny, inspired by the poem The Dark Night by the Spanish poet and monk St. John of the Cross, 8 p.m. till Sunday.
Domingo 4 de abril, 7.30 p.m. Sol de otoňo, Argentina, 1996. Película en espaňol con subtítulos en inglés. 103 minutos. Director: Eduardo Mignogna. Lugar: Berney Theatre, Rady Jewish Community Centre, 123 Doncaster Street, Winnipeg. Entradas por adelantado: 477 7510 o una hora antes en mismo día.
Sol de otoňo es una historia de amor que tiene lugar en Argentina. Clara Goldstein (Norma Alejandro), una solitaria judía soltera que vive en Buenos Aires, anticipando la visita de su inquisitivo hermano de Boston, pone un anuncio para conocer a un novio judío. Pero el que responde al anuncio (Federico Luppi) no es judío. Por lo tanto Clara ha de enseňarle a cómo ser judío, lo que conduce a consecuencias totalmente inesperadas en una historia llena de encanto.
Sol de otoňo recibió el Premio Goya 1997 de la Academia Espaňola de Cine a la mejor película extranjera en espaňol y el premio de la Asociación de Críticos Argentinos de Cine a la mejor película, mejor actriz, mejor director y mejor cinematografía en su edición de 1997.
¿Sabías que…?Pedro Bádenas, del C.S.I.C. de Madrid, hablará en el Centro de Recursos de Espaňol en la Universidad de Toronto sobre "El Levante real e iamginario en la literatura española del Siglo de Oro" con motivo de la semana cervantina en la semana del 30 de Marzo al 4 de Abril.
Carlos Barral, de la editorial EDELSA, vendrá a Canadá invitado también por la Embajada de Espaňa.
Recientemente el Spanish Institute recibió de la Embajada de Espaňa el CD “cine espaňol para el exterior” con títulos de películas espaňolas para proyectar sin carácter comercial. El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores promueve el CD como parte del programa para la difusión, cooperación y promoción audiovisual exterior a través de las Representaciones Diplomáticas y Consulares de Espaňa para la difusión de la cultura espaňola en el exterior.Desde aquí queremos agradecer al Cónsul General, Sr. D. Ignacio Sánchez de Lerín.
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The Spanish Institute ®Community conscious, environmentally aware, ethically run