World Studies

Mrs. Little (Gregory) ROOM 926

Contact Information:

Welcome to World Studies!History is more than studying facts and timelines. By examining history, we are able to take a closer look at the various arguments that create each historical event and draft a logical conclusion to “what really happened.” We, as students, must learn how to connect the past to the present through academic reading, writing, listening, and speaking.As a result, students will be prepared and confident in meeting the demands ofcollege, and of the workplace.

What are our goals in World Studies?

  • Examine major turning points that shaped modern world, from the late eighteen century through the present.
  • Develop an understanding of current world issues and relate them to their historical, geographic, political, and economic, and cultural contexts.
  • Practiceacademic reading and writing skills in summarizing, justification, argument, and research.

How will we achieve our goals?

  • Analysis of historical text and multiple primary sources
  • Academic Reading and Writing
  • Class Discussions
  • Peer Collaboration and Projects


*Check your SUPPLY LIST handout!


  • 90-100% A
  • 80-90% B
  • 70-79% C
  • 60-69% D
  • Below 59% F

GRADE CHECKS: Updated grades will be posted on Homelink.rjuhsd.usevery two weeks. Students who have questions about their grades can make an appointment during 1st or 2nd lunch or after-school.

MAKE-UP WORK: For regular daily assignments, students have as many days to make up the work as

they have been excused for the absence. Student should check with their partner to get missing notes or explanations. Students can also come in before school, after-school, or during lunch to view

missed PowerPoint presentations. Resources for the course are uploaded onto Google Classroom!

MAKE-UP TESTS: Make-up tests are given before school or after-school only. Students must make up missed tests within one week of their excused absence. If a student is unable to arrive early or stay late for a make-up exam, a parent/guardian can contact me to arrange for an alternative time.

LATE WORK: As we preparing students for college and career readiness, students must understand that late work is often not accepted in college nor allowed in the work place. It is important to keep students accountable in turning assignments on time, every time. The more we practice this skill, the more prepared students are for the real world. In World Studies, students will receive 3 Late work passes per quarter. Deadline for all late work with passes will be posted on the in-class calendar as well as the student calendar. Late work (even with passes) will not be accepted AFTERthe Unit Assessment.Student initial:______

PARTICIPATION: In order to be successful in this class, students MUST participate through daily peer collaboration, individual engagement, and group learning. For EVERY student to be successful in LIFE,COLLEGE, and the WORKPLACE, they MUST be prepared with class materials before the bell rings, be an ACTIVE LEARNER, and take responsibility in following rules and expectations of RESPECT.

STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: Student Initial: ______

  • BE ON TIME! Be in your seat, with your class binder, and ready to start your Warm-Up assignment when the bell rings. You will be given 2 tardy passes for the term. USE WISELY!Saturday School will be issued if tardinessbecomes a weekly disruption!
  • BE PREPARED! BE ACTIVE AND READY TO LEARN! You will be given 3 bathroom passes per quarter. Please USE WISELY!
  • BE RESPECTFUL! Show respect to fellow students, teacher, guests, and classroom. I will not tolerate inappropriate and/or disrespectful classroom behavior or language.
  • PAY ATTENTION! IPODs and CELL PHONES MUST BE PLACED IN YOUR BACKPACK, on the floor at all times! If you violate this expectation, Your phone will be placed in the red cell phone holder at the front of the classroom.Student Initial: ______
  • WORK HARD! In this class, we will work constant and productively from bell to bell. Every day, you are expected to complete your warm-up assignments, collaborate with your partner, ask questions, contribute to class discussions, and practice academic reading and writing!!! Remember, I am here to prepare you for LIFE, COLLEGE, and the WORKPLACE. Every skill we learn in this class, I guarantee you will use it beyond your high school career.
  • USE TECHNOLOGY in an appropriate matter. No verbal, physical, and emotional harassment to peers, cyber bullying, or inappropriate content will be shared or displayed on the Chrome book and personal cell phone device. Student Initial ______

TEACHER EXPECTATION: Teacher Initial:______

  • KEEP STUDENTS SAFE and SECURE in the classroom!
  • OFFER ASSISTANCE TO ALL STUDENTS! I am always here to help!
  • Teach College and Career readiness skills
  • Encourage students to reach their highest potential and to never give up!
  • Teacher is not using her personal cell phone device during class time ( in case of an emergency, teacher will need to access lockdown procedures or emergency drill procedures via device)

Teacher Initial:_____

ASSESSMENT: A variety of assessments used to evaluate student work and progress in this course.

  • Daily Warm-up Assignments and Exit Tickets
  • Peer Collaboration and Participation
  • Academic Reading and Writing Assignments
  • Collaborative Projects


  • There are times when students are asked to work collaboratively in and out of class, and there are times when students are asked to work on their own. Asking another student how he/she came up with answers/responses is perfectly appropriate. HOWEVER, SIMPLY COPYING OTHER STUDENTS’ WORK WORD FOR WORD ON ANY ASSIGNMENT IS CHEATING!!!! COMMITTING THIS OFFENSE IS THE HIGHEST OFFENSE IN COLLEGE AND IN THE WORKPLACE! Remember, I am preparing you for life beyond high school and in order for you to be successful, you must understand that copying is a serious offense! When you get ‘stuck’ on writing or taking a test, just breathe, take your time, and remember the steps we learned in class, or just ask me for clarification. I am more willing to assist you if you get confused or lost on any assignment.
  • Using resources like the internet to gather information or research a topic is encouraged. COPYING MATERIAL DIRECTLY FROM THOSE SOURCES IS PLAGIARISM!Plagiarism and cheating will result in a F on the assignment and the student will not be allowed to re-do the assignment. If cheating continues, an F will be issued in the course. Additional violations will result in referral to the school administration along with possible suspension and failure of the course.

Student initial:______

Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones are to be placed in the students backpack during class time. Students may not record, text, or view videos or social media during class time. If parent would like to contact student during class time, the parent must contact the office per school policy and procedure. Student initial:______Parent initial:______

Tardy and bathroom policy: You are given two tardy passes and three bathroom passes per quarter. Passes stay in your class binder. Please Use wisely!

Student initial ______Parent initial: ______

Intervention Procedure:

Students must use intervention period productively and must stay on task. Intervention period will be used as a time to strengthen academic skills, review assessments, make-up assessments, grade check for class, and complete assignments. Failure to comply to the expectations of intervention will result in administrative action. Student initial:______Parent initial:_____

Disciplinary Action:Student initial:______Parent initial:_____

First offense= a verbal warning from the teacher

Second offense= conference with the teacher, call home by the teacher and email to the counselor and administration to document behavior in AERIES.

Third offense=Administrative action with referral and class suspension.

**Repeated offenses will result in constant communication with counselors, administration, and parents.

ROAR : STUDENT Initial:_____ Parent Initial:______Teacher initial:_____

language and tone with everyone
Respect others’ personal space and property
Follow and respond appropriately to directions / Be present - physically and mentally
Be prepared for class each day with assignments and materials
Take an active, positive role in classroom activities / Be mindful of others’ feelings, opinions, and experiences
Help those around you
Keep your workspace clean and organized / Be on time and ready to learn
Write down due dates for all classes
Use technology responsibly
Be proactive in your learning and behavior.
Classroom Routine/Behavioral Expectations
Entering the Classroom / How can students be welcomed to the class?
You will be greeted as you enter class. In return, you are to enter calmly, turn your phones in your backpacks or red holder,find your seats before the bell and get out your class binder.
Starting the Class / How can instruction begin quickly?
You will complete a warm-up everyday at the beginning of class. Your warm-up may be collected and graded as a quiz grade. Any homework, make-up work, etc. should be turned in before the warm-up.
Working Independently / What are the expectations for students when they are working independently?
You need to use their time wisely. When working independently, you are expected to work quietly, remaining on-task until the assignment is completed. A stamp is required to ensure that you have completed the assignment in class. If you complete an assignment before the rest of the class, you should work on your Current Event.
Working in Groups / What are the expectations for students when they are working in groups?
You are expected to collaborate with other students in class; this will entail being a cooperative member, being an equal contributor, and remaining on task.
Asking for Help / How will students ask the teacher for help?
In-Class: raise your hand and wait to be called on.
Outside Class: come before school, after school, or ROAR Priority period for additional help.CHECK THE BACK WHITE BOARD FOR DUE DATES!
End of Class / What does the last 5 minutes of class look like?
Do not pack up until I tell you it’s time to collect your phone. Turn in you Chromebooks and plug them in.Often during the last 5 mins, you will be given an EXIT TICKET to test your knowledge on what we have learned in class. When the bell rings, please tuck in your chair and clean up your work space. Do NOT line up at the door.

Teacher Contract: I, ______, will uphold a secure and safe environment for all students and ensure all voices will be heard as long as they do not promote unkind messages that go against our ROAR school wide expectations. I acknowledge that students will tackle controversial topics and encourage them to use their critical thinking skills as we approach each unit in World Studies. I will work hard to prepare students for college and career readiness through teaching skills that emphasize time management, real-life expectations, analysis of sources, and making connections between past and present events. I will update grades every two weeks through Aeries and communicate with parents monthly via email on the progress of the World Studies class. As an educator at Roseville High School, I will guide students in making the right choices in the classroom and model how to be a scholar.


teacher signaturedate

Student Contract:I, ______, have completely read and understand the World Studies syllabus. I understand the academic and behavior expectations in this classroom. I also acknowledge that my teacher has informed me of the academic requirements and goals and what is expected with my grades. As a responsible contributing member of Roseville High School, I am accountable for my own actions and I will work productively every day in order to prepare myself for post-high school education and career opportunities.I respect and I will USE TECHNOLOGY in an appropriate matter. In order to ensure and uphold the safety and security of my classroom peers and my teacher, there will be absolutely no verbal, physical, and emotional harassment via any forms of social media and/texts,any forms of cyber bullying and no video-taping or recording of any kind of peers and teacher. Inappropriate content will NOT be shared or displayed on the Chrome book and my personal cell phone device. If I fail to use any technology in an appropriate way, I fully understand that I will be held accountable for my actions.


Student signaturedate

Parent/Guardian Contract:I have read, understood, and agree to fulfill the expectations of World Studies. I agree to support my child in fully meeting the academic and behavior expectations in this course. I will be sure to check every two weeks so I am aware of my son/daughter’s grade and I will communicate with Ms. Gregory any concerns I might have. I will encourage and keep my son/daughter accountable in completing all their assignments. My son/daughter will respect and willUSE TECHNOLOGY in an appropriate matter. In order to ensure and uphold the safety and security of classroom peers and the teacher, there will be absolutely no verbal, physical, and emotional harassment via any forms of social media and/texts, any forms of cyber bullying and no video-taping or recording of any kind of peers and teacher. Inappropriate content will NOT be shared or displayed on the Chrome book and my personal cell phone device. I fully understand that if my son/daughter fail to use technology in an appropriate way, he/she will be held responsible.


Parent/Guardian Signaturedate