Oak Crest Music Boosters
General Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2006
7:00 pm
I.The meeting was called to order by Tom Parhum at 7:05 p.m. Present at the meeting were: Steve Hall, Tom Parham, Wendy Gershkoff, Diane Valmassai, Patrice Boucher, Ann Boucher, Sheri Hines, Jerry Jones and Sean Salehi.
II.Oral Communications
A.The Minutes of the last meeting were made available. A motion was made by Steve Hall to accept the minutes asamended and seconded by Diane Valmassai. Motion was passed and minutes were accepted as changed.
B.Steve Hall presented a new calendar.
C.Treasurer Ann Boucher presented Budget dated 10/10/06. No action required. Steve Hall moved to pay deposit for Forum participation in amount of $60. Patrice Boucher seconded. Motion carried.
D.Band Director, Sean Salehi presented a bill from JW Pepper for sheet music in amount of $68.26. He is looking for new music store for instrument repair. Reported that Band Orientation Night went well.
E.Administration Advisor Jerry Jones reported all going well.
F.Wendy Gershkoff made a report as Oak Crest Foundation liaison. She mentioned that a newsletter was due out soon and this would be a good time for an article. She also reported that it would be good to present a grant to the Foundation soon. Sean will get the proper form. A discussion was had regarding what we could request. Mallot instruments and chimes were discussed as possible requests. Wendy will present an article for the Foundation newsletter.
G.Diane Valmassoi, as Uniform Chair informed us that the bowties were ordered and were expected by Friday’s performance at LCC. She mentioned that the dry cleaner offered to clean the ascots for free. When they do, a thank you with tax donation form should be sent to them.
IV.Old Business:
A.Band Orientation Night. All went well.
B.Back to School Night. The band sounded awesome, many stopped at the band table for information and donations.
C.LCC Band Night is this Friday October 13, 2006. Tom Parhum has plenty of drivers for transporting instruments.
D.Fundraising Concert. Steve Hall has talked with DNO chair, Vicki Ernwine. Tentative dates of February 23 or 24 were discussed, and keeping ticket prices around $10-15 a ticket. Patrice Boucher volunteered to head a committee on our end to work with DNO. She will contact Vicki Ernwine at Diegueno to coordinate.
E.Artists-in-Residence funding. Steve Hall informed us that he spoke with Rick Schmidt of SDUHSD and they are definitely not going to be funding the Artists in Residence next school year. The organization FAME might act as ad hoc committee to look into the district’s allotment of funds. Steve volunteered to represent us at the Fame level
V.New Business:
A.Action Item List. Tom Parhum introduced the Action Item List to help directors in remembering tasks introduced at each meeting.
B.No other funding requests.
C.A newsletter was sent out last week. Another will be sent out in January and then near end of year.
D.Wave Newsletter deadline. Wendy Gershkoff will submit an article giving update of band activities.
E.Photographer. We have a photographer who is a parent this year. She will take photos whenever she is in attendance. The combined photo with Diegueno will be postponed until January.
V. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.