Disability Equality Action Plan: Progress report on actions with 2007 target or review date



A1 All categories


B1 Policies

B2 Monitoring and benchmarking

B3 Institutional information

B4 Communication

B5 Students off-campus

B6 Student experience

B7 Enrolment and induction

B8 Course documentation

B9 Retention, progression and achievement


C1 Policies

C2 Monitoring

C3 Recruitment and selection

C4 Advertising

C5 Advice and support

C6 Induction

C7 Retention

C8 Career progression and reward

C9 Staff development and training


D1 Policies

D2 UK and overseas academic partners

D3 Commercial partners


E1 Marketing events and projects

E2 Other community work


F1 Governors

F2 University

F3Consultation and involvement


G1 All categories


H1 Space issues

H2 Transport

H3 Sport and recreation

H4 Catering

E & D Annual Report 2009


Code / Action / Target action date / Responsible Actor /
A113 / Following approval by the Board of Governors, circulate DES to all staff via the University e-mail system. / December 2006 / Equality and Diversity Adviser
A114 / Place DES on the University website where it will be accessible to current and prospective staff and students. / December 2006 / Equality and Diversity Adviser
A115 / Publish article on DES in Communicator for any without internet access. / December 2007 Review / Equality and Diversity Adviser
A116 / Deliver report on progress against requirements of DES Plan to Academic Council and the Board of Governors. / December 2007 / Equality and Diversity Adviser
A117 / Promote staff and student awareness of the University’s DES. / December 2007 / Equality and Diversity Adviser
A118 /

As part of the normal review cycle, all policy and strategy documents to be subject to impact assessment to ensure that they do not impact unfairly on disabled people and are consistent with the aims of the DES. Principal amongst these documents are:

A.  Strategic Plan
B.  Widening Participation Strategy
C.  CPD Policy
D.  Admissions Policy
E.  Research & Knowledge Transfer
F.  Ethics Policy
G.  Framework for the Maintenance and Enhancement of Academic Quality & Standards
H.  Human Resources Strategy (including grievance procedures)
I.  Equal Opportunities for Students and Staff
J.  Examination and Assessment Regulations
K.  Handbook of Student Regulations
L.  Harassment and Bullying Policy
M.  Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy
N.  Student Feedback Policy
O.  Staff Development Policy
P.  Policy for Disabled Students
Q.  Student Mental Health policy
R.  University Code of Practice for the Assessment of Students / December 2007 Review / A, B, C, D: Vice-Chancellor
E: Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellors
F: Pro Vice-Chancellors
G: Director, Dept for Curriculum and Quality Enhancement (DCQE)
H: Pro Vice-Chancellor
I: Equality & Diversity Adviser
J, K: Academic Registrar
L: Equality & Diversity Adviser
M: Director of DCQE
N, O, P, Q: Pro Vice-Chancellors
R: Academic Registrar
A113, A114 and A115 completed.
A116 – a report on the first year of progress will go to HR Committee of Governors in February 2008.
A118 - the following items have had a Preliminary Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) and will have their Full EIA during the 2007/2008 academic year:
Strategic Plan; CPD Policy; Grievance Procedure; Equal Opportunities for Students and Staff; Examination and Assessment Regulations; Handbook of Student Regulations; Harassment & Bullying Policy; Learning, Teaching & Assessment Strategy; Student Feedback Policy; Policy for Disabled Students; Student Mental Health Policy.
B105 / Screen all policies associated with student recruitment, admissions, progression, achievement and experience for disability equality relevance and prioritise for impact assessment. / December 2007 / Head, ASDAC
B208 / Monitor, analyse and benchmark using UCAS disability codes and internal and external comparators:
·  applications
·  offers
·  admissions
·  choice of subject
·  withdrawals by year and category
·  degree classification
·  graduate destinations / December 2007 / Head, ASDAC
B307 / Review University Prospectus and web based materials to ensure course information and application processes accessible / December 2007 / Director of Marketing
B308 / Review open and preview day arrangements to ensure accessibility. / December 2007 / Director of Marketing
B404 / Consolidate development of disability related database communication systems to improve subject tutor awareness of specific support needs. / December 2007 / Head, ASDAC
B405 / Review and improve processes of communicating relevant specific support needs to relevant non-academic staff. / December 2007 / Head, ASDAC
B406 / Improve student awareness of available disability support processes and services. / December 2007 / Head, ASDAC
B507 / Review and develop disability support liaison arrangements for students in work based learning environments or placements. / December 2007 / Head, ASDAC
B508 / Review and develop specific e-learning, communication and associated support arrangements for distance learners with disabilities. / December 2007 / Head, ASDAC
Head, ASK
B509 / Review e-learning policies, provision and practices to ensure that there are no unjustified or adverse impacts upon disabled students. / December 2007 / Director, DCQE
B609 / Review operation of Extenuating Circumstances Procedure to ensure no significant actual or potential differences between the experiences of students from equality target groups. / December
2008 / Head, ASDAC
Academic Registrar
B614 / Review student complaints, harassment and disciplinary practices and outcomes to ensure no significant actual or potential differences between the experiences of disabled and other students. / December 2007 / University Complaints Officer
Academic Registrar
B618 / Review referral procedures to and between central student support services to ensure appropriate, effective and timely support provision. / December 2007 / Head, ASDAC
B705 / Review enrolment and induction practices and arrangements in respect of availability of reasonable adjustments and support. / December 2007 / Academic Registrar
B706 / Ensure that all students are made aware of support arrangements for disabled students during the induction period. / December 2007 / Director, DCQE
B805 / Review course approval procedures to ensure that required competence standards do not indirectly discriminate against disabled persons. / December 2007 / Academic Registrar
B905 / Review practices associated with provision of careers advice to ensure particular perspectives of students from equality target groups are taken into account. / December 2008 / Head, Careers Service
B909 / Establish formal procedures for collection and analysis of outcomes of exit interviews with withdrawing disabled students. / December 2007 / Head, ASDAC
B105 - policies screened and prioritised. ‘Admissions Policy and Procedures for Disabled Applicants’ and ‘Policy for Disabled Students’ closed after mainstreaming into other University policies.
B208 - data capture reports designed and consolidated within central management information systems with capacity to drill down to course level. Initial analysis carried out at faculty level to provide global indicators for subsequent analysis. External benchmarking proceeding more slowly with only partial information currently available in the public domain.
B308 - in 2006/07 The Preview day team undertook a major review of how preview days are delivered at the University of Portsmouth. The review team took into account the feedback and views of prospective students and their parents, they considered the needs of all learners, parents and carers. Thus the new format for preview days is in a style called ‘Pick and Mix’ your preview day. Prospective students can chose the sessions that they attend, they choose when and what they do. This pick and mix style allows students and their guest plenty of time to get from one session to another and pace themselves on the tours of campus city and accommodation. This new style really enables all students to design their entire day around their own needs and requirements. The team work very closely with the staff working in ASDAC to ensure that all prospective students and their guests are supported. This support can range from providing a signer to accompany the student and guests for the day to providing individual transport around the university sites or s disabled parking space. To date : The number of people who have declared a disability when coming onto the preview day is 72.
B404 - consolidation progressing as planned.
B405 - processes reviewed, additional liaison procedures with Halls staff in place.
B406 - disability support processes and services embedded in enrolment and induction information, issues addressed in induction presentations.
B507 - support liaison arrangements reviewed and progressed in specific course contexts.
B508 - arrangements reviewed and progressed generally and in specific course contexts.
B509 – a Preliminary EIA has been undertaken on the e-Learning Strategy and a Full EIA will take place during the 2007/2008 academic year.
B609 - Procedures reviewed, no actual differences between the experiences of disabled and other students identified. Need for guidance notes for Unit Assessment and Progression Boards to eliminate potential for inconsistencies identified and progressing.
B614 - review focussed on needs of students with mental health issues carried out, specific protocols requiring inclusion of relevant matters during disciplinary proceedings involving disabled students introduced.
Complaints Policy and Disciplinary Procedures have both had an Preliminary EIA. A separate working party has been convened with representation from the Complaints Officer to review harassment policies generally, including student harassment. There is no current evidence that harassment by or of disabled students is an issue.
Reasonable adjustments are made for disabled students who wish to make a complaint through the provision of individualised support and guidance or through the issue of suitably adapted paperwork (e.g. large scale print versions) on request.
The complaints procedure relies heavily on the informal resolution of complaints and the relatively low number of complaints (on all issues) that we receive when compared to the national benchmark figure as issued by the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) reflects , we believe, that this aspect of our policy works well for all students.
In terms of complaints a small percentage (less than 10%) reflects disability issues in some measure. We believe this shows that disabled students are not deterred from using the procedure; we further believe that it also demonstrates that complaints involving disabled students are not disproportionate when considered as part of the student population as a whole.
To improve our monitoring, however, we will in future provide a breakdown of student discipline cases and complaints by student disability (as well as age, gender and ethnicity) so that we can show the percentages numbers relating to target groups and draw more focussed conclusions.
B618 - referral procedures formalised and consolidated.
B705 - review carried out, advance provision of documentation detailing specific enrolment and induction arrangements for individual students introduced and issued as appropriate. Student response to 2006 induction survey response screened, no dissatisfaction with arrangements by disabled students expressed.
With respect to enrolment (now called registration) activities, Registry makes reasonable adjustments to support disabled students at central registration, as follows:
·  Advice was taken from Disability office regarding the colour of registration forms to ensure ease of use for students with visual impairment.
·  Faculty Registrars provide Academic Registry with a list of students who may need any form or assistance, e.g. mobility difficulties, separate quiet registration for example for students with Asperger Syndrome.
·  Registration forms are marked with a colour coded dot to alert staff that the student may require assistance on arrival and a list of students expected each day is available in the Registration master file kept at the venue front desk.
·  The set up in the sports hall is arranged so that it is suitable for wheelchair access and there is a lift available to access all areas or the process.
·  A Health and Safety check is made of the venue to ensure all aspects are covered.
B706 - all students declaring a disability are contacted by ASDAC before the induction period. During the induction period departmental staff are responsible for informing students about support arrangements for disabled students. As part of induction, all first year undergraduates are requested to complete an individual learning profile which asks specific questions regarding disability. Students who disclose a disability at this stage are referred to ASDAC.
B905 - at the beginning of the academic year staff started the process of auditing the provision that Purple Door Careers currently has to ensure that particular perspectives and needs of disabled students are taken into account. This is an ongoing process. Purple Door Careers has very strong links with ASDAC and an allocated member of staff to support disabled students . He is also a member of the Agcas National Disability Working Group. The department is based on the ground floor of a new building and is accessible. It has a hearing loop which students are made aware of.
The department uses an initial client form to identify any special needs that the department might need to be aware of so that they can provide the correct and appropriate support. This is monitored.

The team has very good contacts with RNIB and keeps up to date with current support requirements. Staff have the opportunity to attend training sessions in a number of areas which enable them to support students with a range of disabilities. An example of this is the session run within the university on working with students with Aspergers .

In terms of standard support, the department receives the following materials:
·  The Hobons Diversity Handbook
·  Doctor Jobs’s Guide to equal opportunities 2006 2007
·  ASDAC information flyer
·  Target Jobs, Equal opportunities 2008
·  SKILL: A guide to the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 for institutions of further and higher education Revised Autumn 2004
·  Disability Alliance: Disability rights handbook 31st Edition April 2006 – April 2007
Further Actions: Providing externally produced materials in a range of formats can be a problematic but they are looking at ways to over come this.
B909 - collection procedures in place, data input to central management information systems in place.
C106 / Screen all Human Resources policies for disability equality relevance and prioritise for impact assessment. / December 2007 / Director of Human Resources Services