FriscoShawneeTrailShootout 2017


1.Each team must have numbered alternate jerseys or numbered T-shirts available. Violators will be removed from the fieldandnotallowedbackonthefieldofplayuntiltheplayers’equipmentiscorrected.(Recreationalteamsmayusebibsifnecessary.)

2.Home Team is team listed first on schedule. Home Team will change jerseys if there is a colorconflict.

3.Both teams will occupy the same side of playingfield.

4.Recreational players must play 50% of eachgame.

5.U7 Academy will play 4 V 4

6.U8 Academy will play 4v4 or 7V7 (one of whom is thekeeper)

7.U9 Academy will play 7v7 or 9v9 (one of whom is thekeeper)

8.U10 academy will play 9v9 (one of who is the keeper)

9.U11 and U12 Teams will play 9v9 (one of whom is the keeper)

10.U13 to U19 Teams will play 11v11 (one of whom is the keeper)

11.There will be no guest players for Academyteams.

12.A maximum of 5 Guest Players or Club Pass players are allowed for U11 through U19 teams. Cannot exceed the maximum numbers of players allowed.

13.Agameshallbedeclaredaforfeitif ateamisnotreadytoplayatthepublishedtimewithinfive(5)minutesortheconclusionofthepreviousgame.Athalftimetheteamsmustbereadytoresumeplaywithinfive(5)minutesofthereferee's designation.


U7–U8Academy / MiniGame20 MinuteHalves / BallSize3 / Overtime (Semi/Final Games)2-5 MinutePeriods
U9Academy / 20 MinuteHalves / 4 / 2-5 MinutePeriods
U10Academy / 25 MinuteHalves / 4 / 2-10 MinutePeriods
U11-12 / 25 MinuteHalves / 4 / 2-10 MinutePeriods
U13-14 / 30 MinuteHalves / 5 / 2-10 MinutePeriods
U15-16 / 30 MinuteHalves / 5 / 2-10 MinutePeriods
U17-19 / 35 MinuteHalves / 5 / 2-10 MinutePeriods

15.Preliminary games may end in atie.

16.Divisions with 3 team brackets shall play a crossover for their preliminary games to equal (3) threegames.

17.Quarterfinal games will only be played with age divisions that have 18 or moreteams.

18.Quarterfinal games that end in a tie will move to FIFA "kicks" from the penalty mark to determine awinner.


FSTS scoring system for games will be asfollows:

a.6 points for awin

b.3 points for atie

c.0 points for aloss

d.1 point per goal scored in the game with a maximum of3

e.1 point for a shut out (not allowing opponent toscore)

f.A forfeit game will be scored at a 3-0 win in calculating points for tiebreakerdetermination.

20.Iftwoormoreteamsaretiedinpointsaftertheirgamesarecompleted,thefollowingtiebreakerprocedureswillbeusedtodetermine the teamadvancing:

a.Head to Head game results - winner willadvance.

b.Goaldifferential–teamwithhighestgoaldifferentialagainstopponentwilladvance(maximumoffive(5)goaldifferential). (Example:A 7-0 game = 5-0 in calculating advancement; an 11-5 game = 10-5incalculatingadvancement).

c.Fewest goals allowed - team with fewest goals allowed wouldadvance.

d.Most number of "shut-outs" - team with most "shut-outs" willadvance

e.Fewest accumulation of caution points, 1 point for yellow and 2 points forred.

f.FIFA kicks from the penalty mark.


21.Ifa“WildCard”teamisnecessarytheteamwiththehighestnumberofoverallpointsshalladvanceafterdivisionwinnershave beendetermined.

22.U9andU10musthaveaminimumofsix(6)andU10-19musthaveaminimumofseven(7)playersonthefieldtostartthegame and to continue thegame.

23.There will be free substitution, with the referee's consent, at the followingtimes:

  • A player receiving a yellow card (the player cardedonly)
  • Prior to a throw-in for the team in possessiononly
  • Prior to a goalkick
  • After a goal by eitherteam
  • After an injury, when the referee stops the play (the player injuredonly)
  • At half time by eitherteam
  • In case of extreme heat, at the refereesdiscretion

24.Anysend-offsshouldbereportedtotheHeadquartersTentimmediatelyfollowingthegame.Anyplayerorcoachsent-offshall automatically sit out the next played tournamentgame.

25.Asend-offforfightingwillautomaticallyresultintheplayer(s)notbeingallowedtoparticipateintheremainderofthetournament.Aplayerwhoaccumulates(3)threeyellowcardsinthetournamentwillservea1gamesit-outatthenexttournamentgame.Theplayerwillserveatwogamesit-outafterthe(5th)fifthyellowcardofthetournament.Afterthe(6th)sixthyellowcardtheywillberequiredanadditional(1)onegamesit-out.Shouldaplayerreceivea(7th)seventhyellowcardtheyshallbesuspendedpendingahearingwithNTSSA.Shouldaplayerreceiveastraightredcard,thatplayershallberequiredtositouttheremainingofthatgameandthefollowinggame.Shouldaplayerreceiveasecondredcardinthetournament,theplayerwillbesuspendedpendingahearingatNTSSA.Forthepurposeoftheruleanyplayerreceivingaredcarddueto(2)twoyellowcardsinthesamegame,theywillberequiredtosit-outtheremainderofthatgame,butarenotrequiredtositoutthefollowinggameunlessduetocardaccumulation.Intheeventof(2)twoyellowcardsinagameitwill count only as (2) two yellow cards not a red card unless the second card was a straightred.

26.In the event the referee or linesmen are missing from the field, report immediately to your FieldCoordinator.

27.Preliminarygamesthatareplayedintothesecondhalfbutarestoppedshortofcompletion,otherthanactsonthepartofone of the teams, shall be consideredcomplete.

28.Playoffgames(quarters,semis,finals)playedintothesecondhalfbutarestoppedshortofcompletionotherthanactsonthe part of one of the teams, and if tied, will be determined by the tiebreakerprocedure.

29.Intheeventofinclementweather,thetournamentcommitteewilldetermineformatfortournamentplayand/orcompletionofthetournament;andtheTournamentDirectorwillmakeallfinaldecisions.Thecommitteewillmakeeveryeffort to complete thetournament.

30.Bothteamsshallturninscorestothetournamentheadquarterstentimmediatelyfollowingthegame.Allscoresmustbereportedwithin15minutesoftheconclusionofthegame.Failuretocomplymayresultinascorebeingrecordedasalossfor both teams. The referee provides final verification of the score in case of adiscrepancy.

31.All referee decisions during game play arefinal.

32.The Tournament Director is empowered to make all decisions regarding the competition during thetournament.

33.AnysituationorquestionsonrulesofcompetitionnotcoveredhereinwillbegovernedbyNTSSAandUSYSAadministrativerule book in thatorder.

34.No appeals will be allowed except for ineligible players.

35.TheTournamentDirectorshalldeclareagameaforfeitifanineligibleplayerparticipatesinagame.Anyprotestofanineligibleplayermustbereportedinwriting,withatwohundredfiftydollar($250.00)cashierscheck,moneyorderorcashdeposit, before the end of the game to the tournament fieldheadquarters.

36.Anymattersnotprovidedforintournamentrules,NTSSAor,USYSArulesshallbedeterminedbytheTournamentDirectorwhose decisions shall befinal.

37.If inclement weather cancels the tournament prior to the completion of a team’s first scheduled game of the tournament, a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the team’s entry fee may be retained by the tournament to cover start-up cost of the tournament.

Incaseofrain-HARDRAIN,NOTASPRINKLE-calltheFSAHotline@972-738-9095.Also,pleaserefertoourwebsite, or