Suggested tweet schedule

AskAboutAsthma campaign launch 11th-24th September 2017

Please feel free to use the links below and the images and gifs in the communications toolkit

Hashtag #AskAboutAsthma


Date / Theme for the day / Audience / Suggested tweet
Monday 11th / Campaign launch / CYP with asthma and parents / We are supporting the #AskAboutAsthma campaign. Make an asthma pledge &support our young
Support our #AskAboutAsthma campaign and make a pledge
Tuesday 12th / Primary Care / #AskAboutAsthma Ask your GP for an asthma plan
#AskAboutAsthma Ask your GP for an annual review to help manage your asthma
#AskAboutAsthma Ask your GP or health professional for help using your inhaler
Three simple steps save lives
Wednesday 13th / Pharmacies / #AskAboutAsthma Ask your pharmacist to show you how to use your inhaler properly
#AskAboutAsthma ask your pharmacist or school nurse for a flu jab or nasal spray
Wednesday 13th / Asthma app and acute care / CYP, parents, GPs / #AskAboutAsthma Ask CYP and parents if they know how to use inhalers and medication before discharge
GPs/ nurses / #AskAboutAsthma Ask children and their carers to book in with their GP within 48hrs after hosp discharge
Tuesday 14th / Air pollution / #AskAboutAsthma
Friday 15th / Schools / schools / Ask School staff if they know what to do if you have an asthma attack #AskAboutAsthma
Monday 18th / Parents/CYP / CYP / Have you had your flu jab? #AskAboutAsthma
Tuesday 19th / Primary care / #AskAboutAsthma Ask your GP for an annual asthma review
Wednesday 20th / Pharmacies / #AskAboutAsthma Ask your pharmacist on help quitting smoking
Thursday 21st / Acute / Make a pledge to support our children and young people #AskAboutAsthma
Ask about a follow up appt after an asthma attack #AskAboutAsthma
Friday 22nd / Air pollution / #AskAboutAsthma Ask for information on current pollution levels

Useful links for tweets:

My Asthma Pledge

The London asthma standards for children and young people

Asthma ambitions

Link to asthma management plan

Using your inhalereffectively

Link to annual asthma review

NHS Trusts: Air pollution reduction toolkit

Asthma toolkit