Zags Travel & Expense Card Rollout

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to get a new card?

Gonzaga is rolling out a new corporate credit card program. The new program will be referred to as the Zags Travel & Expense Card (Card) Program and will be issued through US Bank. The Card will combine our corporate travel and entertainment cards currently issued through US Bank and our Purchasing Card currently issued through Wells Fargo.

Will I be held personally liable for charges or will my personal credit be checked?

The Zags Travel & Expense Card Program is corporate liability, the same as our current card programs. This means Gonzaga is solely liable to US Bank for all billed transactions. A personal credit check is not performed. In fact, we only request the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number to activate the Card. And, your Date of Birth is not required on the Application.

Any charge on the Card not considered to be an acceptable Business Expense or falling under Unacceptable Purchases will be categorized as Card Misuse and a violation of the Card Policy. Any charges considered Card Misuse may require repayment by the Cardholder. Please see section 4.0 of the Zags Travel & Expense Card Policy for additional details.

How will this affect me?

The new Card Program will require us to issue new cards to all Cardholders. Charges will be processed the same as they are today, utilizing Zags Travel & Expense (or US Bank’s Access Online if you have not yet on-boarded to Zags Travel & Expense.)

What if I have not been on-boarded to the Zags Travel & Expense system and I have never used Access Online?

These Cardholders will be identified early in the rollout process and training will be provided for you.

Will the statement cycle change for the Zags Travel & Expense Card?

No, the statement cycle will remain as it is now. The cycle ends on the 20th of each month, or the next business day.

Will I receive a statement?
No, you will not receive a statement for your Zags Travel & Expense Card. All transactions are loaded into Zags Travel and Expense for you. Should you need a copy of your statement, please contact the Credit Card Administrator who will provide you with log in credentials to pull an electronic statement from US Bank’s Access Online system.

Will my credit limit change?

Your Vice President or delegate will review the single transaction limit and credit limit for all VP area Cardholders’ and make any necessary changes. You will be made aware of your credit limit and single transaction limit once your Card is ordered.

What happens if I need to change my limits or go over my limits?

You may request a single transaction limit or credit limit by completing the Zags Travel & Expense Card Change Request. This requires approval from your Area Approver/Budget Officer and Vice President. You may also request temporary limit changes with a define start and end date. Exceptions may be made for emergencies. Please make every attempt to plan ahead and know your balance prior to making a purchase.

What do Cardholders need to do?

Your Vice President or delegate will contact you to begin the transition to the new Card. You will be provided a copy of the new Zags Travel & Expense Card Policy, Application & Acknowledgement Form, and Change Request Form.

The Controller’s Office will notify you when your new Card has arrived. Please bring your old card(s) to the Controller’s Office to turn in when you pick up your new Card. You will sign your Application & Acknowledgement form when you accept your new Card.

When will we get our new cards?

A rollout schedule by Vice President and his/her department(s) will be initiated by the Controller’s Office. Cards will only be ordered once each Cardholder’s Spending Limit has been determined by Vice President or delegate. The Controller’s Office will contact you when your new Card has arrived with instructions on what you will need to do.

Will my current card be shut off while I’m waiting for my new Card?

There will be no interruption to your card use. You will turn in your old card(s) the same day you pick up the new Card. If your new Card arrives on campus while you are away, it can wait for pick up until you return.

How do I turn in my old card?

You will turn in your old card when you pick up your new Card from the Controller’s Office.

What do Vice President’s need to do?

The Credit Card Administrator will provide each Vice President with a list of current Cardholders in his/her department(s). Each Vice President should work with his/her department(s) to determine the Spending Limit for each Cardholder. The Vice President will provide the approved list to the Credit Card Administrator so Cards may be ordered.

Vice Presidents should let the Credit Card Administrator know who in your department is authorized to approve the issuance of new cards and the approval of limit changes. In the past, this has been the responsibility of the Vice President, but can be delegated. We will maintain a list of authorized approvers in the Controller’s Office and check the list before setting up any new cards or changing limits in your area.

What if I want an employee in my area to get a Card, but they are not on the list the Controller’s Office sends to me?

If the employee is not on the list, they are not a current Cardholder. New Cardholders should follow the Zags Travel & Expense Card Policy, section 1.0, for information on applying for a Card.

Revised November 7, 20142