Grafton Hot Stove League, Inc.

MEETING AGENDA – April 15, 2012

2012 Manager Roll Call: 5:00 p.m.

___ Farm Minor: Dennis Reaser (GVFD) ___ Farm Major: Eric Newton (Marcos)

___ HH: Ron Phillips ___ H: Bob Sanders (Mayhem)

___ Boys GG: Al Lewis (GLWB) ___ Boys G: Tim Ropchock (Moen)

___ FF: Tim Shevel ___ Boys EE: Brian Searle (General Plug)

___ Girls Farm: John Demarino (Nikki’s Angels) ___ Girls Farm: Kevin Yates (Jewelry & Repair)

___ Girls Farm: Vince Birth (Grafton Scoop) ___ Girls A: Jen Short (Nancy’s)

___ Girls A: Wes Mariner (Unicorn) ___ Girls B: Maria Milano (Milano Monuments)

___ Girls B: Mike Kesterson (O’Connor Cleaning) ___ Girls C: Tom Farley (Verizon)

___ Girls D: Rich Noble

2012 Officer Roll Call

___President: Ashley Mease ___VP: Graig Bansek

___Secretary: Rhonda Mueller ___Treasurer: Randi Mariner

___G. Personnel: Joanna Wells ___B. Personnel: Wes Mariner

2012 Standing Committees & Appointed Positions

___Concession Stand Director: Leslie Rebman ___ Head Umpire: George Bates

___Fund Raising Chairpersons: (OPEN) ___Fund Raising Chairpersons: (OPEN)

* Signup Sheet being circulated for all others


Secretary Report: 5:05 Rhonda Mueller

Minutes from the 3/11/12 meeting

·  Any additions or corrections

Motion to suspend reading of the minutes

Motion Made by: ______Seconded by: ______

Motion to approve 3/11/12 meeting minutes

Motion Made by: ______Seconded by: ______

Treasurer’s Report: 5:10 Randi Mariner

Account Balances: Checking: $______Savings: ______

Motion to accept report & approve payment of bills:

Motion Made by: ______Seconded by: ______

Vice President Report: 5:15 Graig Bansek

·  Uniforms:

o  2011 Return of Pants Update: Reisinger (Noble any updates on pants)

o  Update on 2012: Target Delivery Date and Process for Pick Up (Bansek & Mueller to cover)

·  Field Maintenance Update: Portable Fencing & Sound System

·  Website: A. Mease to start building boys game schedules. Girls to follow after Girls county meeting.

Girl’s Personnel Director Report: 5:20 Joanna Wells

·  A. Mease to address. Emails will follow to all Girl Head Coaches.

Ø  Note: Any specific comments, questions, concerns about teams, players, etc. will be addressed individually and separately.

Boy’s Personnel Director Report: 5:25 Wes Mariner

·  Status of Registration Fees. Outstanding players if any need to pay in order to receive uniform.

·  Background Checks. Must be done.

·  Umpire payments will be forthcoming. Schedules are due to Boy’s Directors 4/15, checks will be made out before first game. Must have umpire reconciliation sheet for future umpire payments.

·  Game Balls- To be distributed on April 15th, score books will be supplied as well.

·  There will be a mandatory coaches meeting on Saturday, April 21, 2012 for all Hot Stove managers. The meetings will be held at the Grafton VFW. This is where you will get schedules, rulebooks and go over rule changes and points of emphasis for the upcoming season. The times are:

8:00 AM - Farm Minor
9:00 AM - HH and H
10:30 AM - Farm Major
11:30 AM - GG and G
1:15 PM - FF and F


Ø  Note: Any specific comments, questions, concerns about teams, players, etc. will be addressed individually and separately.

Fundraising Chairpersons: 5:35 (OPEN)

·  April 21st Texas Hold’em cancelled. A. Mease to provide background as to the decision.

·  GHS did BID for boys tournaments because of tournament being cancelled and because the Village of Grafton and county expressed much interest to have tournaments in Grafton for 2012. After further discussion with board it made sense to head down this path.

·  Picture Day: Saturday, May 5th at Midview High School Gym. Sign-up sheet to be passed around at meeting along with picture packets for teams.

·  Sponsor Updates: GHS is looking for two more sponsors on boys side. Uniforms should not be complete without sponsorship. Circle the room to see if any manager’s may have leads or recommendations.

Head Umpire Report: 5:40 George Bates

·  UMPIRE SIGN UP SHEET: Update. Copies to be handed out at meeting.

·  Coaches must secure umpires for home scheduled game for 2012. Details to follow at meeting.

Equipment Manager Report: 5:45 Jim Clark

·  update

Concession Stand: 5:50 Leslie Rebman

·  Opening for the season. Update.

·  Schedule to be posted on click on Calendar. Once GLWB calendar is launched click on concession schedule owner: Leslie Rebman for more details.


·  R. Moore field maintenance payout.

·  Picture Day: Saturday, May 5th. Time and location TBD.


·  Battery for Lawn Mower: Jim Clark to cover. Need motion to purchase battery.

·  Coaches Code of Conduct: Rhonda Mueller to cover.

Meeting Adjourned 6:15 Motion to Adjourn by ______Second by______

Next Meeting - May 6, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. at Grafton VFW. Weather permitting we may change to Grafton Reservoir

Park Pavilion (date change due to Mother’s Day. Moving meeting up one week.)

Executive board meetings, fund raising committee and uniform committee meetings will convene as needed.