2nd & 3rd December 2013
Content: The training focuses on understanding the nature and development of personality disorder, before progressing on to the assessment of personality disorder and developing formulations. Focus will be on the IPDE (International Personality Disorder Examination). This is considered a gold standard means of assessing personality disorder. Focus will be on the ICD-10 version of the IPDE.
The ‘Alternative Model to Assessing Personality Disorder’ outlined in the new DSM-V will be presented, along with the newly developed self-report DSM-V personality assessments. Attendees will score IPDE clinical video interviews and formulate using the DSM-V alternative model. Please note that the training does not cover treatment, focusing instead on understanding, professional management (e.g. boundaries), assessment and formulation of cases.
Trainers: Professor Jane L. Ireland and Dr Fiona Wilks-Riley.
Course Materials: A certificate of attendance will be provided to all those who successfully complete the course. Sufficient materials will be provided to allow participants to score the clinical cases using IPDE and DSM-V alternative models. However, to use the IPDE-ICD-10 module attendees will need to purchase IPDE manuals. Manuals can be ordered via: Only the ICD-10 module should be purchased.
Timings: The training commences at 9.30am and ends by 4.30pm on each day.
Who can attend: The IPDE is carefully controlled since it is diagnostic. The course is available for Psychiatrists and for Registered Psychologists (who hold a current practicing certificate with the HCPC). Registered Psychologists who wish to complete this training must be a Clinical, Counselling or Forensic Psychologist. Delegates must provide their HCPC/RCP membership number on booking. Arrangements for psychologists in training and other professionals can be made, although it must be noted that such individuals can attend for CPD only. They will not be qualified to conduct personality disorder assessments.
Venue: The Pines Hotel, Chorley, PR6 7EB a Victorian-style hotel in a 4 acre site. The course is non-residential but rooms are available for booking for any delegates requiring accommodation. Delegates wanting accommodation are expected to book this directly with the hotel. The training cost does not include accommodation. Joining instructions will be forwarded one month prior to the event.
Cost:£440 + VAT (£88.00) = £528 per delegate. The cost includes provision of lunch, handouts, reading material and CPD certificate. There are limited places on this course. Block booking discounts are available for services booking three or more places. Please email for more information.
Bookings: Please complete the booking slip at the end of the brochure. Payment or an external purchasing order can secure a place. A refund for any places secured can only be given before the 1st November 2013.