11/11/2010 Minutes of AndersonCounty Board of Education Regular Meeting Page No.



101 S. Main Street

Clinton, TN37716

November 11, 2010

6:30 PM


John Burrell, Chairman√

Dail Cantrell√

Greg Crawford√

Ellen Hitchcock√

Glenda Langenberg√

Steve Fritts√

Rickey Rose√

Jo Williams√

Larry M. Foster, Director√

Student Board Members:

Shannon McGhee

Allison Powers

Others in Attendance

Karen Bridgeman, Megan Dugger, Kim Dugger, Doyle Dugger, Daphne Douglas, Kelly Myers, Lesa Larson, Margaret Burrell, Ted Fletcher, Terri Ferry, Myles Hebrard, Angela Carico, Gary Houck, Charles Lindsey, Julie Minton, Kim Guinn, Leisa Fair, Sue Voskamp, Roxanne Puglisi, Chuck Puglisi, Tim Parrott, Bob Stokes, Joe Forgety, Tom Byrge, Greg Deal, Jim Woodward.

    Dr. Burrell, chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:40PM as a regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education. Greg Crawford led the pledge of allegiance.




  1. Tom Byrge, Clinton Baptist Association, addressed the board asking permission for area pastors to offer an invocation at each board meeting. Dail Cantrell reminded the board that it doesn’t fall under an exemption for prayer once the meeting begins. He suggested that the board make an accommodation to meet in the hallway or in Mr. Foster’s office before the meeting begins. This will keep the board in compliance with Federal Law but would allow the system to welcome the clergy. Motion by Glenda Langenberg and seconded by Greg Crawford to allow local pastors to offer prayer in the hallway or in Mr. Foster’s office at 6:15 PM prior to each monthly board meeting. Motion carried.
    Motion byJo Williams and seconded bySteve Fritts to approve the agenda. Motion carried.


  1. Minutes of Regular Meeting –October 7, 2010.
  2. HR Staffing Report

Last Name / First Name / Location / Position / Effective Date / Return Date / Notes
New Hires
Davis / James / CMS / Custodian / 10/1/10 / Replacement for Carl Ford
Rackard / Misty / CES / Food service / 9/30/10 / Replacement for Jama Dunlap
Williams / Maria / LCES / Educational Assistant / 10/18/10 / Replacement for Teresa Seeber
Coker / Rodney / NWMS / Asst. Girls BB Coach / 10/19/10 / Replacement for Robbie DeJarnett
Johnson / Jana / NES / Food service / 10/28/10 / Replacement for Angela Morris
Transfer/Change of Status
Martin / Blair / LCMS / Girls Asst. Basketball Coach / 10/1/10 / Replacement for Emily Bullock
Lambdin / Teresa / CO / Secretary / 10/18/10 / Return from LOA
Pridemore / Stephanie / CMS / Teacher / 10/18/10 / Return from LOA
Palmer / Colette / CES / Teacher / 10/18/10 / Return from LOA
Smith / LaCole / NES / Special Ed Teacher / 10/25/10 / Replacement for Katelyn Kennedy
Toney / Cathy / ACHS / Special Ed Teacher / 10/25/10 / Replacement for Rachel Clapp
Leave of Absence
Swisher / Nina / AES / 3rd Grade Teacher / 2/21/11 / 3/25/11 / Birth of Child
Fritts / Keely / DVES / Teacher / 12/6/11 / 2/11/11 / Birth of Child
Burnett / Samual / NWMS / 6th Grade Math Teacher / 10/1/10 / 10/15/10 / Employee's own health condition
Wilson / Amy / Preschool / Head Start Teacher / 10/18/10 / 6/30/10 / Birth of Child
Left Employment
Bailey / Matthew / LCMS / Asst. Boys Basketball Coach / 10/1/10 / Voluntary resignation
Dunlap / Jama / CES / Food Service / 9/24/10 / Job abandonment/voluntary resignation
Morris / Angela / ACHS / Food Service / 9/24/10 / Voluntary resignation
Kennedy / Kaitlyn / NES / Special Ed Teacher / 10/8/10 / Voluntary resignation
Young / Stacy / LCES / Secretary / 10/8/10 / Voluntary resignation
Bunch / Surinda / NWMS / Café Monitor / 10/25/10 / Voluntary resignation

C. Field Trips

1. Susan Silvey, NMS, to allow students to attend science camp at Tremont, Townsend, TN Mar. 30 – Apr. 1, 2011. 120 students and 12 chaperones.

2.Tonya Snyder, CHS, to allow girls basketball team to participate in Christmas tournament in Sparta, TN Dec. 28 – 30, 2010. 14 students and 3 chaperones.

3.Rachel Pemberton, NMS, to allow students to travel to Washington, D.C. May 9 – 13, 2011. 50 students and 10 chaperones.

4.Adrienne Sharp, CHS, to allow students to travel to Biltmore House in Asheville, NC Nov. 30, 2010. no number of students/ chaperones given.

5.Rodney Mann, CHS, to allow students to participate in activities at the North American Livestock Expo in Louisville, KY Nov. 12 – 14, 2010. 3 students and 3 chaperones.

  1. Professional Leave

1. Christy Castleberry, Brittany Cudzilo, CHS, to chaperone students at Biltmore House, Asheville, NC Nov. 30, 2010.

2.Sue Voskamp, Alex Smith, Lynnette Currie, Gail Hunt, Linda Stewart, Janice Cole, CO, to attend Special Ed Legal Conference in Nashville, TN Feb. 22 – 25, 2011.

3.Sue Voskamp, Alex Smith, Lynnette Currie, Gail Hunt, Linda Stewart, Janice Cole, CO, to attend LRP Legal Conference in Phoenix, AZ Apr. 30 – May 7, 2011.

4.Stephanie Coker, ACHS, to travel with All East Chorus to Oak Ridge, TN for rehearsals, meetings & clinics Nov. 18 – 20, 2010.

5.Kim Guinn, CO, to attend Rural Health Association of Tennessee training session in Pigeon Forge, TN Nov. 17 – 19, 2010.

6.Andrea Ditmore, CO, to attend American Speech-Hearing Association Convention in Philadelphia, PA Nov. 17 – 19, 2010.

7.Chuck Puglisi, Tim Parrott, Sue Voskamp, Renita Dodson, CO, to attend District Value-Added Leadership workshop in Nashville, TN Nov. 16 – 18, 2010.

8.Mary Tuskan, CHS, to attend New Drug Free Community Grantee meeting in Washington, D.C. Dec. 6 – 8, 2010.

9.Johanna Whitley, OOT, to attend Tech Conference in Nashville, TN Nov. 30 – Dec. 3, 2010.

10.Adrienne Sharp and Christy Castleberry, CHS, to replace Tim Parrott and Angela Carico, state meeting with Norman Webb (Webb’s Depth of Knowledge) in Nashville, TN Nov. 8 – 10, 2010.

11.Vikki Burns, CHS, to attend CTE Benchmark Project in Nashville, TN Nov. 29-30, 2010.

12.Kathy Strunk, John Byrd, CO, Nicole Lockard, NWES, to attend Voice of AMSP session in Lexington, KY Dec. 3 – 4, 2010.

13.Chuck Puglisi, Tim Parrott, CO, to attend Tennessee First to the Top leadership team meeting in Nashville, TN Nov. 16 – 18, 2010.

14. Lesa Larson, Sharon Gaylor, Preschool, to attend TACA/THSA Fall Conference in Nashville, TN Nov. 39 – Dec. 1, 2010.

15. Glenda Duncan, Sheila Bolden, Preschool, to attend Tennessee Conference on Social Welfare in Chattanooga, TN Nov. 17 – 18, 2010.

16. Brenda Bean, Meg Cardwell, Glenda Duncan, Andrea McBryar, Preschool, to attend Managing Comprehensive Health Services in HS/EHS in Nashville, TN Dec. 6 – 9, 2010.

17.Bryan Freeman, CHS, to attend National Science Teacher’s Association conference in Nashville, TN Dec. 2 – 4, 2010.

18.Margaret Burrell, CO, to attend End User Training in Burlington, VT Dec. 1 – 3, 2010.

19.Joe Forgety, CO, to attend Tennessee Adult Education Leadership Conference in Pigeon Forge, TN Nov. 16 – 18, 2010.
20. Jess Anne Cole, Renee Branham, James Scheele, Lynn Titshaw, Laurie Templin, JoEllen Emert, NES, Chuck Puglisi, Sue Voskamp, CO, to participate in a site visit at one of Dr. Bill Daggett’s top 100 schools in Moseley, VA Dec. 3, 2010.

EXECUTIVE APPROVAL (for information only)

  1. Field Trips

1. Rodney Mann, David Rogers, CHS, to attend National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN Oct. 20 – 22, 2010. 13 students and 3 chaperones

  1. Professional Leave
  2. Tricia Jones, ACCTC, to attend HSTW 2011 Staff Development Conference (planning) in Nashville, TN Oct 20 – 23, 2010.
  3. Nicole Lockard, NWES, Julie McCullough, NWMS, to attend Environmental Education Association outdoor classroom symposium in Atlanta, GA Nov. 4 - 5, 2010.
  4. Ginger Leach, CHS, to attend Regional Value- Added Specialist training in Nashville, TN Oct. 18 – 22, 2010.
  5. RaeAnn Owens, LCMS, Cindy Border, NMS, to attend UALR Literacy Coach Training in Little Rock AR Oct. 25 – 27, Nov. 15 – 17, 2010, Jan. 24 – 26, Feb. 14 – 16, Mar. 16 – 18, Apr. 18 – 20, May 9 – 11, 2011.
  6. Pete Blair, Mike Harmening, DVES, to attend Teacher Evaluation Field Test Training in Nashville, TN Nov. 4 - 5, 2010.
  7. Angela Carico, Dewayne Emert, Eric Snider, Ginger Leach, CHS, to attend Teacher Evaluation Field Test Training in Nashville, TN Nov. 3 – 5, 2010.
  8. Ginger Leach, CHS, to attend District Value Added Leader’s training in Nashville, TN Nov. 1 – 3, Nov. 8 – 10, and Nov. 15 – 18, 2010.
  9. Vikki Burns, CHS, to attend TEA Bargaining Conference in Murfreesboro, TN Nov. 5 – 7, 2010.
  10. Amy Charles, Katrina Oakley, GOES, to attend Teacher Evaluation Field Test in Nashville, TN Nov. 4 – 5, 2010.
  11. Christopher Goodwyne, CHS, to attend Field Test training for new teacher evaluations in Nashville, TN Nov. 4 – 5, 2010.

Motion byGreg Crawford and seconded byJo Williams to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried.


  1. Dr. Burrell reminded board members of the TSBA Conventionthat begins Saturday.
  2. The board honored local veterans and asked those in attendance to stand in recognition of their service.
  3. Dr. Burrell congratulated AndersonCountyHigh School’s football team for advancing to the playoffs and wished them luck over PowellHigh School Friday evening.


A. Kim Guinn provided information on a flu vaccine to be administered to students this year. Kim said the system received 2500 donated injectable vaccine doses from the Oak Ridge Breakfast and Knox County Rotary Clubs with vaccinations planned to begin Thursday of next week once permission slips are received.

B. Something Good – Kelly Myers, ACCTC principal, described an event several of his students participated in recently. He said twenty-nine student teams from a five-county area participated in a contest sponsored by Knoxville Academy of Medicine (KAM) and the East Tennessee Quality Alliance to produce a short Public Service Announcement (PSA) on the importance of washing hands. Megan Dugger and Stephanie Taylor from ACCTC won the competition. Their winning 30 second PSA will be played on the Lobby Entertainment Network monitors in local Regal Theaters beginning December 17 as well as being viewed at the Regal VIP event. Winners were announced on Tuesday, November 8 at the Clayton Performing Arts Center at PellissippiStateCommunity College. After the video was shown, Megan explained how it was made and shared information about the awards she and Stephanie received.

  1. Leisa Fair provided information on three programs instituted this year for students who struggle with behavior issues. She explained the core program for a positive school climate is “Love and Logic,” a discipline program that puts the burden on the child to think about the choices (s)he makes.

Programs for behavior intervention include:

  • Kick-it – a smoking cessation program
  • WhyTry? – making the connection with choice/consequence
  • The other three R’s – working with parents to strengthen the bridge between home and school

Developing programs include:

  • Expand WhyTry?
  • Ripple effects
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Bullying

With these programs, Mrs. Fair said the system hopes for a decrease in suspension and appeals; Juvenile Court hopes for options for intervention and the community will find a resource for partnerships.


The report wasaccepted as read. Dr. Burrell suggesteda length of time for expulsions should be included on thereport.
A. Glenda Langenberg stated thePolicy Committee met on November 9,and approved a motion to refer policy 4.6052End of CourseGradingto the board for approval on first reading. Motion by Glenda Langenberg and seconded by Rickey Rose to approve policy 4.6052End of Course Gradingon first reading as presented. Motion carried.

In addition, the Anderson County Board of Education stipulates that the state-mandated Grade 8 Writing Assessment will be factored in as 5% of the student’s grade for one nine-week grading period.ii
ii This stipulation applies to the Grade 8 Writing Assessment only. The High School Writing Assessment will be factored in as part of the student’s grade as stipulated above under High School Writing Assessment. The Grade 5 Writing Assessment is excluded from Grade 8 and High School Writing Assessment stipulations.

B. Motionby Glenda Langenberg and seconded by Jo Williams to approvethe procedure forStudent Drug Testing (tier 1). Motion carried. Because this is procedure and not policy, it does not require a second reading.

  1. Motion by Rickey Rose and seconded by Dail Cantrell to ask staff to request, through the county commission operations committee, funding for capital outlay up to twelve million dollars. Motion carried.
  2. Mr. Rose reported Sheriff White indicated they would replace one school resource officer (SRO) that was deleted from the school budget this year, and Mr. Woodward said the system is now in position to fund an SRO at 50 percent with county commission funding the remaining 50 percent as well. Motion by Rickey Rose and seconded by Greg Crawford to replace the SRO that was eliminated from the budget. Motion carried.
  3. Motion by Rickey Rose and seconded by Jo Williams to pay Mr. Foster $4,500.00 in incentives in accordance with his contract. Motioncarried.
  1. Motion by Rickey Rose and seconded by Glenda Langenberg to approve the Energy Efficient Schools Initiative. Motion carried.
  2. Motion by Rickey Rose and seconded by Greg Crawford to approve textbook certification. Motion carried.
  3. Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Dail Cantrell to approve a special education assistant, budget code 142: 71200-163. Motion carried.
  4. Motion by Glenda Langenberg and seconded by Greg Crawford to approvepersonnel from last month’s report. Motion carried.
  5. Motion by Dail Cantrell and seconded by Jo Williams to approve Rickey Rose on the Negotiation Team. Motion carried.

1(a) / 141-47120/71600; To appropriate additional revenue in Adult Basic Education Program. / $30,000.00
1(b) / 141-47143/71200; To appropriate High Cost funds received. / $11,958.77
1(c) / 142.101; Federal Projects; To correctly reflect reserve and carryover revenue for TitleIA. / ($22,413.16)
1(d ) / 142.10S; Federal Projects; To correctly reflect reserve and carryover revenue for TitleIA ARRA. / ($673.02)
1(e) / 142.201; Federal Projects; To correctly reflect reserve and carryover revenue for Title IIA. / ($7,910.67)
1(f) / 142.201; Federal Projects; To reflect unexpected decrease in current year allocation in Title IIA. / ($8,377.00)
1(g) / 142.231; Federal Projects; To correctly reflect reserve and carryover revenue for Title IID. / ($232.64)
1(h) / 145.13; Head Start; To appropriate funds received through parent fundraiser. / $593.00
1(i) / 145.16; USDA; To appropriate increase in lunch payments from children and USDA funding. / $45,500.00

Motion byGreg Crawford and seconded byRickey Roseto approve appropriations
1a-i. Motion carried.

Roll Call Vote

Dail CantrellYea

Greg CrawfordYea

Steve FrittsYea

Ellen HitchcockYea

Glenda LangenbergYea

Rickey RoseYea

Jo WilliamsYea

John BurrellYea


2(a) / 141 - 73400; Early Childhood; To increase materials for playground mulch to meet federal regulations on resilient surfacing depth. / $1,525.00
2(b) / 142.101; Federal Projects; To increase salary and benefits for cost of advanced degree. / $3,910.56
2(c) / 145.14; Early Head Start; To increase contracted services from projected decrease in operating lease payments. / $800.00

Motion by Jo Williamsand seconded byGreg Crawford to approve transfers 2a-c. Motion carried.

Mr. Woodward provided board members with a personnel roster that includes paycode data.

Jo Williams scheduled a meeting to review a working draft of the director’s evaluation form on Monday, December 6 at 5:30 PM in the Board Room.

Due to schedule conflicts, the board agreed to move the December board meeting to Wednesday, December 8, 2010.

Dr. Burrell stated he has been told that principal(s) have told their staff not to talk to board members. Dr. Burrell wanted to make it perfectly clear that any teacher or staff member can talk to any board member at any time. He added he believes in the chain of command, but the board is here to listen to the community and that includes teachers and staff members.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM

Respectfully submitted by Pam Crawford, recording secretary.


Dr. John Burrell,ChairmanLarry M. Foster, Director of Schools