University of Iowa Student Government Senate 2016-2017
The University of Iowa Student Government is compiled of 9 different long standing committees. Each senator is allotted two committees to serve on and write legislation for! Our committees convene biweekly to discuss identify campus issues and begin working on legislation or initiatives! The 2016-2017 Senate would like you to be informed of the changes they are working to make on campus!
Please direct any questions about these updates to .
Meeting Notes from [1/24/2017]
Academic Affairs:The committee is working on textbook reporting. They are continuing efforts to have mid-semester evaluation reports. Senators will be meeting with administrators about having common study spaces on the Pentacrest. Finally, the committee is advocating for more study abroad scholarships.
Community Outreach:The committee discussed how Breakfast with UISG will be run this semester. They are thinking about making students swipe their university IDs before getting a donut. The committee will be attending student organization meetings and resident assistants to increase awareness for student government. The next volunteer event will be with University of Iowa Dance Marathon.
Diversity:The veterans’ constituency senator is meeting with administration to talk about finding a common space and counselors for veterans. The selection process for the constituency senators is being reformed. Other projects senators working on are to adopt a recycling and composting program for the cultural centers, lowering the spending cap for student elections, and increasing outreach to first generation students.
Governmental Relations:The committee was updated on City Council and how the student government’s legislative agenda. They will also be calling senators to talk about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) policy.
Internal Affairs:The nominations subcommittee selected 11 new senators and paired them all up with current senators for the mentorship program. They finished transitioning with the Student Elections Commissioner. The committee also discussed potential social events for all of student government.
SABAC Funding:The committee finalized the members that will be present at the funding meeting on January 29th. A senator presented to endowment idea to the rest of the committee. The short-term goal would be to supplement the amount UISG can allocate to student organizations, but the long-term goal is to reduce or eliminate the student activities fee. The CFO talked about the contingency reduction plan and ways to reduce reversions.
Student Life:The IMU staff is being trained to operate the charger/umbrella station. Undergraduate students will be able to express themselves through art on campus. Vice President Rocklin has approved the project and the committee will be meeting with Facilities Management. More communication has been made to get the therapy dogs, moped parking, downtown discounts, transfer student support, food truck initiatives moving forward. A couple new ideas the committee has was about pedestrian safety on the T. Anne Cleary Walkway and making microwaves more accessible to students on campus.
Student Safety:The committee is creating permanent bathroom signs that posts sexual assault resources so students can access those in a private setting. Senators will be meeting to discuss lighting issues. The Safety Liaison updated the committee members on Health Relationships Weeks.
Sustainability:Senators are meeting with campus partners to talk about bringing pollinators friendly plants, getting composting at the college of business, reducing paper usage in the classrooms, sustainable purchasing at the Hawk Shop, advertising for the sustainability certificate, a multicultural sustainability pledge, and expanding wind farm tours.