Organization Name: Kutztown University Foundation
Address: P. O. Box 730, Kutztown, Pa 19530
Peron Responsible for Grant Administration: Dr. Terre Sychterz
Title: Professor Phone: 484-646-4167
Describe the measurable goals for the project, including benchmarks for success:
The goal of the Kutztown University Children’s Literature Conference is to increase the knowledge of teachers, librarians and school children and inspire them with the desire to learn through literature. Our goal is to reach more teachers, librarians and students by offering an increasingly better program, which includes bringing well-known and award-winning authors to provide an opportunity for conference participants to work with leaders in the field. Success will be indicated by the number of invited schools that attend the school presentation, the attendance of the campus community, and the number of participants for the one-day conference. In addition, evaluations will be solicited to determine how well the program meets the needs of the attendees.
Report the organization’s success in reaching those goals, including data indicating that you met these goals:
We met the goal of bringing well-known and award winning authors and illustrators to the conference. Linda Sue Park is a Newbery Medal Award winning author, Beth Krommes and Jerry Pinkney are both Caldecott Medal Award winning illustrators, and Pat Mora is a Pura Belpre Award winning author. Participants at all events had the opportunity to hear the presenters speak, ask questions of the presenters and meet the presenters to get books autographed by them.
The number of invited schools that attended the school event was eleven with a total of 1,051 students. The attendance at the campus community event was 412 and the number of participants at the one-day event was 130. Goals were reached for the school presentation and campus event as we had over 1,000 children attend and over 400 college students and faculty hear inspiring presentations by outstanding authors and illustrators. The attendance for the full-day event was down by approximately 20 participants from previous years. A copy of the evaluation form and results are attached.
Provide a short narrative of the implementation of this project, including the involvement of other agencies or organizations:
Day one consisted of three presenters presenting to local school children in three different venues on campus, which provided tremendous outreach directly to the children in an intimate setting. One presenter even passed her Caldecott Medal around the room for the children to see.
One conference presenter visited a Communication and Design class on campus. In the afternoon, one of the authors visited the Elementary Education Department’s Early Learning Center on campus. These visits provided additional benefits to the campus community and increased collaboration among colleges and programs.
In the afternoon, there was a presentation to the Kutztown University community at no cost to participants. Attendance numbers were 412. There was great value in the presentations for the Kutztown University community. The presenters offered the Kutztown community diverse experiences with literature and art, as well as insight into various cultures and ethnicity.
Day two was an all day conference, from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm, for in-service teachers and librarians. The four authors/illustrators presented. There was also New Book Sessions and autographing. The number of participants who attended the public conference was 130, providing outreach to the community beyond our campus. We drew participants from all over Pennsylvania, New Jersey and one participant from Vermont. (A schedule is attached.)
Involvement of other agencies or organizations:
Committee Structure: The structure of the committee is unique in that it involves faculty membership from the various colleges on campus, as well as local in-service teachers and librarians. We even have teachers and librarians from New Jersey on the committee.
Kappa Delta Pi, an educational honor society, provided each school that attended two autographed books for their school library.
The Department of Communication and Design made a donation of $500.00 to help cover the cost of Jerry Pinkney ($7,500), who spoke at one of their classes in the morning.
The Dean of the College of Education paid for a luncheon for the committee members and presenters.
Provide a summary of the lessons learned from this project, including any unanticipated positive or negative results:
A copy of the evaluation results is attached. The event was highly successful at all levels. The school event met all expectations, as did the campus community event. Enrollment for the full-day conference was lower than any other year. In speaking with the presenters, as well as discussion at our follow up committee meeting, we recognized areas where we can improve and extend ourselves.
First, it was suggested by Beth Krommes and Linda Sue Park that we contact The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and ask to publicize our event and get their mailing list. Other contacts include Philadelphia Writers Organization, Writer’s Club of Delaware County and Children’s Reading Roundtable. On the evaluation form, a participant suggested some other groups to contact in the Chester County area. This would hopefully entice more participants. The Children’s Literature Committee decided to focus on inviting presenters from Pennsylvania to help limit transportation and hospitality costs.
The committee will also look at adjusting the schedule to three presenters rather than four as suggested by a participant.
Is the project for which you received funding complete?
Yes. The project was completed on April 16, 2011.
What portion of the grant funds provided by the Anne M. and Philip H. Glatfelter, III Family Foundation were used for the project?
All monies were used to pay presenters ($7,000).
If no, when do you expect the project to be completed? N/A
What portion of the Foundation funds remain to be spent? N/A
Does this project require ongoing funding? If yes, please describe how funds will be raised to fund its operation.
This project will need continual funding. For 2012, our current budget will be able to support payment of three authors within a $10,000 budget. This means we will recruit local authors and illustrators to present. In this way, we will not have the cost of airfare and extra lodging. The Dean of the College of Education will fund the luncheons. We will try a more aggressive publicity campaign, as mentioned above, to attract more participants at the one-day event, which will increase the monies brought in through registrations. We will continue to look for grants and sponsors to help supplement the budget.
I certify that the Kutztown University Foundation has not used any portion of these funds for any purpose other than the purpose stated in the grant application. Further, no portion of these funds has been or will be sued to carry on propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence legislation, to influence the outcome of a public election, to carry on a voter registration drive, to make a grant that does not comply with I.R.C § 4945(d)(3) or (4), or to finance an activity for any purpose other than the charitable purposes stated in I.R.C § 170(c)(2)(B).
Chief Executive Officer, Recipient Date