
The Inverclyde Council
Thursday 24 May 2007 at 4.00 pm
Present: Councillors Ahlfeld, Blair, Brooks, Clocherty, Dorrian, Ferguson, Fyfe, Grieve, Loughran, MacLeod, McCabe, McCallum, McCormick, McIlwee, McKenzie, Moran, Osborne, Rebecchi, Wilson and White.
In attendance: Chief Executive, Corporate Director Education & Social Care, Corporate Director Environment & Community Protection, Corporate Director Improvement & Performance, Corporate Director Regeneration Resources, Head of Corporate Communications & Public Affairs, Head of Finance, Head of Legal & Administration and Mr G Douglas, Managing Solicitor (Committees/Contracts).
The Chief Executive took the Chair as Returning Officer.
Rev A Sorensen opened the proceedings with prayer.
There was submitted a list of Councillors elected following the local government elections on 3 May 2007.
The Chief Executive advised that all Members had executed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
The Chief Executive called for nominations for the vacant office of Provost of Inverclyde and Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that Councillor McCormick be appointed as Provost. As an amendment, Councillor Brooks seconded by Councillor MacLeod moved that Councillor Ferguson be so appointed. On a vote, 4 Members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion which was declared carried.
Councillor McCormick accepted the office of Provost, was invested with the chain of office and thereupon assumed the chair.
The Provost expressed his thanks to the Council for electing him to the position and welcomed all new Members of the Council. He also thanked his family for their support and indicated that he looked forward to the challenges which would arise during his term as Provost.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that Councillor McCallum be appointed as Depute Provost. As an amendment, Councillor Brooks seconded by Councillor Blair moved that Councillor Rebecchi be so appointed. On a vote, 8 Members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion which was declared carried.
Councillor McCallum accepted the office of Depute Provost and expressed his thanks to the Council for electing him to the position.
There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive seeking formal approval of a new decision-making structure for Inverclyde Council.
Following discussion, Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved:
(1)that the proposed new decision-making structure detailed in the report be implemented with immediate effect;
(2)that the designation of Senior Councillors as detailed in paragraph 5.9 be agreed subject to substitution of chair of the General Purposes Board for chair of the Licensing Board;
(3)that individual Conveners and Vice-Conveners, in consultation with relevant Officers, determine whether a meeting of their Committee requires to be called prior to the next Council on 28 June 2007;
(4)that the existing schedule of Committee meetings be cancelled in light of the adoption of a new structure and that a full programme for meetings after the summer recess be submitted to the Council for approval on 28 June 2007;
(5)that agreement be given to the establishment of an informal “Provost’s Forum” chaired by the Provost with a representative of each political group to discuss the appropriate arrangements in relation to civic and Members’ issues;
(6)that with immediate effect from the date of this meeting, the Scheme of Administration detailed in Appendix 2 of the report replace that previously agreed on 26February 2004 subject to an amendment to page 22, paragraph 7.2.1 of the Scheme to read as follows:
“to exercise all of the functions delegated to the Policy and Resources Committee or the Strategic Committees in any circumstances of urgency or where a decision is required outwith the ordinary cycle of meetings subject to consultation with the Convener and Vice-Convener of the affected Strategic Committee where appropriate.”
(7)that the Standing Orders approved on 26 February 2004 be applied to the new Committees, Sub-Committees and Regulatory Boards set out in the new Scheme of Administration on the basis, for the avoidance of doubt, that the term “Committee” includes Sub-Committees and Regulatory Boards subject to the amendment below;
(8)that the Standing Orders be amended in respect of Standing Orders 61 and 62 as set out in Appendix 3 of the report and the Standing Orders be implemented accordingly with immediate effect from the date of this meeting;
(9)that the operation of the new structure be reviewed in due course and that a report thereon be submitted to the Council in June 2008; and
(10)that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to make adjustments to the detail of the Scheme of Administration to take account of inconsistencies, typographical errors and duplications before finalising the document for issue and implementation.
As an amendment,Councillor Blair seconded by Councillor Brooks moved with reference to paragraph 5.5 of the report, that all Committees, Sub-Committees and Regulatory Boards of the Council, with the exception of the Policy & Resources Committee, operate with full delegated authority. On a vote, 8 Members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion which was declared carried.
As a further amendment to paragraph 5.5, Councillor Blair seconded by Councillor Brooks moved that the facility for substitutes be restricted to the Regulatory Boards. On a vote, 8 Members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion which was declared carried.
(1)that the proposed new decision-making structure detailed in the report be implemented with immediate effect;
(2)that the designation of Senior Councillors as detailed in paragraph 5.9 be agreed subject to substitution of chair of the General Purposes Board for chair of the Licensing Board;
(3)that individual Conveners and Vice-Conveners, in consultation with relevant Officers, determine whether a meeting of their Committee requires to be called prior to the next Council on 28 June 2007;
(4)that the existing schedule of Committee meetings be cancelled in light of the adoption of a new structure and that a full programme for meetings after the summer recess be submitted to the Council for approval on 28 June 2007;
(5)that agreement be given to the establishment of an informal “Provost’s Forum” chaired by the Provost with a representative of each political group to discuss the appropriate arrangements in relation to civic and Members’ issues;
(6)that with immediate effect from the date of this meeting, the Scheme of Administration detailed in Appendix 2 of the report replace that previously agreed on 26February 2004 subject to an amendment to page 22, paragraph 7.2.1 of the Scheme to read as follows:
“to exercise all of the functions delegated to the Policy and Resources Committee or the Strategic Committees in any circumstances of urgency or where a decision is required outwith the ordinary cycle of meetings subject to consultation with the Convener and Vice-Convener of the affected Strategic Committee where appropriate.”
(7)that the Standing Orders approved on 26 February 2004 be applied to the new Committees, Sub-Committees and Regulatory Boards set out in the new Scheme of Administration on the basis, for the avoidance of doubt, that the term “Committee” includes Sub-Committees and Regulatory Boards subject to the amendment below;
(8)that the Standing Orders be amended in respect of Standing Orders 61 and 62 as set out in Appendix 3 of the report and the Standing Orders be implemented accordingly with immediate effect from the date of this meeting;
(9)that the operation of the new structure be reviewed in due course and that a report thereon be submitted to the Council in June 2008; and
(10)that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to make adjustments to the detail of the Scheme of Administration to take account of inconsistencies, typographical errors and duplications before finalising the document for issue and implementation.
At this point, Councillor Blair asked that his opposition to any Member holding more than one convenership be recorded.
There was submitted a report by the Head of Finance seeking approval for the Members’ Salaries and Expenses Scheme applicable from midnight on 2 May 2007.
The Council was advised that it was proposed to insert a new section 7 within the scheme to provide for Members’ automatic access to the Council’s Group Life Assurance Scheme where they meet the qualifying criteria. It was noted that the overall cost of this proposal would be £900 to £1,100 per annum which would be contained within the overall Members’ Salaries Budget.
(1)that the Members’ Salaries and Expenses Scheme appended to the report be approved with effect from midnight on 2 May 2007 subject to the insertion of a new section 7 within the Scheme as follows:
7.1Members will have automatic access to the Council’s Group Life Assurance Scheme where they meet the qualifying criteria”; and
(2)that there be 9 Senior Councillors, as agreed by the Council at the previous item, each being paid £17,384.
Councillor Clocherty seconded by Councillor McCallum moved that Councillor McCabe be elected Leader of the Council and this was agreed unanimously.
Councillor Clocherty seconded by Councillor McCallum moved that Councillor McKenzie be appointed Depute Leader of the Council and this was agreed unanimously.
Councillor White seconded by Councillor Rebecchi moved that Councillor Blair be appointed Leader of the Liberal DemocratMinority Group.
Councillor MacLeod seconded by Councillor Grieve moved that Councillor Brooks be appointed Leader of the SNP Minority Group. Following discussion on this item, the Council agreed unanimously to the suspension of Standing Orders to allow for substitution of all references within the Standing Orders to Leader of the Minority Group(s) with Leaders of the Minority Groups and it was agreed unanimously that these be CouncillorsBrooks and Blair, both with Senior Councillor status.
(1)that Councillor McCabe be appointed Leader of the Council;
(2)that Councillor McKenzie be appointed Depute Leader of the Council; and
(3)that Councillors Brooks and Blair be appointed Leaders of their respective Minority Groups.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that the following Members be appointed to the Policy and Resources Committee:
Policy and Resources Committee
(1)Councillor McCabe / (7)Councillor MacLeod
(2)Councillor McKenzie / (8)Councillor Ferguson
(3)Councillor Clocherty / (9)Councillor Fyfe
(4)Councillor McIlwee / (10)Councillor Blair
(5)Councillor Moran / (11)Councillor Wilson
(6)Councillor Brooks
Convener: Councillor McCabe
Vice-Convener: Councillor McKenzie
This was agreed unanimously.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that the following appointments be made to the Regeneration Committee:
Regeneration Committee
(1)Councillor Clocherty / (7)Councillor Ferguson
(2)Councillor McCallum / (8)Councillor MacLeod
(3)Councillor Loughran / (9)Councillor Blair
(4)Councillor McCabe / (10)Councillor Fyfe
(5)Councillor McKenzie / (11)Councillor Ahlfeld
(6)Councillor Osborne
Convener: Councillor Clocherty
Vice-Convener: Councillor McCallum
382 / As an amendment, Councillor Brooks seconded by Councillor Blair moved that Councillor Fyfe be appointed Vice-Convener. On a vote, 8 Members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion which was declared carried. / 382
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that the following appointments be made to the Education & Lifelong Learning Committee:
Education & Lifelong Learning Committee
(1)Councillor McCabe / (7)Councillor Grieve
(2)Councillor Loughran / (8)Councillor Osborne
(3)Councillor Clocherty / (9)Councillor White
(4)Provost McCormick / (10)Councillor Blair
(5)Councillor Dorrian / (11)Councillor Wilson
(6)Councillor Brooks
3 Church Representatives, 1 Parent Representative, 1 Teacher Representative
Convener: Councillor McCabe
Vice-Convener: Councillor Loughran
As an amendment, Councillor Brooks seconded by Councillor Blair moved that Councillor Osborne be appointed Vice-Convener. On a vote, 8 Members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion which was declared carried.
(Councillor Osborne entered the meeting at this point).
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that the following appointments be made to the Health & Social Care Committee:
Health & Social Care Committee
(1)Councillor McIlwee / (7)Councillor Grieve
(2)Councillor McKenzie / (8)Councillor MacLeod
(3)Councillor McCabe / (9)Councillor Rebecchi
(4)Provost McCormick / (10)Councillor Fyfe
(5)Councillor Moran / (11)Councillor Ahlfeld
(6)Councillor Brooks
Convener: Councillor McIlwee
Vice-Convener: Councillor McKenzie
As an amendment, Councillor Brooks seconded by Councillor Blair moved that Councillor MacLeod be appointed Vice-Convener. On a vote, 9 Members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion which was declared carried.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that the following appointments be made to the Safe, Sustainable Communities Committee:
Safe, Sustainable Communities Committee
(1)Councillor Moran / (7)Councillor MacLeod
(2)Councillor Dorrian / (8)Councillor Grieve
(3)Councillor McCabe / (9)Councillor Rebecchi
(4)Councillor McCallum / (10)Councillor White
(5)Councillor McIlwee / (11)Councillor Wilson
(6)Councillor Ferguson
Convener: Councillor Moran
Vice-Convener: Councillor Dorrian
As an amendment, Councillor Brooks seconded by Councillor Blair moved that Councillor Grieve be appointed Vice-Convener. On a vote, 9 Members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion which was declared carried.
382 / Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that the following appointments be made to the Audit Committee: / 382
Audit Committee
(1)Councillor Clocherty / (7)Councillor MacLeod
(2)Councillor Dorrian / (8)Councillor Ferguson
(3)Councillor Loughran / (9)Councillor Blair
(4)Councillor McCallum / (10)Councillor Fyfe
(5)Provost McCormick / (11)Councillor Ahlfeld
(6)Councillor Brooks
Convener: Councillor Blair
Vice-Convener: Councillor MacLeod
This was agreed unanimously.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that the following appointments be made to the General Purposes Board:
General Purposes Board
(1)Councillor Moran / (7)Councillor Fyfe
(2)Councillor Dorrian / (8)Councillor Brooks
(3)Councillor McCallum / (9)Councillor Grieve
(4)Councillor McIlwee / (10)Councillor Rebecchi
(5)Councillor McKenzie / (11)Councillor Ahlfeld
(6)Councillor MacLeod
Chair: Councillor Ahlfeld
Vice-Chair: Councillor McKenzie
As an amendment, Councillor Brooks seconded by Councillor Blair moved that Councillor MacLeod be appointed Chair. On a vote, 9 Members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion which was declared carried.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that the following appointments be made to the Planning Board:
Planning Board
(1)Councillor Dorrian / (7)Councillor Grieve
(2)Councillor Loughran / (8)Councillor Rebecchi
(3)Councillor McCallum / (9)Councillor MacLeod
(4)Councillor McKenzie / (10)Councillor Fyfe
(5)Councillor Moran / (11)Councillor Wilson
(6)Councillor Brooks
Chair: Councillor Wilson
Vice-Chair: Councillor Fyfe
As an amendment, Councillor MacLeod seconded by Councillor Blair moved that Councillor Brooks be appointed Chair. On a vote, 9 Members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion which was declared carried.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that the following appointments be made to the Human Resources Appeals Board:
Human Resources Appeals Board
(1)Councillor McCallum / (5)Councillor Osborne
(2)Councillor McIlwee / (6)Councillor Rebecchi
(3)Councillor Moran / (7)Councillor Ahlfeld
(4)Councillor Brooks
Chair: Councillor McCallum
382 / Vice-Chair: Councillor Brooks / 382
This was agreed unanimously.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that the following appointments be made to the Education Appeals Board:
Education Appeals Board
(1)Councillor Moran / (5)Councillor Ferguson
(2)Councillor McKenzie / (6)Councillor Rebecchi
(3)Councillor McIlwee / (7)Councillor Ahlfeld
(4)Councillor MacLeod
Chair: Councillor Moran
Vice-Chair: Councillor McIlwee
This was agreed unanimously.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that the following appointments be made to the Policy and Resources - Executive Sub-Committee:
Policy and Resources - Executive Sub-Committee
(1)Councillor McCabe / (4)Councillor Blair
(2)Councillor McKenzie / (5)Councillor Clocherty
(3)Councillor Brooks / (6)Councillor Wilson
Convener: Councillor McCabe
Vice-Convener: Councillor McKenzie
As an amendment, Councillor Brooks seconded by Councillor Osborne moved that Councillor MacLeod be appointed as the Non-Administration Member in place of Councillor Wilson. On a vote, 9 Members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion which was declared carried.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that the following appointments be made to Inverclyde Licensing Board:
Inverclyde Licensing Board
(1)Councillor Ahlfeld / (6)Councillor Ferguson
(2)Councillor McCallum / (7)Councillor White
(3)Councillor Moran / (8)Councillor Wilson
(4)Councillor Dorrian / (9)Vacancy
(5)Councillor Grieve
Chair: to be determined by Inverclyde Licensing Board.
This was agreed unanimously.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that all Members of the Policy & Resources Committee be appointed to the Joint Consultative Committee (Employees) and this was agreed unanimously.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that all Members of the Policy & Resources Committee be appointed to the Joint Consultative Committee (Craft Operatives) and this was agreed unanimously.
Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor McKenzie moved that all Elected Members of the Education & Lifelong Learning Committee be appointed to the Local Negotiating Committee for Teachers. This was agreed unanimously.
Decided: that the following appointments be made to Committees, Sub-Committees and Regulatory Boards:
382 / Policy and Resources Committee / 382
(1)Councillor McCabe / (7)Councillor MacLeod
(2)Councillor McKenzie / (8)Councillor Ferguson
(3)Councillor Clocherty / (9)Councillor Fyfe
(4)Councillor McIlwee / (10)Councillor Blair
(5)Councillor Moran / (11)Councillor Wilson
(6)Councillor Brooks
Convener: Councillor McCabe
Vice-Convener: Councillor McKenzie
Regeneration Committee
(1)Councillor Clocherty / (7)Councillor Ferguson
(2)Councillor McCallum / (8)Councillor MacLeod
(3)Councillor Loughran / (9)Councillor Blair
(4)Councillor McCabe / (10)Councillor Fyfe
(5)Councillor McKenzie / (11)Councillor Ahlfeld
(6)Councillor Osborne
Convener: Councillor Clocherty
Vice-Convener: Councillor McCallum
Education & Lifelong Learning Committee
(1)Councillor McCabe / (7)Councillor Grieve
(2)Councillor Loughran / (8)Councillor Osborne
(3)Councillor Clocherty / (9)Councillor White
(4)Provost McCormick / (10)Councillor Blair
(5)Councillor Dorrian / (11)Councillor Wilson