MensUnder 85kg-180Kg (rear of hatch back) Woman – 120kgs (rear of lupo)
Mens Over 85kgs- 200kg ( rear van)
- 3 attempts for the greatest number of reps.
- There is a 60 second time limit.
- Handles will be to each side of the athlete.
- Good Lift: The athlete must lift the frame to a locked out position with head up, shoulders back, legs and feet in line. NO “leaning” deadlifts allowed. Athlete must finish in a 90 degree position.
- Athlete must wait for the judge’s signal before lowering the apparatus to receive a good lift and start the next repetition.
- Equipment allowed: Lifting Straps, knee wraps or sleeves, Chalk, Belt.
- Equipment NOT allowed: Lifting hooks
MensUnder 85kg-180Kgs Woman – 120kg
MensOver 85kgs- 220kgs
- 3 Attempts allowed,
- Height adjustment will be set just above competitors mid chest line.
- 50 M Course with slight up hill gradient from start (25m x 2) and a drop at turn at 25m ,
- 60 second time limit.
- Athlete must take their position under the implement, feet forward hands in position.
- Referee will give the call to lift, once the front of the yokecrosses the start line time will start.
- A maximum of 2 drops will be allowed, after this measurement will be taken from point of last contact.
- Measurements are taken from the part of the implementwhich is farthest back.
- Time will stop when the whole implement has crossed the finish line.
- Excessive dragging of the implement is not permitted. If dragging is noticed by the referee, one warning will be given to the competitor to correct the lift. Following the warning if any dragging persists, distance will be measured from the point of contact with the ground, not where the implement slides to.
- Equipment Allowed: Weight ,Belt, Chalk, Knee wraps or sleeves
- Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky, lifting hooks , straps, back support brace
LOG PRESS: Event 2
MensUnder 85kg-70Kgs Woman – 40kgs
Men’s Over 85kgs- 90kgs
- Athlete allowed 3 attempts , Clean once , press for reps
- There is a 60 second time limit
- Athlete may press, push press, push jerk or split jerk the log overhead to a locked out position.
- Athlete must wait for the “Good lift” signal before lowering to continue with the next rep.
- The athlete must lower the log under control. No deliberate dropping of the log will be permitted. The athlete may forfeit his/her attempt in doing so.
- Good Lift: Log locked out under control overhead with arms straight, head thru, legs and feet parallel and stationary.
- The athlete must lower the log under control and place on the two tyres when finishing event.
- Equipment allowed: Belt, chalk, elbow sleeves, knee wraps or sleeves.
- Equipment NOT allowed: Any item placed within the belt to provide a “shelf”, elbow or wrist wraps.
MensUnder 85kg-170Kgs Woman – 120kgs
MensOver 85kgs- 200kgs
- Two attempts, weight carried for Maximum distance.
- 60 sec Time limit.
- The athletes must carry the implement in the crook of the arms (fore-arms/ biceps)
- NO SHOULDERING OF THE IMPLEMENT ALLOWED, if noticed one warning will be issued, if repeated contestant will forfeit the distance of one revolution (lap)
- Two drops allowed, of third drop measurements will be taken from the back of the implement.
- Athletes must walk in a clockwise fashion.
- On the lift command, the athlete will have 30 seconds to be able to lift the apparatus.
- There will be a 2’ grace mark, after which measurements will be taken.
- No excessive sliding of the equipment will be permitted. Distance will be measured from point of contact, not where implements slide to.
- Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps, Fore-arm sleeves. Belt with buckle to the back.
- Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky, Any item placed in the lifting belt to provide a “shelf”.
TRUCK PULL: Event 5 (May change order depending on weather)
MensUnder 85kg- 8.5Tonne Truck Woman – 6 Tonne Jeep/Trailer
MensOver 85kgs- 8.5Tonne Truck
- 1 attempts for the best time or distance, There is a 60 second time limit.
- 2” Sisal rope will be used as an anchor to assist competitors with forward motion
- Vehicle is 9Tonne Truck for male athletes, or 6 Tonne Jeep & trailer for female athletes
- Pulling harness will be provided, but competitors can use their own. Course length 25m
- An event Stuart will be at least 3’ from the athlete and 45 degrees to the right or left of the athlete, making sure the slack is not getting under the wheels of the vehicle or hindering the athlete in any way.
- The front bumper of the vehicle will start on the start line.
- Time stops when the front bumper of the vehicle crosses the finish line, otherwise distance will be recorded from the starting line to the front bumper.
- Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps. Elbow sleeves. Climbing shoes.
- Equipment NOT allowed: Jet pack
Mens Under 85kg- 85kg, 100kg, 115kg, 130Kg Woman – 2x60kg (kegs)& 85kg, 100kg (stones)Mens Over 85kgs- 115kg, 130kg, 145kg, 160kg
- 2 Attempts allowed
- There are 3 platforms, each will hold 2 stones.
- Platforms are 4ft, 4.5ft & 5ft and will be in descending height order.
- Competitors will have to lift each Atlas stone in ascending weight order.
- Each stone must be fully engaged in the adjacent platform slot before moving onto the next stone.
- Event will be judged on the quickest time to stack all 4stones(kegs women).
- In the event not all stones/kegs are lifted, time will be recorded for each complete lift.
- There are 3 drops allowed.
- Equipment Allowed: Belt, chalk, tacky, arm sleeves, knee wraps
- Equipment NOT allowed:
MensUnder 85kg-180Kgs (90 ea side) Woman – 100kgs (50 ea side)
MensOver 85kgs- 200kgs (100 ea side)
- 1 attempt to hold weight for the longest time, no time limit
- Competitors are to stand on steel platform with arms extended, gripping handles that restrain two plate loaded iron girders, one at each side. The athlete must hold the implements straight out from the sides of the torso.
- A slight bend in the elbows is permitted, however if the bend becomes too great the event judge has the right to stop the event and record the time.
- Timing will stop when the athlete is no longer able to hold the weightand releases one of the handles
- The winner is the athlete who holds the implements in the correct position for the longest time
- Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps.
- Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky, Gloves ,lifting hooks or straps