Michelle Alfa
Environmental Services: The Front Line in the Battle of Bugs. Presented at Patient Safety Forum: Canada’s Forum on Patient Safety & Quality Improvement. Toronto, ON. April 30, 2009.
The Who, When and Why of Isolation Precautions. Presented via Webinar for Webber Training Inc. December 18, 2008.
Water for the Reprocessing of Medical Devices: Key Aspects of TIR34. Presented with Dr. Steve Goldstein via Webinar TIR 34 for AAMI . October 16, 2008.
Clostridium difficile: Unique Nosocomial Model. Presented via Webinar for CHICA. Montreal, Quebec. September 25, 2008.
Environmental Cleaning: MRSA. Presented via Webinar for CHICA. September 16, 2008.
The A0 Concept for Steam Sterilization. Presented at CSA meeting. Halifax, NS. July 28, 2008.
Fred Aoki
Knowledge of Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Effects of Neuraminidase Inhibitors for Seasonal Influenza can be Translated to Pandemic Influenza. Medical, Scientific and Historical Lessons from the Great Avian (H1N1) “Spanish” Influenza Pandemic of 1918: The 90th Anniversary. November 10, 2008. The Imperial War Museum, London, U.K.
Harvey Artsob
Scientific activities at the National Microbiology Laboratory: Addressing infectious disease threats at home and abroad. Manitoba Science Academy, July 21, Pinawa, Manitoba, 2008.
Case Study: West Nile Virus. Taking an integrated national public health approach to an emerging infectious disease in Canada. APEC Health Working Group Workshop ‘One Health - Moving from Concept to Practice’, August 13-15, Lima, Peru, 2008.
Historical aspects of eastern and western equine encephalitis virus activity in Canada. National Meeting on West Nile Virus and Other Non-Enteric Zoonotic Diseases. January 21-22, Ottawa, Ontario, 2009.
Zoonotic disease activities at the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory and the potential for collaborative projects in Kenya. Annual Review Meeting of the University of Nairobi STD/AIDS collaborative group. January 26-30, Nairobi, Kenya, 2009.
Blake Ball
Identification of Differentially expresses proteins in the Cervical Mucosa. Invited Talk: NIH Workshop-Evaluation of Cellular Mucosal Immunity June 15-16, 2009 Potomac MD.
HIV/TB co-infection: A growing public health issue. Invited Talk: Public Health Agency of Canada Research Forum. Winnipeg, Manitoba March 17-18, 2009.
Correlates of protection against HIV: Systems biology approaches to study HIV exposed, yet uninfected subjects Invited Talk: Research in progress seminar Chinese CDC, Beijing China, February 20, 2009.
Correlates of protection against HIV: What can we learn from exposed, yet uninfected subjects? Invited Talk: First annual Chinese HIV vaccine Meeting, Beijing China February 21, 2009.
Immunity not Luck: Comprehensive studies of mechanisms of HIV resistance in highly exposed uninfected women. Invited Talk: The 5th Key Symposium, mucosal immunity and novel hiv-vaccine concepts, Stockholm Sweden, September 11 – 13, 2008.
Correlates of protection against HIV: What can we learn from exposed, yet uninfected subjects? Invited Talk: CAPT Network Steering Committee Meeting Entebbe, Uganda, January 23, 2009.
Natural Models of susceptibility to HIV Infection. The Pumwani CSW cohort. University of Nairobi Collaborative Centre for Research and Training in HIV/AIDS/STIs Annual Scientific Review and Planning meeting. Nairobi Kenya, January 26-30th, 2009.
Marissa Becker
Cultures in the Emergency Room. City Wide Emergency Rounds. May 13, 2009.
HIV Overview. Physician Assistant Program. June 8, 2009.
Kathryn Bernard
Reference Services, Health Care delivery in Canada, a brief overview and Mini briefing on creating a national culture collection for Canada. Presentation Oct 23 2008 for Russian scientists from Obolensk, Russia
Corynebacterium species and Coryneforms: no longer conumdrums. Southern California ASM (SCASM) 72nd annual meeting, Nov. 14 2008 La Jolla California.
Becoming Leaders: a workshop for women in the federal Science and Technology community. Nov. 26 2008 at NRC Institute, Winnipeg MB. [to comment on lengthy career to women who are early on in their careers].
James Blanchard
August, 2008: “Program Science and the National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases”. National Collaborating Centres for Public Health Summer Institute on Knowledge Translation. Kelowna, Canada.
November, 2008: “The Importance of Knowledge Synthesis and Knowledge Exchange in STD Prevention”. EGE University, Kusadasi, Turkey.
Stephanie Booth
Invited seminar DPZ (German Primate Centre), University of Gottingen, Germany “Identification of Gene Regulatory Circuits in Neurons Microdissected from Prion-Infected Mouse Brain” 2009.
Seminar PrioNet, Edmonton “Temporal changes in gene expression in micro-dissected degenerating neurons of the hippocampus and cerebellum in mouse scrapie” 2009.
Seminar Neuroprion, Madrid, Spain “Identification of Neuron-specific gene Regulatory Circuits Involved in Prion-Induced Neurodegeneration” 2008.
Timothy Booth
Structural Molecular Insights into SARS Coronavirus Cellular Attachment, Entry and Morphogenesis. Thursday, 18th June, 36th Annual Meeting of the Microscopical Society of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 16-19 June 2009.
Overview of Pandemic Research at the PHAC National Microbiology Laboratory. Invited presentation. Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Meeting: from Discovery to Frontlines. Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 6th, 2008.
Roles of Canadian Laboratories in Pandemic Influenza Preparedness. APHL/CPHLN Cross Border Influenza Summit, Renaissance Hotel at the Rogers Centre Toronto, Ontario, September 16-17, 2008.
Emerging respiratory viruses: SARS, influenza and pandemics. University of Winnipeg Lecture Series, October 16, 2008.
Eric Bow
Jan 29-Feb 2, 2009 64th Annual Conference of Association of Physicians of India (APICON-2009)
India Expo Centre, Greater Noida, New Delhi, India
§ Guest Lecture: “Systemic Fungal Infections: Recent Concepts in Treatment”
§ Guest Panelist, Case-Based Discussion: “New Perspectives, New Strategies: Systemic Fungal Infections”
§ Teaching medical students at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India
March 6, 2009 19th Focus on Fungal Infections (FOFI) Conference,
Fort Myers, Florida
Presentation: Aspergillosis in neutropenic patients
May 5, 2009 Haematology/Oncology Regional Grand Rounds, Section of
Haematology/Oncology, UofM and Department of Medical Oncology and Haematology, CancerCare Manitoba.
Presentation: “Flu Wars, Preparing for the Unpredictable, Episode VI”
June 18-20, 2009 26th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection / AMMI Canada / CACMID Annual Conference, Toronto, ON
1. AMMI Symposium on Preventing Infection in Patients Receiving Exogenous Immunosuppression
Presentation: “Reduction of the Risks and Consequences of Invasive Fungal Infection in Acute Leukaemia or Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: Prevention or Pre-emption, Value Added or Value Squandered?”
2. Satellite Symposium: The Evidence for Combination antifungal therapy – Wishful Thinking vs. Prudent Practice. A Pros & Cons Debate. (Dr. Bow, Moderator)
3. Satellite Symposium: Fungal infections in patients with hematological malignancies. How good are we at early diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately saving lives?
Presentation: “Risk Stratification: Insights into treatment strategy”
David Butler-Jones
National Meeting on Promotion and Prevention, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico July 5, 2008.
AIDS 2008 Conference: Co-Infection Satellite Session Mexico City. August 6, 2008.
IFA 9th Global Conference on Ageing - Creating an Enabling Environment – A Public Health Perspective September 6, 8:40AM, Montréal.
Regina Chamber of Commerce - Sept 18, 2008.
83rd Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) Directing Council, October 16, 2008.
Symposium on Chronic Disease and Aging, November 6, 2008, Montreal.
Global Indigenous STOP-TB Expert Meeting November 13, 2008 Toronto.
2008 Immunization Conference November 30, 2008 Toronto, Ontario.
Policy Research Initiative 4th Annual Symposium of the Population, Work and Family Policy Research Collaboration December 10, 2008.
Public Health Association of BC AGM Workshop - Responding to Health Inequities – The Role of Public Health – Vancouver, BC, December, 2008.
Agri- food Innovation Forum, Toronto, February 11, 2009.
Policy Think Tank on the Public Health Perspective on Emotional Maltreatment in Early Childhood, March 12, 2009, Ottawa.
Expert Consultation: “One World One Health – From Ideas to Action.” March 16, 2009, Winnipeg.
Taming of the Queue VI: “Mitigating demand through primary prevention” March 27, 2009, Ottawa.
Harvard University Club of Ottawa: Insights into Cutting-Edge Research in Disease Prevention and Nutrition March 31, 2009.
Barrie Oncology Conference, May 8, 2009, Barrie ON.
Risk Tolerance & Pro-active Risk Management in the Public Sector, hosted by the Financial Management Institute of Canada, June 1, 2009, Regina.
CPHA Annual Conference, June 7, 2009 Winnipeg.
Kevin Coombs
Quantitative proteomics to measure host protein responses in virus-infected cells. Canadian Proteome Society, Winnipeg, October 15, 2008.
Global quantitative and functional analyses of virus-host interaction. Public Health Agency of Canada, Winnipeg, March 17, 2009.
Maryanne Crockett
CaNTRIP: the development of a Canadian research network for immigrant health and travel-related illnesses. Manitoba Institute of Child Health Research Day, University of Manitoba, Oct. 2, 2008.
Hot Topics in Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Pediatric CME, University of Manitoba, Oct. 9, 2008.
Beware Rufus, Boots, and Spot! Pet-associated Infections. Bug Day 2008, University of Manitoba, Oct. 21, 2008.
Immigrant and Travel Health in Children: What do we know and what should we be doing? Pediatric Grand Rounds, University of Manitoba, March 19, 2009.
Michael Drebot
West Nile Virus Load and Variant Characterization in Canadian Blood Donors, Patient Sera, and Mosquito Pools Collected During the 2006-07 Seasons. National Meeting on West Nile virus and Other Non-Enteric Zoonotic Diseases. Jan 21-22, Ottawa, Ontario.
An Overview of California Serogroup Virus Diagnostics and Surveillance in Canada in 2008. National Meeting on West Nile virus and Other Non-Enteric Zoonotic Diseases. Jan 21-22, Ottawa, Ontario.
John Embil
A View from the Trenches: Cases in Infectious Diseases. Friday @ Noon 2008-2009 Video Conference Session. Continuing Medical Education for the University of Manitoba, Rural and Remote Physicians. Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 29, 2008,
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and Clostridium difficile: Global Issues of Emerging and Reemerging Diseases University of Winnipeg Over 55 Course. October 9, 2008.
Infection Control: Why We Do What We Do! Medical Grand Rounds, Universtiy of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba October 21, 2008.
Workshop: Guidelines for the Prevention of Endocarditis: Have They Gone too Far? Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Toronto, Ontario, October 27, 2008.
A View from the Trenches: Infectious Diseases Case Histories in Otolaryngology. Otolaryngology Grand Rounds, University of Manitoba. November 26, 2008.
Never a Dull Moment: Case Histories in Infectious Diseases. Universtiy of Manitoba Continuing Medical Education Program for Family Physicians. Boundary Trails Hospital, Steinbach, Manitoba. March 12, 2009.
Antibiotics and the Vascular Surgeon: Current Status. Winnipeg Vascular and Endovascular Continuing Medical Education Symposium. The Fairmont, Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba , April 25, 2009.
Never a Dull Moment. Infection Prevention and Control National Emergency Nurses Affiliation, 2009 National Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 25, 2009.
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus – Treatment or Not? 51st Annual Scientific Assembly and Business Meeting Family Medicine Issues and Updates 2009. Manitoba College of Family Physicians. Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 2, 2009.
Hot Topics – A Year in Review. Community Hospital Infection Control Association – 2009 Education Conference. St. John’s, Newfoundland, May 13, 2009.
Connecting the Dots: The Diabetic Foot in Clinical Practice. Pedorthic Association of Canada. Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 6, 2009.
Joanne Embree
Re-emerging pathogens in the acute care setting. CPS-Lifelong learning in Paediatrics – Winter 2009 Course, Banff Canada, March 13, 2009.
Antiviral agents other than retrovirals. CPS-Lifelong learning in Paediatrics – Winter 2009 Course, Banff Canada, March 14, 2009.
Update on vaccines. CPS-Lifelong learning in Paediatrics – Winter 2009 Course, Banff Canada, March 15, 2009.
Infections and the Environment – HIV as an example. Children’s Hospital 100th year Centenary Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 6, 2009.
H1N1 Experience in Manitoba, 86th Annual Conference Canadian Paediatric Society, Ottawa, Ontario, June 23-26, 2009.
Margaret Fast
NCCID HIV/STBBI Knowledge Synthesis & Exchange Follow-up Forum: Designing Comprehensive Prevention Programs. Vancouver, BC. March 12,13 , 2009.
NCCID Northern Knowledge Exchange Forum: Whitehorse, YT. March 26,27 2009.
CPHA Infectious Disease Cluster – Winnipeg. MB. June 8, 2009.
Heinrich Feldmann
Function of Ebola Virus Glycoproteins in Pathogenesis and Immune Response. University of Montana, Division of Biological Science. Montana Biotechnology Center. Missoula, Montana, USA (2009).
Ebola and Marburg Viruses: Epidemiology, Ecology and Host Adaptation. Zoonoses: Diseases from nature. Yale School of Public Health. New Haven, CT, USA (2009).
Vaccines to Combat Viral hemorrhagic Fevers. Vaccines for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases. Jefferson Vaccine Center, second annual retreat, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (2009).
Pre- and Post-Exposure Vaccination for Viral hemorrhagic Fevers. Immunology and Pathogenesis of Viral hemorrhagic Fevers. Emory Vacine Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (2009).
Ebola Virus in Rodent Models: Adaptation, Persistence, reactivation. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Seminar series. Atlanta, Georgia, USA (2009).
Overview of RML Integrated Research Facility. Systems Virology Kickoff Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA (2009).
Overview of RML Integrated Research Facility. NIAID South Africa Delegation Visit, Johannesburg, South Africa (2009).
Ebola virus in rodent models: Adaptation, Persitence, Reactivation. NIAID South Africa Delegation Visit, Johannesburg, South Africa (2009).
Bunyaviridae. University of Lyon, Lyon, France (2009).
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers – Vaccines. Amercian Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisana, USA.
In vivo disease modeling of high containment pathogens. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA (2008).
Ebola virus in rodent models: adaptation, persistence, reactivation. USAMRIID, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, USA (2008).
Exotic viral infections: preparedness and response. Global Health Lecture Series, The Institute of Medicine and Humanities, St. Patreick Hospital and Health Sciences Center, Missoula, Montana, USA (2008).
Ebola and Marburg viruses: immunopathology and immunoprotection. CYTOKINES 2008, 7th Joint Meeting of the ICS and ISICR, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2008).
Filoviruses: ecology and countermeasures. XIVth International Congress of Virology, Istanbul, Turkey (2008).
Lethal infection of macaques by 1918 influenza virus. “Severe Viral Infections”, International Shock Congress, Cologne, Germany (2008).
From theory to practice: working in outbreak situations. Training Course on Microbiological and Epidemiological Aspects of Outbreak Investigations, ECDC/RIVM Joint Training Course, Bilthoven, The Netherlands (2008).
Replicating vector protects against lethal filovirus and arenavirus challenge. 4th Canadian Gene Therapy and Vaccines Symposium. Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2008).
The role of field diagnostics in outbreak investigations. 4th International Symposium on Filoviruses – Filoviruses: Cellular Systems and Ecosystems Study Towards Outbreak Assessment, Libreville, Gabon (2008).
Emergency vaccines to combat viral hemorrhagic fevers. Vaccine & Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI), Portland, Oregon, USA (2008).