First half of Spring Term 2017 Year R

Teachers: Miss Beckett, Miss Geoghegan, Miss Gravely, Mrs Greenham

Teaching Assistants: Mrs McIntyre, Mrs Brain, Mrs Shergold.

This is an overview of the work we will be covering this half term during the topic

‘Winter stories and Traditional Tales’.

Personal Social and Emotional Development

Making relationships:

Forming good relationships with peers through a variety of class games.

Taking steps to resolve conflicts with other children.

Compromising with peers and adults in different play situations.

Self confidence and self awareness:

Taking part and taking turns in a variety of new experiences.

Promoting positive attitudes and self control.

Talking about own needs and interests

Managing feelings and behaviour:

Learning about who to talk to if you need help or you are unhappy

Communication and Language


Enjoying a range of traditional tales and a selection of fiction and non-fiction texts that interest the children.


Retell stories using pictures and props, role play and hot seating

Answering comprehension questions relating to stories, such as ‘how’ and ‘why’ and sequencing a series of events


Retelling stories in role play situations

Role Play – Traditional tale settings e.g. a winter wonderland and the shoemaker’s workshop

Physical Development

Moving and Handling:

Developing fine motor skills and gross motor skills

Securing correct pencil grip, pencil control and letter formation

Practicing skills such as cutting, joining and manipulating materials.


Games – Ball Skills

Gym – Dance.



Reciting number rhymes, counting forwards and backwards, reading and writing numbers.

Comparing and ordering numbers.

Simple addition and subtraction.

Shape, space and measures:

Learning the days of the week

Measuring time in simple ways

Ordering by size

Learning names and properties of 2D shapes



Oxford Reading Tree Stories shared reading and listening to story CDs.

Starting phase 3 phonics from the letters and sounds program

Reading familiar words and more complex words segmenting and blending phase 2 and 3 sounds.


Writing simple sentences by sounding out words.

Becoming confident in using a sound mat when sounding out and writing letters down.

Hear, say and write known phonemes at the beginning, end and middle of simple words.

Writing for a purpose, such as a character description of their very own elf, and writing a letter to the three bears.

Developing handwriting skills and forming letters correctly.

Understanding the World

Science: Name some common materials e.g. wood, plastic, metal and develop the vocabulary to

describe different materials. Identify the materials objects are made from.

Observing seasonal changes, and changes over time.

ICT : Learning to use an age appropriate computer program independently, including logging on/off.

Use a range of literacy and numeracy software independently.

Geography: Going on ‘welly walks’ and material hunts around the school environment.

RE: Stories told by Jesus e.g. The Lost Sheep, and The Lost Coin.

Expressive arts and Design

Art: Developing drawing and painting skills through observation and using their imagination.

Music: Texture: Investigate the sounds a range of percussion instruments make.

Follow and create rhythms and experiment with pitch and tempo of voice

DT: Make a wardrobe using hinging techniques

Design and make a vehicle to get Cinderella to the ball

Taste-test and make porridge