Prof. Rudresha Kottani


  • Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry “ Chemical and Biological Studies of Natural and Synthetic Products”. Gulbarga University, India (2000).
  • M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry “Pharmacological activities of Justicia procumbens”, Gulbarga Univesity, India (1994).
  • B.Sc. In Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, Gulbarga University, India (1991).

Professional Experience:

Research Scientist:

Department of Chemistry,

(06/06---Current) University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA

Sponsor: NSF, USA

In fast-paced environment, working on the project which involves the development of catalyst for the production of Hydrogen (Green Chemistry). Synthesized a series of nitrogen heterocycles (bipyridine systems) for the studies in developing a catalyst for Hydrogen production. Developed and introduced new techniques of synthesis to improve the yields of the target molecules.

Post Doctoral Research Associate:

Department of Chemistry,

(01/2004---06/2006) University of Denver, Denver, USA

Sponsor: NSF, USA

In a dedicated and result oriented lab, involved in the synthesis of photolabile adducts (xanthones, thioxanthones, benzophenones, dithianes). These molecules were successfully employed and played a critical role to develop a promising methods in combinatorial library screening, drug delivery and fluorescence applications. I made major contributions in developing a method for screening of solution phase combinatorial libraries. This method is considered as novel and helps to overcome the difficulties in screening combinatorial libraries.

Post Doctoral Fellow:

Department of Chemistry,

(01/2002---12/2003) National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan (R.O.C)

Sponsor: Auspex Pharmaceuticals, USA

In an industry sponsored project, engaged in developing a efficient, cost-effective synthetic strategy to prepare building blocks which are of industrial use. Designed and synthesized large number of molecules (deoxysugars, deoxyazasugars) in an efficient way to obtain stereodivergent, enatiomerically pure organic intermediates. These compounds are now being employed in pharmaceutical industry for the synthesis of target molecules for anti-viral deceases.

Professional Honors:

British Council Fellowship (1999)

British Council Fellowship (1997)

Research Fellow of AICTE, India

University Merit Studentship

Research Summary:

Involved in the Design and Synthesis of Organic molecules which are employed in Pharmaceutical, Agrochemical, Cosmeceutical, Combinatorial, Green Chemistry and Industrial applications.


  • Published Papers:
  • “In Vitro Cytotoxic Properties of O-methylsolanocapsine Isolated from Solanum Pseudocapsicum Leaves”, Santoshkumar H. Dongre, Shrishailappa Badami, Godavarthi Ashok, S. Ravi and Rudresh Kottani, Indian J Pharmacol, 39(4), 208-209 (2007).
  • “Direct Screening of Solution Phase Combinatorial Libraries Encoded with Externally Sensitized Photolabile Tags”, Rudresha Kottani, Roman A. Valiulin and Andrei G. Kutateladze,
  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 103 (38), 13917-13921(2006).
  • “Photoinduced Signal Amplification Through Controlled Externally Sensitized Fragmentation in Masked Sesitizers”, Rudresha Kottani, Janaki R.R. Majjigapu, Alexei N. Kurchan, Kavitha Majjigapu, Tiffany P Gustafson and Andrei G. Kutateladze, J. Am. Chem Soc., 128 (46), 14794-14795 (2006).
  • “When Ethyl is Infinitely Different from Methyl: Double Addition of Lithiated Dithianes to Aromatic Carboxylates Revisited”, Roman A. Valiulin, Rudresha Kottani and Andrei G. Kutateladze, J. Org. Chem, 71 (13), 5047-5049 (2006).
  • “Release and Report: A New Photolabile Caging System with a Two-photon Fluorescence Reporting Function”, Janaki R.R. Majjigapu, Alexei N. Kurchan, Rudresha Kottani, Tiffany P. Gustafson and Andrei G. Kutateladze, J. Am. Chem Soc., 127 (36), 12458-12459 (2005).
  • “Efficient and stereodivergent synthesis of deoxyimino sugars”, Bor-Cherng Hong, Zhong-Yi Chen, Arumugam Nagarajan, Rudresha Kottani, Vishal Chavan, Wie-Hung Chen, Yea-Fen Jiang, Shuo-Cang Zhang, Ju-Hsiou Liao and Sepehr Sarshar., Carbohydr. Res. , 340, 2457-2468 (2005).
  • “Efficient synthesis of enantiomerically pure dihydropyrans”, Bor-Cherng Hong, Zhong-Yi Chen, Arumugam Nagarajan, Kottani Rudresha, Vishal Chavan, Wie-Hung Chen, Yea-Fen Jiang, Shuo-Cang Zhang, Gene-Hsiang Lee and Sepehr Sarshar., Tetrahedron Letters, 46,1281-1285 (2005).
  • “Dithiane, Trithiane and Dithiazine- Based Photolabile Scaffolds for Molecular Recognition: Mechanism and Efficiency of the Photoinduced Fragmentation in Aqueous Reductive Environments”, Andrei Kutateladze, Rudresha Kottani, Alexei Kurchan, Janaki Ramreddy Majjigapu and Sam Shrik, Phosph. Sulf. Silicon, 180, 1379-1384 (2005).
  • “Synthesis and biological activities of new 5-hydrazino-10-substituted-7H-indolo [2,3- methyl pyrazol-5-ones and -3,5-disubstituted pyrazolines", S.P.Hiremath, K.Rudresh and A.R. Saundane, Indian J Chem, 41B (2), 394-399 (2002).
  • “Post-coital antifertility activity of Acalypha indica L.”, S.P.Hiremath, K. Rudresh, Shrishailappa Badami, Somnath R. Patil and Saraswathi B. Patil, J. Ethnopharmacology, 67, 253-258 (1999).
  • “Antiimplantation activity of alcoholic(95%) extract of Rivea hypocrateriformis”, H.Shivalingappa, J.S. Biradar and K. Rudresh, Indian J. Pharm. Sci., 61(5), 309-310 (1999).
  • “Synthesis and Pharmacological Screening of some N1-substituted phenyl-N3-(21-substituted indole-31-methine) thioureas”, A. R. Saundane, G. Prayagraj, S.H. Ranganath and K. Rudresh, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 10(4), 856 (1998).
  • “Synthesis and Pharmacological Studies of Some New 11H-indolo[3,2-c]isoquinolin-5-yl-thio acetylthiosemicarbazide and its Derivatives”, A.R. Saundane, S.H. Ranganath, G. Prayagraj, K. Rudresh and N.D. Satyanarayana, Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 14(2), 251-254 (1998).
  • “Pharmacological Screening of 6H, 11H-indole[3,2-c]isoquinolin-5-ones and their derivatives”, A.R. Saundane, K. Rudresh, N.D. Satyanarayana and S.P. Hiremath, Indian J. Pharm. Sci., 60(6), 379-83 (1998).
  • “Flavonoids of Acalypha indica L.”, S.P. Hiremath, K. Rudresh and Shrishailappa Badami, Indian J. Het. Chem., 8, 163-164 (1998).
  • “Antiinflammatory Activity of Alcohol Extract of Justicia procumbens (Acanthaceae)”, B.H.M. Mruthyunjayaswamy, K. Rudresh, H.K.S. Swamy, S.M. Badami and S.P. Hiremath, Indian J. Pharm. Sci., 60(3), 173-75 (1998).
  • “Anti-microbial Activity of Various Extracts of Striga sulphurea and Hemidesmus indicus”, S.P. Hiremath, K. Rudresh and Shrishailappa Badami, Indian J. Pharm. Sci., 59(3), 145-147 (1996).


  • “Method for Encoding and Screening Combinatorial Libraries”. Rudresha Kottani, Roman A. Valiulin, Janaki R.R. Majjigapu and Andrei G. Kutateladze, WO2007070761A2 , 79pp (2007).
  • “Photoinduced signal amplification through externally sensitized photofragmentation in masked photosensitizers”. Andrei G. Kutateladze,Alexei N. Kurchan, Rudresha Kottani, and Janaki R.R. Majjigapu, WO2007008472A2, 42pp (2007).
  • “Photolabile system with instantaneous fluorescence reporting function”. Andrei G. Kutateladze,Alexei N. Kurchan, Rudresha Kottani, and Janaki R.R. Majjigapu, WO2007008471 A2, 35pp(2007).
  • “Method of Preparation of Heterocyclic Molecules with Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Excipient, Cosmeceutical, Agrochemical and Industrial Uses”, Bor-Cherng Hong, Zhong-Yi Chen, Arumugam Nagarajan, Kottani Rudresha, Vishal Chavan and Sepehr Sarshar,US 2006/0173199 A1, 83pp(2006).
  • “Method of Preparation of Heterocyclic Molecules with Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Excipient, Cosmeceutical, Agrochemical and Industrial Uses”, Bor-Cherng Hong, Zhong-Yi Chen, Arumugam Nagarajan, Kottani Rudresha, Vishal Chavan and Sepehr Sarshar,WO 2004/064745 A2, 209pp (2004).

International Conferences:

  • “Pharmacological activities of Justicia procumbens” S.P.Hiremath, H.K.S.Swamy, S. Badami, K. Rudresh and B.H.M. Mruthyunjayaswamy was accepted for presentationin the Eleventh Annual Conference of Indian Council of Chemists held at Bihar University, Muzaffarpur from March 12-14, 1993 (Page No.65-66).
  • “Pharmacological screening of plant Evolvulus alsinoides”, S.P. Hiremath, B.K. Shanthaveerappa, K. Rudresh and H.K.S. Swamy, was accepted for presentation in the Eleventh Annual Conference of Indian Council of Chemists held at Bihar University, Muzaffarpur from March 12-14, 1993 (Page No.66)
  • “Antibacterial and antifungal activity of various extracts of S. album, D. falcata and A. farnisiana”, Suneel Beede, H. Gululingappa and K. Rudresh, was accepted and presented at Fifteenth Annual Conference of Indian of Chemists held at Dr. B.S.A. Maratwad University, Aurangabad from October 26-28, 1996 (Page No.13)
  • “Antifertility activity of Acalypha indica”, S.P. Hiremath, K. Rudresh and S.Badami, was accepted and presented at the Fifteenth Annual Conference of ICC held at Dr.B.S.A Maratwad University, Aurangabad from October 26-28, 1996 (Page No. 15-16)
  • “Estrogenic effect of Acalypha indica (Euphorbiaceae)”, S.P. Hiremath and K. Rudresh, was accepted and presented at Sixteenth Annual Conference of ICC held at Mangalore University, Mangalore from December 29-31, 1997 (Page No.13)
  • “Synthesis and pharmacological screening of some N1- substituted phenyl-N3-(21-substituted indole-31-methine) thioureas”, A.R. Saundane, G.Prayagraj, N.D. Satyanarayan, K. Rudresh, S.H. Ranganath and S.P. Hiremath, was accepted and presented at Sixteenth Annual Conference of ICC held a Mangalore University, Mangalore from December 29-31, 1997 (Page No.32-33).
  • “Antiulcerogenic activity of Acalypha indica (Euphorbiaaceae) on experimentally induced gastric ulcer” N.D. Satyanarayan, K. Rudresh and M.G. Purohit, was accepted and presented at the Sixteenth Annual Conference of ICC held at Mangalore University, Mangalore from December 29-31, 1997(Page No.33).
  • “Analgesic activity of various extracts of plants Hemidesmus indicus (Asclepidiaceae) and Striga sulphurea (Scrophulariaceace)”, J.S. Biradar, H. Shivalingappa and K. Rudresh, was accepted and presented at the Sixteenth Annual Conference of ICC held at Managalore University, Managalore from December 29-31, 1997 (Page No.34).
  • “Analgesic and anthelmintic activity of the plants Acalypha indica and Caeselpinia bonducella” , S.P. Hiremath, M.S. Hallur and K. Rudresh, was accepted and presented at the Sixteenth Annual Conference of ICC held at Mangalore University, Mangalore from December 29-31, 1997 (Page No.34).
  • “Synthesis and pharmacological studies of some new 11H-indolo(3,2-c) isoquinolin-5-yl thio) acetyl thiosemicarbazide and its derivatives”. A.R. Saundane , S.H. Ranganath, N.D. Satyanarayan, G.Prayagraj, K.Rudresh and S.P.Hiremath, was accepted and presented at Sixteenth Annual Conference of ICC held at Managalore University, Mangalore from December 29-31, 1997 (Page No. 40).
  • “Isolation and structural study of the flavonoids from the plant Acalypha indica” , S.P. Hiremath, and K.Rudresh, was accepted for the Indian Chemical Society’s 35th Annual Convention of Chemists 1998 held at Karnatak University, Dharwad from November 4-7, 1998.
  • “Antiandrogenic effect of Acalypha indica” S.P. Hiremath and K. Rudresh, was accepted for the Indian Chemical Society’s 35th Annual Convention of Chemists 1998 held at Karnatak University, Dharwad from November 4-7, 1998.
  • “Estrogenic effect of Caeselpinia bonducella (Caeselpiniaceae)”, S.P. Hiremath, M.S. Hallur and K.Rudresh, was accepted and presented at the Seventeenth Conference of ICC held at University of Madras, Chennai from 26-28, November 1998 (Page No.01)
  • “Synthesis and pharmacological activities of some new indolo(2,3-c)isoquinolines”, A.R. Saundane, K.Rudresh and S.P. Hiremath, was accepted and presented at the Seventeenth Conference of ICC held at University of Madras, Chennai from 26-28, November 1998 (Page No.10).
  • “Isolation, structural study and hormonal properties of flavonoids of Acalypha indica”, S.P. Hiremath, K. Rudresh and M.S. Hallur, was accepted and presented at the Seventeenth Conference of ICC held at University of Madras, Chennai from 26-28, November 1998 (Page No.19).
  • “Biological screening of Lucas aspera” , A.R. Saudane, K.M. Hidayatulla, N.D.Satyanarayan and K. Rudresh was accepted and presented at the Seventeenth Conference of ICC held at University of Madras, Chennai from 26-28, November 1998(Page No.19).
  • “Analgesic activity of various extracts of Atylosia scarabaeoides benth” Y.N. Seethram, Vijay, C. Haleshi and K. Rudresh was accepted and presented at the Seventeenth Conference of ICC held at University of Madras, Chennai from 26-28, November 1998 (Page No.49)
  • “Biological and pharmacological screening of 6H, 11H-indolo(3,2-c) isoquinolin-5-thione and their derivatives”, A.R.Saudane, N.D. Satyanarayan, K. Rudresh and S.P. Hiremath, was accepted and presented at the Seventeenth Conference of ICC held at University of Madras, Chennai from 26-28, November 1998 (Page No.54)

Membership of Professional Bodies:

  • Member, American Chem Society
  • Member, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientist
  • Active Member, American Association for Cancer Research
  • Member, Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Editorial Board Member, Asian Journal of Chemistry

Mailing Address: Departement of Chemistry, University of Arizona, 1306 E. University Blvd,

Tucson, AZ 85719, USA

Tel No. 520-621-4808 (Off)

Cell No. 303-332-5369 (Cell)
