Aug 14-21, 2016
Today10:00 a.m. – Worship Service
Saturday 4:00 p.m. – Watermelon and Rollkuchen
Next Sunday10:00 a.m. –Worship Service
Speaking: Diane Pinnell
Scripture:Luke 4:14-21
Theme:Changed for good
Offices on East/West Line at Creek Road 468-3505
Office hours – Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30-3:30 p.m.
To receive a Bethany Bulletin by email, contact the church office.
August 14, 2016
Welcome here!
We’re glad you came! Your being here is a sign of God’s love for the world and encourages other Christians. We hope our worship together helps you find
A place to belong and grow in faith.
Praise and Concerns
We remember in prayer:
- Bill Goertz recovering from acute appendicitis
- Henry Wiens who is recovering in hospital. No visitors please.
- Henry Dirks continued healing to allow for more surgery
- Jake Pennerwho is recovering from knee replacement
- Sarah Roberts, a SIM intern
- Nathan & Taryn Dirks, preparing to return from Botswana June 2017
- Margaret De Jong, our missionary in Senegal
- Our sister church in Pereira, Colombia
Please join us after the service todayfor cake & coffee to celebrate Anne Andres’90th birthday.
Pastor Herb and family will be on vacation in Vancouver until August 24. Please bring any concerns to Associate Pastor Diane Pinnell.
OurChildren's offering for August will be going towards school supplies for families in need.
Our Donations Touching Lives:Marla and Karl Langalotz of Winnipeg, Man., are taking time away from their regular roles to serve for nine months with Mennonite Church Canada in Ludwigshafen, Germany (Sept 2016 to May 2017). They are assisting Witness workers Gregory Rabus and Jennifer Otto in their ministry with the Ludwigshafen Mennonite Church, developing a community outreach program in response to the needs of many refugees in that city.
Bethany Announcements
Senior’s Event – All are welcome to participate in ourWatermelon & Rollkuchenevent on Saturday, August 20th at 4:00 pm at the church. Please bring lawnchairs anda $5 contribution. Martha Lucia will be presenting a slideshow.
Kitchen cleanup helpis still needed at your convenience. Please call Louise Rogalski if you are willing to help out.
Mennonite Church
Ride for RefugeOctober 1
If you like to RIDE and support MCC, then save-the-date for the Ride for Refuge on October 1! Grab your friends and family for a great time. More info available
Broader Church & Community
Job Opportunity: Vineland United Mennonite Church is looking for a part time office administrator to begin as soon as possible. Please send resumes to Dodie Lepp at or Louise Wideman .
52 August 14, 2016 10:00 Service No. 31
Welcome & Call to worshipDiane Pinnell
Songs – “Open up the heavens”
“Lord, I need You”
“Our God”
Mission Moment
Ministry Time & Prayer
Children’s TimeJoanne Thiessen
(Children are invited to remain at the front after the story)
Scripture –Mark 5:1-20Mathew King
Message –The Power of One Changed Life Diane Pinnell
Offering– “To the river”
Sending Song – “To live is Christ”
Band Members:Andrew Abfal, Irene Harlond, Red & Suzanne Klassen, Julian Mainprize, Diane Pinnell