Kendriya Vidyalaya NHPC BANBASA

Class – XII Sub –Informatics Practices

TIME : 3:00 hrsMAX. MARKS : 70

1 / a) Mr. Abhay is interested in transferring songs from his mobile to Mr. Raj’s mobile. Suggest two suitable wireless options he may use for doing the same. / 1
b) Shivani wants to upload/download files from/to a remote internet server.Write the name of the relevant communication protocol, which will let her do the same. / 1
c) Identify the following topologies.
(1) A signal/data packets transmit from one end to other end in linear way.
(2) Each node is connected to two and only two neighboring nodes in circular form. / 1
d) Write any two scripts included in Indian Languages on Unicode. / 1
e) Differentiate between HUB and SWITCH devices. / 2
f) Explain following terms.
(1) Apache Server (2) Linux / 2
g) Explain the term ODF and Ogg Vorbis. What are the advantages of these over others? / 2
2 / (a) Write the property of the radio button that should be set to make the radio buttons mutually exclusive? / 1
(b) Name one container for each of the following categories.
(i) Top level container
(ii) Middle level container / 1
(c) Write two examples of empty tag. / 1
(d) Which HTML tag and corresponding attributes are used to establish default font size for entire page? / 1
(e) How many times does the following loop execute? What is the value of num after the execution?
int num=5;
System.out.println(“Hello world”);
}while (num>2); / 2
(f) Write a function in java that takes an integer number as parameter and returns sum of its digits. / 2
(g) Which tag is used to specify : a. Table data b. Table header c. Table row d. Table border / 2
3 / a) Ms. Ananya has created a table SUPPLIER in the database. One of the fields in the table is city. Write the command to display city by avoiding duplication. / 1
b) Ms.Suniti created a table “BOOK” in MySQL. She forget to set the PRIMARY KEY for the table. Which command should she use to set it for the field “B_id”. / 1
c) Nihal is not able to enter the details of students born after ‘ 30-Mar-2007’. Which constraint is applied as specification when the table was created. / 1
d) What is the role of referential integrityw.r.t Foreign key constraint. / 2
e) EmpName, Sal of EMP table given below
EmpName / Sal
Saravanan / 2800
Neethu / 3200
Lekshmi / 3500
Ganesh / 2700
Based on this information, find the output of the following queries.
b) SELECT avg(Sal) FROM EMP WHERE Sal <3500; / 2
f) What is the significant of DROP TABLE command? / 2
g) A table Employee in a database has 14 columns and 4 records. What is its degree and cardinality if 2 more rows are added into the table? / 1
4 / (a) What is an abstract class? / 1
(b) Given a string Object namely month having value as “11” stored in it. What will be the result of following code?
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,“ ” + (month.length() + Integer.parseInt ( month) ) ); / 1
(c) What will be the content of jTextField1 after executing the following statement?
jTextField1.setText(“Informatics”.substring(3)); / 1
(d) Rewrite the following program code using if else if statement
case ‘a’ : system.out.println(“It is a.”); break;
case ‘b’ : system.out.println(“It is b.”); break;
case ‘c’ : system.out.println(“It is c.”); break;
} / 2
(e) What will be the contents of JTextField1 and JTextFiled2 after executing the following code 2
jTextField2.setText("Micro".concat("System")); / 2
(f) Find the output of the following program
class MainString
public static void main(String args[])
StringBuffer city= new StringBuffer("Madras");
StringBuffer Str= new StringBuffer( );
Str.append(new String(city));
} / 2
(g) Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow.
ABC IT Solution is required to develop a student record. The school offers two different streams, medical and non-medical, with different grading criteria. The following is the data entry screen used to calculate percentage and grade. * Student can assume name for the controls.

1. Write the code for the Frame Window Activate event to disable the Percentage and the Grade text fields. (1)
2. Write the code for the Clear button to clear all the text fields. (1)
3. Write the code for the Calculate button to calculate the percentage to display in text field after finding the total marks of first term and second term (assuming that both marks are out of 100). (2)
4. Write the code for the cmdCalcGrade button to calculate the grade to display in text field txtGrade, depending on the stream selected according to the criteria in the following table: (2)
/ 6
5 / a) Differentiate CHAR and VARCHAR data types? / 2
b) Write the output of the following SQL queries.
(i) SELECT CONCAT(LOWER(‘Class’), UPPER(‘xii’));
(ii) SELECT SIGN(2);
(iii) SELECT DAYOFYEAR(‘2010-02-13’);
(iv) SELECT MOD(11,4); / 2
c) Consider the table FLIGHT given below. Write commands in SQL for (i) to (iv) and output for (v) to (vii).

(i) Display details of all flights starting from Delhi.
(ii) Display details of flights that have more than 4 number of flights operating.
(iii) Display flight codes, starting place, destination, number of flights in descending order of number of flights.
(iv) Display destinations along with flight codes of all the destinations starting with ‘A’.
6 / Write an SQL query to create following table ‘ Supplier’ with following descriptions. 2
Table : Supplier
/ 2
b) Consider the following tables ‘Company’ and ‘Model’ shown below.
Table : Company

Table : Model

(1) Identify foreign key in Model table and primary key in Company Table.
(2) Check every value in CompID column of both tables. Do you find any discrepancy? / 2
c) Consider the tables Doctors and Patient given below:
Table : Doctors

With reference to these two tables, write a SQL query for (i) and (ii) and output for (iii).
(1) Display Patient Name,Patient No and corresponding doctor name for each patient.
(2) Display the list of all patients whose OPD_days are ‘TTS’.
(3) SELECT OPD_days,count(*) FROM Doctors, Patients WHERE doctors.Department = Patients.Department GROUP BY OPD_days; / 6
7 / (a) Define an entity. What is meant by entity type and entity instance ? / 1
(b) What benefits does an e-business offer to the customers? / 2
(c ) Kamayni works for a School. She wishes to create controls on a form for the the following functions. Choose appropriate controls from Text field, Label, Radio Button, Check box, List, Combo Box, Button and write in the third column.
/ 2
******* Best of Luck to Dear Students  ********