Seeking Qualified Applicants for the ATN Mentoring Program

For Doctoral-Level Scholars Interested in Youth-Focused HIV Research Careers

The Adolescent Trials Network for HIV Interventions seeks qualified applicants to participate in a 36 month mentored research education program to prepare scholars to conduct youth-focused interdisciplinary HIV related-research and advance the ATN’s research agenda. The program aims to help scholars acquire the skills and tools they will need to develop and sustain productive, rewarding research careers, successfully compete for independent research grants, and advance through the academic ranks. Each scholar will be matched with a team of two mentors from the behavioral and biomedical sciences whose research expertise are in concert with the scholar’s research interest.

With the support and guidance of their mentoring team, scholars will complete the following: 1) an individually tailored youth focused HIV research education plan that will guide the scholar’s progress through the program and outline mentors’ responsibilities; 2) two HIV research development and implementation (RD&I) experiences (secondary analysis of extant ATN data and manuscript; and an ATN relevant research project tailored to the scholars career stage); 3) participate in bimonthly interactive program webinars and small work groups; 4) receive at least 8 hours of individual mentoring per month; 5) attend the biannual ATN and Mentoring Program meetings in April and October each year (travel will be covered by the program); and 6) receive at least 9 hours of education in the responsible conduct of research. Scholars will also participate in a series of mock reviews where research proposals will be reviewed, scored, and discussed at length.

If you’ve got questions contact Isa Fernández, Ph.D. or 305-576-1777.


·  Have received a doctoral degree (Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent) from an accredited institution

·  Not have been a Principal Investigator on a research project grant (RO-1)

·  Committed to developing an interdisciplinary youth-focused HIV research career

·  Have institutional support and commitment for participating in the ATN Mentoring Program

·  Committed and willing to dedicate 36 month to completing the program


·  Current curriculum vitae;

·  3 letters of references from individuals who can comment on applicants qualifications and potential for achieving an independent research career;

·  A two-page personal statement (single-space, Arial 11 point, one-inch margins) that describes the applicant’s research interest and career plans that includes short and long term career goals and expectations;

·  A letter of institutional support for participating in the program;

·  A brief (no more than 2 paragraphs) description of institutional responsibilities and plans for incorporating the requirements of the mentoring program in their day-to-day activities

·  Send applications electronically () or via regular mail to:

Nilda Hernandez

Program Manager

4700 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 402,

Miami, FL 33137

Applications must be received no later than close of business October 19, 2012.