James is 15 years old and lives at home with his Mum (Janet), Dad (Brian) and little sister (Carlee).
James is a very outgoing boy, loves his basketball, receives B+ in nearly all of his subjects and has a big group of friends. James is extremely close with his Dad, they like to play basketball together, go and watch AFL games on the weekend and sometimes James helps Brian at work.
Recently, Janet and Brian decided to separate. This meant that Brian moved out and James and Carlee are living with mum. James feels like his whole world has been turned upside, he feels extremely confused and lost his best friend. He has gone from being an extremely happy and energetic 15 year old to being constantly sad and unmotivated.
James is 15 years old and lives at home with his Mum (Janet), Dad (Brian) and little sister (Carlee).
James is a very outgoing boy, loves his basketball, receives B+ in nearly all of his subjects and has a big group of friends. James is extremely close with his Dad, they like to play basketball together, go and watch AFL games on the weekend and sometimes James helps Brian at work.
Recently, Janet and Brian decided to separate. This meant that Brian moved out and James and Carlee are living with mum. James feels like his whole world has been turned upside, he feels extremely confused and lost his best friend. He has gone from being an extremely happy and energetic 15 year old to being constantly sad and unmotivated.
Ethan is a 24 year old champion soccer player with numerous accolades under his belt. He has represented Australia on numerous occasions and is there number one striker. Ethan is currently really happy and proud with where he is in regards to his soccer career.
Australia are about to play off for the Soccer World Cup title and Ethan is their key player. There are millions of people around the World watching this game. The score is 1-1 with three minutes to go. A mid fielder has possession of the ball and has a clear vision of Ethan running up the wing. Ethan receives the ball and dribbles the wall around two defenders and there is only the goalie standing between him and a World Cup victory. All eyes are on Ethan.
As he strikes the ball, he slips, the ball goes sailing over the cross bar. Opportunity wasted. The game goes on and Australia loses the match consequently the World Cup.
Since the loss, Ethan no longer plays soccer and barely leaves his house as he believes he has let his nation down.
Lana and Evie are both 14 years old and have known each other since they were 4. They are the best of friends and there isn’t a day that goes by where they don’t talk to each other. They aren’t in the same class at school but they hang out together every recess and lunch and spend most evenings chatting to each other over Facebook.
When they are together they both feel incredibly happy and they couldn’t imagine their lives without each other in it.
Therefore, it was a huge shock to both when Lana said she is moving up to Queensland because her Dad got a new job. This means they will be apart for the first time in 10 years. Both girls are devastated and their first week apart, Evie refused to go to school, locked herself away in her room and didn’t answer any phone calls, including those from Lana.
Lisa has always been a confident young lady who loves to express her passion for heavy metal music. However, since starting Year 7 this year, she has received a lot of criticism about the way she dresses.
A lot of Lisa’s classmates tease her about her clothes and make fun of her music interests.
Lisa has since stopped wearing clothes with her favourite bands on them, changed her hair style and always spends recess and lunch by herself as she refuses to communicate with anyone in fear she will be teased.
Ever since Aaron can remember, he had dreamed of one day becoming a doctor. Aaron had dedicated all of his time and effort into studying to get the top marks you need to receive entry into studying medicine. All of Aarons friends and teachers were certain that he would receive the marks he needed to get into his course, and even Aaron was confident.
To everybody’s surprise, Aaron missed out on his course, he didn’t receive the marks needed to gain entry into medicine. Suddenly, Aaron’s world came crushing down, he had dedicated all of his time and effort into getting into his dream course and now it’s all gone.
Ever since Aaron can remember, he had dreamed of one day becoming a doctor. Aaron had dedicated all of his time and effort into studying to get the top marks you need to receive entry into studying medicine. All of Aarons friends and teachers were certain that he would receive the marks he needed to get into his course, and even Aaron was confident.
To everybody’s surprise, Aaron missed out on his course, he didn’t receive the marks needed to gain entry into medicine. Suddenly, Aaron’s world came crushing down, he had dedicated all of his time and effort into getting into his dream course and now it’s all gone.
Ever since Aaron can remember, he had dreamed of one day becoming a doctor. Aaron had dedicated all of his time and effort into studying to get the top marks you need to receive entry into studying medicine. All of Aarons friends and teachers were certain that he would receive the marks he needed to get into his course, and even Aaron was confident.
To everybody’s surprise, Aaron missed out on his course, he didn’t receive the marks needed to gain entry into medicine. Suddenly, Aaron’s world came crushing down, he had dedicated all of his time and effort into getting into his dream course and now it’s all gone.
Ever since Aaron can remember, he had dreamed of one day becoming a doctor. Aaron had dedicated all of his time and effort into studying to get the top marks you need to receive entry into studying medicine. All of Aarons friends and teachers were certain that he would receive the marks he needed to get into his course, and even Aaron was confident.
To everybody’s surprise, Aaron missed out on his course, he didn’t receive the marks needed to gain entry into medicine. Suddenly, Aaron’s world came crushing down, he had dedicated all of his time and effort into getting into his dream course and now it’s all gone.
Ever since Aaron can remember, he had dreamed of one day becoming a doctor. Aaron had dedicated all of his time and effort into studying to get the top marks you need to receive entry into studying medicine. All of Aarons friends and teachers were certain that he would receive the marks he needed to get into his course, and even Aaron was confident.
To everybody’s surprise, Aaron missed out on his course, he didn’t receive the marks needed to gain entry into medicine. Suddenly, Aaron’s world came crushing down, he had dedicated all of his time and effort into getting into his dream course and now it’s all gone.