Station 1 - stickhandling/passing - split player into 2, 3, or 4 teams. Place 4 small puck catcher nets at the goal line. Each team has 4 colored pucks. First player in line stickhandles through the cones and tries to pass the puck into their designated net. They must release the puck from the top of the circles. If they miss the net, they must retrieve the puck and pass it back to the first person in their line. First team to score all 4 pucks wins. Change up the stick handling requirements, have them do 360s around the cones, or pivots around the cones. FOCUS - Passing accuracy, stickhandling, game speed processing.
Station 2 - puck protection - 1 on 2 puck maneuver drill - X14 and X13 line up in a straight line from each other. X12 takes a puck and preformas a figure 8 around X14 and X13. X12 must keep the puck to the outside while X14 and X13 apply nominal pressure and their stick to force X12 to the outside. X12 follows the pattern and then comes over the top of X13 and takes a shot on goal. X12 becomes the new X13, X13 becomes the new X14, X14 goes to back of the line.
Station 3 - agilities - partner drills - players pair up and place sticks butt to butt to form a line. Spread the players out and use the entire space. 1) stop and go drill, players mirror each other on end of the stick. Players start at one end and skate to the other, touching the ice at the end of the stick. Make it a race that consists of one end and back 10 times. 15 seconds x 3. with 5 second break in between) agility cross step drill - players face each other and cross over the stick, trying to stay in sync. 15 seconds x3 with 5 second break in between. 3) double step overs - players line up at one end of stick and perform 2 cross over the stick. At end of stick, make a power turn and come back other way. 4) double step over w/ backward transition. same drill but at the top, player transitions to backwards 5) Koivu (chase) - partners line up on either side of the stick open up hips and chase each other. One player tries to tag the other player.
Station 4 - Forecheck/passing - Place cones about 2 feet off the circle. Progression 1 - players pass right and move to their left. Progression 2 - players pass left and move right. Progression 3 - player opposite the puck pressures the puck handler shading toward one side to force the pass to the other. Players have to be alert to anticipate where the pass is going and who the next forechecker should be.
Station 5 - Small Area game - Rice levels - The game is played 3 vs. 3 with Coaches on both sides of the boards for support. The coaches can skate up and down the boards to get open, but they can’t enter the play. Players must pass to a coach to be able to go on offense. Players from either team can pass to either coach throughout the game and they can score on either net to foster creativity and deception. Players not in the game wait in the blue shaded area. Change every 45-60 seconds. Replace coaches with players if have more than 12 players at the station. CONCEPTS - Puck Support, Deception, Transition, Offensive Zone Play, Defensive Zone Play, Power Play, Penalty Kill