Elemental bioimaging by means of fast scanning laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry

Christoph A. Wehe,1 Georgina M. Thyssen,1 Christina Herdering,1 Indra Raj,2 Giuliano Ciarimboli,2 Michael Sperling,1,3 and Uwe Karst*1

1 University of Münster, Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Corrensstr. 28/30, 48149 Münster, Germany

2 University of Münster, University Hospital, Medical Clinic D, Experimental Nephrology and Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF), Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1 – A14, 48149 Münster, Germany

3 European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis (EVISA), Mendelstr. 11, 48149 Münster, Germany

Supporting Information



The intent of this supporting information is to show how VBA macros were used to transform the raw data obtained from the transient survey scan acquisitions to final CSV files, which are loadable in ImageJ or Origin.

As Microsoft Excel since its 2007 version is limited to a worksheet size of 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns, it is important to select the right export settings in the Qtegra ISDS software: If transient survey scans have been acquired, the scanned masses have to be exported separately from the raw intensities. This can be done as the corresponding information are marked in the export window of the software as X (masses) and Y (intensities). The line by line export option should not be enabled, but “,” should be chosen as separator for the CSV export. Afterwards, the attached macros can be loaded into Excel beginning with the sub named “CAW_Imaging()”. After starting, the macro will ask to state the path of both exported CSV files beginning with X and then Y. The number of lines, the mass region as well as the number of data points are displayed. Afterwards, the mass region of interest can be typed. The macro will start to search for masses within the stated region and will add up all intensities for each pixel. Depending on the hardware used, this step may be time demanding. In the tab “Export”, the cumulated results can be found, ready to be saved as e.g. CSV for import in ImageJ. The macro named “Sub CAW_Sum_Spectra()” can be used to generate isotopic patterns for the complete image. After the first macro has successfully imported the data, it can be started, showing again all critical parameters and beginning to sum all intensities according to their m/z ratio. Afterwards, a plot of the scanned mass region will be automatically created.

Sub CAW_Imaging()


' This macro was created at the University of Münster, Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Germany and published as part of a research paper.

' In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the authors.

Dim strFileX As String

Dim strFileY As String

Dim srcX As Workbook

Dim srcY As Workbook

Dim expWB As Worksheet

Dim X As Worksheet

Dim Y As Worksheet

Dim TMP As Worksheet

Dim Lines As Long

Dim Linescorr As Long

Dim Runs As Long

Dim Runscorr As Long

Dim Points As Long

Dim Pointscorr As Long

Dim lowmass As Double

Dim highmass As Double

Dim lowcut As Double

Dim highcut As Double

Dim i As Long

Dim j As Long

Dim k As Long

Dim l As Long

Dim m As Long

Dim n As Long

Dim hlp As Double

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

While Worksheets.Count > 1




Worksheets(1).Name = "Table1"

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

strFileX = Application.GetOpenFilename("File (*.csv),*.csv", False, "Select X data's CSV file", False, False)

strFileY = Application.GetOpenFilename("File (*.csv),*.csv", False, "Select Y data's CSV file", False, False)

Set TMP = Worksheets.Add

With TMP

.Name = "Tempo"

.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

End With

Set expWB = Worksheets.Add

With expWB

.Name = "Export"

.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

End With

Set X = Worksheets.Add

With X

.Name = "X data"

.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

End With

Set Y = Worksheets.Add

With Y

.Name = "Y data"

.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

End With

Set srcX = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strFileX, Local:=True)





Application.CutCopyMode = False


Set srcY = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strFileY, Local:=True)





Application.CutCopyMode = False


Lines = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("X data").Range("1:1"))

Linescorr = Lines

Runs = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("X data").Range("B:B"))

Runs = Runs + 2

Runscorr = (Sheets("X data").Cells(Runs, 2).Value) + 1


Points = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("B:B"), 0)

Pointscorr = Points + 2

lowmass = (Sheets("X data").Cells(3, 5).Value)

highmass = (Sheets("X data").Cells(Pointscorr, 5).Value)


MsgBox "Number of lines = " & Linescorr & vbCrLf & "Number of runs = " & Runscorr & vbCrLf & "Number of data points = " & Points & vbCrLf & "Mass range = " & lowmass & " - " & highmass

lowcut = InputBox("Insert lower mass range border", "Low mass border")

highcut = InputBox("Insert upper mass range border", "High mass border")

For m = 1 To Linescorr

n = m + 4

For j = 0 To (Runscorr - 1)

k = j + 1

For i = ((Points * j) + 3) To ((Points * k) + 3)

If (Sheets("X data").Cells(i, n).Value >= lowcut) Then

If (Sheets("X data").Cells(i, n).Value <= highcut) Then

Sheets("Y data").Cells(i, n).Copy


Range(Cells(i - 2, k), Cells(i - 2, k)).Select



End If


End If



For l = 1 To Runscorr


hlp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(TMP.Cells(1, l), TMP.Cells(99999, l)))


Range(expWB.Cells(m, l), expWB.Cells(m, l)).Value = hlp




End Sub

Sub CAW_Sum_Spectra()


' This macro was created at the University of Münster, Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Germany and published as part of a research paper.

' In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the authors.

Dim PlotWS As Worksheet

Dim PlotWB As Worksheet

Dim Lines As Long

Dim Linescorr As Long

Dim Runs As Long

Dim Runscorr As Long

Dim Points As Long

Dim Pointscorr As Long

Dim a As Long

Dim b As Long

Dim c As Long

Dim d As Long

Dim e As Long

Dim f As Long

Dim g As Long

Dim h As Long

Dim o As Long

Dim p As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set PlotWS = Worksheets.Add

With PlotWS

.Name = "PlotWS"

.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

End With

Set PlotWB = Worksheets.Add

With PlotWB

.Name = "PlotWB"

.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

End With

Lines = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("X data").Range("1:1"))

Linescorr = Lines

Runs = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("X data").Range("B:B"))

Runs = Runs + 2

Runscorr = (Sheets("X data").Cells(Runs, 2).Value) + 1

Sheets("X data").Activate

Points = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("B:B"), 0)

Pointscorr = Points + 2

For a = 0 To (Runscorr - 1)

b = (Points * a) + 3

c = a + 1

d = (Points * c) + 2

e = 5 + Runscorr - 1

p = 0

For f = b To d

p = p + 1

Sheets("Y data").Select

hlp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Sheets("Y data").Cells(f, 5), Sheets("Y data").Cells(f, e)))


PlotWS.Range(PlotWS.Cells(c, p), PlotWS.Cells(c, p)).Value = hlp



For g = 1 To Points


hlp = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(PlotWS.Cells(1, g), PlotWS.Cells(Runscorr, g)))


PlotWB.Range(PlotWB.Cells(g, 2), PlotWB.Cells(g, 2)).Value = hlp


For h = 1 To Points

o = h + 2

Sheets("X data").Range(Sheets("X data").Cells(o, 5), Sheets("X data").Cells(o, 5)).Copy _

Destination:=PlotWB.Range(PlotWB.Cells(h, 1), PlotWB.Cells(h, 1))


Application.ScreenUpdating = True



ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart2(240, xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers).Select

ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("PlotWB!$A:$B")



End Sub