UFB Application Overview 2010-2011
Every year The University Funding Board (UFB) Membership Committee selects prospective members to fill consultant positions. The board is looking for members who possess a high integrity, attention to detail, charismatic communication skills, and an understanding of financial management.
Each year approximately $300,000 is made available through the University to fund the many student organizations that provide various activities for undergraduates. As a division under the University of Cincinnati Student Government, the University Funding Board is the governing board responsible for the distribution of funds to eligible student groups. Also, UFB is responsible for helping eligible student groups understand funding criteria and apply for University funding.
During the Fall Quarter the University Funding Board makes adjustments to the existing funding criteria and also holds mandatory treasurer’s workshops in order to assist organizations in preparing budget requests. It is also during the Fall Quarter that the University Funding Board takes membership applications.
For further information please stop by room 655 StegerStudentLifeCenter. If you would like to speak to a member of UFB, the office hours of are posted at . Vicki Calonge, the UFB advisor, can be reached at (513) 556-6115 or go to room 655 SSLC. Also, UFB will be holding an Open House on October 19 in 655 SSLC at 6:30 PM as well as October 21 at 5:00 PM. We encourage all prospective members to come, meet the current Board, and ask any questions he/she may have about UFB and UC Student Government.
University Funding Board
Membership Application 2010-2011 School Year
Student M#
Local Address
City, ST, ZIP Code
Local Phone
Email Address
College and Major
Year in school (please circle) / 1 2 3 4 5
Do you co-op? (please circle) / Yes / No
If yes, (please circle) / In town / Out of town
Which quarters? (please circle) / Fall / Winter / Spring / Summer
Graduation Date
Cumulative University GPA
NOTE: For the integrity of the Board, we ask those of you who are co-oping out of town for at least two school quarters during which UFB holds meetings (Fall, Winter, Spring) to not apply. While your application will still be considered, we are primarily seeking individuals who are going to be physically able to attend all meetings and want to make a considerable time commitment to UFB throughout the entire year.
UFB’s decision to grant applicant’s final interviews is based on the honesty and thoroughness of your responses. However, we ask you to please keep your responses to the space provided.UFB Requirements
1. Will you be able to attend regular Thursday meetings at 6 PM? YES / NO
2. UFB Requires our members to have two office hours a week and audit at least one UFB sponsored event per quarter. Will you be able to fulfill these requirements? YES / NO3. UFB members must attend a new member orientation and retreat during the Martin Luther King weekend. This retreat may be out of town. Travel expenses will be paid for by the board. Will you be able to attend? YES / NO
4. The board will be having a speaker on professionalism on early winterquarter during the first two weeks of January. Will you be able to attend this meeting? YES / NO
Short Answer # 1
The University Funding Board determines which budgets to approve based upon a set of criteria. This criteria is proposed by the board and approved by the Student Senate. One such criterion states that only organizations open to all University of Cincinnati students are eligible for funding.
Consider the following situation: A student organization eligible for funding (which means their organization is open to all University of Cincinnati students) submits a budget to the board. The group would like to purchase tickets to go to an educational event. The event is being hosted by a student group with restrictive membership requirements (i.e. it is not open to all University of Cincinnati students; such as honoraries/social fraternities and sororities). You have the deciding vote. Should this budget be approved? Why or why not?
Note: There is no "correct" answer. The members of the board are interested in the rationale behind your response.
Short Answer Response # 2
When considering budgets, the University Funding Board has several items they generally do not fund. One such item is seed money for fundraisers.
Consider the following situation: A student group eligible for funding submits a budget. The group is requesting funds to purchase advertising equipment to use at an event run by a student group not eligible for funding. This event is a fundraiser, and the advertisements will run directly before the opening of the event. The group requesting funds will not be doing any fundraising, only helping to sponsor the event through their advertising. With this information in mind, would you approve this budget? Why or why not?
Please note: Seed money is defined as start-up funds for an event or fundraiser.
Please provide a bulleted list of all current and/or prior campus activities/honors (including high school if desired):
Summary of Important Dates
October 19: Open House for all interested applicants. 6:30 pm, 655 SSLC
October 21: Open House for all interested applicants. 5:00 pm, 655 SSLC
October 29: Applications Due
November 1- November 9: Membership Interviews
November 19- November 20: New Members Notified
January 14- 16: UFB Retreat
Professionalism Training: Early January, date TBD
Chizi Igwe and UFB President Kylee Headland, as well as the remainder of the executive board will schedule and conduct the final interviews. If granted a final interview, they will be held November 1 – 9. Please indicate what days/times you will be able to meet.
The University requires the University Funding Board to check if you are in good academic standing. By signing the below you are stating that your information on this application is the absolute truth to your knowledge. It also authorizes the University Funding Board to check your grades.
SIGNATURE: ______Date: ______
*** Applications are due on Friday, October 29 by 5:00 PM and can be dropped off in our mailbox (Room 655 SSLC) or with our Advisor Vicki Calonge (Room 671 SSLC). Contact Chizi Igwe for any other information.
Cell: (614) 260-3626Email: