Pre-AP BIOLOGY Syllabus
Ms. Kristen Lynam
Email address:
Room Number: 2405
Phone Number: 281.641.6688
Conference Period: 2nd
Welcome to Pre-AP Biology! This advanced class is a fast-paced comprehensive study of biology for students who intend to further their education beyond high school.This is an inquiry-based class that combines traditional teaching techniques such as lecture with hands-on techniques to increase student involvement and understanding. Critical thinking skills are emphasized using labs, individual research, abstract summary writing, technology integration, and classroom discussion. We will explore the molecular, ecological, chemical, and evolutionary aspects of life through the study of topics that are current, interesting, as well as relevant to everyday life. During the first semester in Pre-AP Biology students will master fundamental concepts such as characteristics of living things, biochemistry, cell biology, DNA, protein synthesis, and genetics. The second semester will then involve a journey through the areas ofgene technology, evolution, taxonomy & classification, ecology, microbiology, and then lastly, the human body.
Class Policies/Expectations:
•Please get to class on time! Tardies are strictly enforced and will be handled by your Principal. My rule is that you must be all the way in the door when the tardy bell rings.
•Be prepared! Please bring your binder, pen, pencil, and highlighter to class every day. You will not be allowed to go to your locker once the bell has rung, so please don’t ask!
•Pick up all hand outs and graded papers as you enter the classroom on the designated table.
•Be seated immediately upon entering the classroom and begin working on your warm-up.
•Please keep up with all assignments by referring to the classroom board or class website. I will post topics covered as well as homework due dates- -It is your responsibility to check!
•Take responsibility for your learning - be actively involved by participating, listening, taking thorough notes, and producing quality work.
•Read the textbook independently and study for class on a regular basis.
•Please do not write on desk tops or lab tables.
•Always demonstrate RESPECT for yourself, your classmates, and the teacher. Bullying or making fun of others will NOT be tolerated.
•You are responsible for your own work. Cheatingwill NOT be tolerated. In my classroom, cheating includes both the giving and receiving of information on anything that requires individual effort.
•All school rules apply in this classroom.
Class Materials:
- Textbook: Biology; McGraw Hill. We will have a set of books for use in the classroom. In addition, you will haveaccess to the online textbook. The online book provides interactive resources such as study questions, vocabulary,chapter reviews, etc. Students will receive an access code in class and will then need to go to thetextbook website in order to set up their account.
- Folder orBinder: You are responsible forkeeping up with your notes and assignments. You must keep ALL
outlines(unit notes) inyour notebook/folderfor the entire year.
- Pen, Pencil, & Highlighter: You must have a working pen, pencil, and highlighter everyday in Pre-APBiology. Borrowingfrom a classmate on a daily basis is not acceptable.
4. Additionalsupplies to be donated to the classroom:
1 box of vinyl gloves (non-latex)
1 roll of paper towels
AND1 itemfrom the following list: bottle of hand sanitizer, box of gallon size baggies,package of small
plastic bathroom cups, or package of coloredpencils.
Please make sure your supplies are labeled with your name and class period!!!
Class Website:
You will need (andwant ) to reference this web site quite frequently to check for announcements, testdates, upcomingassignments, notes, final exam reviews, worksheets, etc.
Class Work and Make-ups
1. All class work/homework should be turned in to the appropriate class period tote tray uponentering the
classroom. Assignments turned in on the due date, but after the beginning ofclass will beconsideredlate and
will receive a 20 point deduction. Assignments turned in after the due date will receive a 20 point deduction
foreach day late.
2. If you are absent, please refer to the weekly calendar(in class)or to my web pagecalendar to see what
assignments youmissed. Then, either see me for any handouts you might have missed, ordownload them
from my website. If you missed notes, you areresponsible foreither copying notes from aclassmate, or
coming before/after school to copy them from me. In addition, if you are absent for a lab, you are
responsible for coming in before or after school to make up the lab within one week of the date of your
absence. Failure to make up the lab within one week will result in an automatic zero.
3. If you are absent for a test, a make-up must be taken within one week of the absence. Make-up tests will be
administered in room ______on Tuesday afternoons at 2:50pm and Wednesday mornings at 6:30am.
Failure to make up a test within one week of anabsence will result in agrade of zero.
- Tests may cover information from one or more chapters. The material for your tests will comeprimarilyfrom classnotes; however,information from the text and labs may also beincluded. My tests aredesigned to challengeyourhigher level thinking skills through avariety of question types; includingmultiple choice,
matching, fill-in-the-blank,labeling, and short answeressays.
- Pre-AP Biology tutoring will be held on Mondays from 2:50pm – 3:20pm and Tuesdaysfrom 6:45am – 7:15amin myclassroom (2405). Please come to tutoring with questions, and I will do mybest to re-explain until you understand the material. This time is designed to help you work throughareas of difficulty so thatyou gain an understanding of the material. I do not hold test review sessions! In addition to my tutoring, NHS also provides tutoring in room 2506on Tuesday and Thursdays from 3:00 – 4:30pm.
1. Your nine-week grade in Pre-AP Biology will be determined according to the following formula:
Summative = 70% - includes tests, projects
Formative= 30% - labs, quizzes, abstract summaries, daily grades, homework
Tentative Test Schedule for 1st Nine Weeks
Unit I Part A - Themes of Biology and Basic Chemistry Friday, 9/5
Unit I Part B - Biochemistry Blockday, 9/17 or 9/18
Unit II – Cell Structure & Function, VirusesFriday, 10/3
Unit III – Cell TransportBlock day, 10/15 or 10/16
It is a pleasure to have you in my Pre-AP Biology class this year! My goal as your teacher is to ensure that each of you has a positive science learning experience! If you ever have any questions or concerns, please let me know either by phone, e-mail, or in person. I have an open door policy… this means that you are always welcome in my room, even if you don’t have any questions or concerns regarding Biology! I am looking forward to a terrific year together!
Ms. Lynam