ACM Technical Meeting Request Form (TMRF)
Section I - General Information (form revised 10/97)
Prepared by Paul Stachour (SIGAda2001 Conference Chair) 08/02/00; revised 08/25/00; revised 02/27/01
Full Title of Meeting: ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference
Acronym: name of meeting SIGAda 2001
Date: September 30 .. October 04, 2001
Length of Program: 5 days (Sun ..Thu)
Facility: Thunderbird Best Western Hotel (953-854-3411) contact: Michael Ambrose, x-3359
Location: Minneapolis (Bloomington), Minnesota 55420(2201 E 78th; Interstate 494 & 24th Avenue)
Meeting type:ConferenceXSymposium__Workshop (included in conference)
Frequency: Annual: XBiennial __Eighteen months __ One-Time Only _____
Conference type:SponsoredXCosponsored____
List Sponsoring/Cosponsoring ACM Sub-units and % of financial responsibility
SIGAda - 100%
List Cooperating ACM Sub-units
List Non-ACM Sponsoring/Cosponsoring Organizations and % of financial responsibility:
List Non-ACM Cooperating Organizations
Ada Europe
Is sponsorship/cooperation the same as in previous events? YES
(except for SIGBIO, which has been dropped since it is disolving/merging)
Provide a brief outline of topics to be covered
Constructing reliable software is an engineering challenge. The application of methods, tools, and languages interrelate to make the challenge easier or more difficult. This conference focuses on the interaction between these three aspects of software engineering, especially how features in a language such as Ada drive the tools, methods, and ultimately correctness, reliability, and quality of the resulting software. Especially welcome are papers that analyze Ada with respect to these factors or in comparison with other languages. This conference will gather industrial experts, educators, software engineers, and researchers interested in developing and testing reliable software. Technical or theoretical papers as well as experience reports with a focus on Ada are solicited. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- Reliability needs and styles
- Safety and high integrity issues
- Standards
- Use of ASIS for new Ada tool development
- Relationships between Ada and real-time Java
- Use of Real-Time CORBA
- Use of the Ada Distributed Systems Annex
- Process and quality metrics
- Mixed-language development
- Ada education
- Real-time networking/quality of service guarantees
- Fault tolerance and recovery
- Distributed system load balancing
- Static and dynamic code analysis
- Performance analysis
- Debugging complex systems
- Integrating COTS software components
- Testing and validation
The CFP has been written to implicitly encourage other Ada submissions too. Decisions about balance of the conference’s technical program will be deferred to the Program Committee after seeing quantity and quality of submissions conforming to vs outside the stated theme. The conference will be preceded by two days of tutorials on a variety of Ada-related and other software engineering topics, and will be accepted independent of fit to the stated conference theme. A small number of very small 1- or 2-day workshops will also be held before or during the conference, accommodating and promoting ongoing community activities independent of the conference theme.
Who is your anticipated audience?
Software professionals (industry, research institutions, academia, & Government) & students, especially but not limited to the Ada community
How will papers be solicited?
Call for Participation (to be mailed to members of SIGAda, attendees of our most recent conferences & DoD Software Technology Conference & Ada-Europe conferences, & others in the Ada community, and emailed to all whose email addresses we have; plus posted on conference website & various email lists & bulletin boards.)
- "Call" is for papers, extended abstracts, experience reports, tutorials, panels, & workshops
How will papers be selected?
Double Blind Refereeing by Program Committee
Will there be:
Tutorials? YES
If yes, how many full-day and/or half-day? Approximately 8 half-day & 4 full-day
Proceedings? YES
If yes, what will the number of pages be? Approximately 300
what is the maximum number of papers? Approximately 30
what is the maximum number of pages per paper? Approximately 10
Published by ACM? YES
Sold by ACM? YES
Sold by other Organizations? NO
Will ACM hold copyright? YES
If no, who will hold copyright?
Will this be a SIG Newsletter? YES
If yes, which SIG(s): SIGAda
Will there be a Proceedings CDROM? Yes
Sold by ACM? NO
Sold by other Organizations? NO
Will technical sessions be recorded? NO
Will technical sessions be videotaped? NO
Will there be other conference products? YES
If yes, please list - Conference CDROM containing Proceedings, Tutorials, and other useful information to the SIGAda Community
Will there be a conference evaluation? YES
If yes, what will it include? - QUESTIONNAIRE (program quality, hotel, registration process, publicity and communications, geographic convenience, costs, future suggestions, etc.)
Submitted by:Paul Stachour
Conference Position:Conference Chair
Address:Stachour Software
9532 First Avenue South.
Bloomington, MN 55420
Home Phone #+1 651-884-5977 (home, evening phone calls preferred)
Fax # TBD
E-mail id: , alternate is
When is the best time for an ACM Program Director to contact you regarding the budget for this meeting?
Email anytime of day is preferred; otherwise 6p.m..10p.m. Central Time by phone
Committee Information
General Chair:
Name:Paul Stachour
Employer:Stachour Software
Address:9532 First Avenue South.
Bloomington, MN 55420
Business Phone:+1 952-939-9000, ext125 <not for general use, evenings at home preferred>
Home Phone +1 952-884-5977 (preferred phone, call evenings or leave message)
Fax #TBD
E-mail id:, alternate
Cell Phone: available upon request to those for whom other contact is not practical.
Deputy Chair:
Name:Jan McArthur
Employer:Parallel Technologies, Inc.
Current Position: Manager, Contract/Placement Services
Address: 4242 Park Glen Road
St. Louis Park, Minn. 55416
Business Phone: +1 952-278-0316
Cell Phone: +1 612-730-1050
Fax: +1 952-920-7475
Responsibilities:local arrangements except hotel issues
Program Chair:
Name:John McCormick
Employer:University of Northern Iowa
Current Position: Chair, Computer Science Department
Address: University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0507
Business Phone: +1 319-273-2618
Home Phone: +1 319-277-6056
Fax: +1 319-273-7123
Registration Chair:
Name:Thomas A. Panfil
Employer:US National Security Agency
Current Position:Senior Electronic Engineer
Treasurer, Baltimore SIGAda Chapter
Address:PO Box 5210, Laurel MD 20726-5210
Business Phone:+1 (410) 854-7302
Home Phone:+1 (301) 498-7313
E-mail (Office):
E-mail (Home):
Fax:+1 (301) 854-7508
Responsibilities:Handle pre-conference registrations
Registration Local Arrangements:
Name:Ron Price
Employer:United Defense
Current Position: Software Engineer
Business Phone: +1 (612)-572-4919
Home Phone: +1 (763) 315-0646
E-mail: , alternate (work)
Responsibilities:Registration actions at conference proper.
Exhibits (Co) Chair:
NameHal Hart
Current Position:Software Process Engineer, SIGAda Past Chair
1800 Glenn Curtiss St.
Carson, CA 90746
Business Phone:+1 310-764-6880
Home Phone:+1 310-375-1851
Fax:+1 310-764-9016
Responsibilities:Procure exhibitors
Exhibits (Co) Chair - Local Arrangements:
NameWayne Kopesky
Current Position:Account Representative
Address:10239 Rich Circle.
Bloomington, MN
Business Phone:+1 612-749-1233
Home Phone:+1 952-831-0677
Responsibilities:Coordinator between exhibitors, exhibit services, and hotel
Name:Wayne Donaho
Employer:Donaho & Donaho Web Designers
Current Position: President
Address: 1533 Grantham Street
St. Paul, MN 55108-1449
Business Phone: +1 651-644-7928
Home Phone: +1 651-642-1878
Fax: +1 651-xxx-xxxx
Note:In co-operation with Bard Crawford, SIGAda Treasurer
Name:David Harrison
Employer:Logicon Technology Solutions
Current Position: Member Technical Staff
Address: 1723 Seibert Road, Suite #2
Scott AFB, Illinois 62265
Business Phone:+1 (618) 744-9292 x255
Home Phone:+1 (618) 624-0852
E-mail:, alternate
Fax:+1 (618) 624-5140
Responsibilities:Provide conference publicity via the Home Page and electronic maillists
Publicity Chair
Name:Mark Glewwe
EmployerB.F Goodrich Aerospace
Current Position:Software Engineer
Address: 4620 207th Street E
Prior Lake, MN 55372
Business Phone:+1 952-892-4379
Home Phone:+1 952-440-4558
Responsibilities:Do local marketing of the conference to companies, schools, etc.
Provide hardcopy publicity in the form of the Call for Participation (CFP),
Preliminary Advance Program (PAP), Advance Program (AP),
Local Publicity (LP), and the Final Program (FP)
Sponsorship Co-ordinator
Name:Tim O’Bannon
Employer: United Defense, LP.
Current Position: Software Engineer
Address: 4800 East River Road
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421-1498
Business Phone: +1 763-572-7586
Home Phone: +
Fax: +1
Responsibilities: Arrange for Sponsorers, especially in the TC local area. Coordinate with Hal Hart
Tutorials Chair:
Name:David Cook
Employer:C. S. Draper Laboratory
Current Position:
Address: 852 E. 200 St.
Kaysville, UT 84037
Business Phone: +1 801 775-3055
Home Phone: +1 801 497-0430
Fax: +1 801 777-8069
Workshops Chair:
Name:James E Hassett
Current Position:
Address: Lockheed-Martin, P.O. Box 64525, MS U2N27
St. Paul, MN 55164-0525
Business Phone: +1 651-456-3602
Home Phone: +1 651-454-4457
Fax: +1
Proceedings Chair:
Name:Clyde Roby
Employer: Institute for Defense Analysis
Current Position:
Address: 1801 N. Beauregard St.
Alexandria, VA 22311
Business Phone: +1 703-845-6666
Home Phone: +1 703-968-7522
Fax: +1 703-845-6848
SIGAda Vice Chair for Meetings and Conferences:
Name:Currie Colket
Employer:The MITRE Corporation
Current Position: Software Systems Engineer
Address: 1820 Dolley Madison Boulevard,
McLean, Virginia 22102-3481
Business Phone: +1 703-833-7381
Home Phone: +1 703-242-4561
E-mail: Currie Colket ,
Fax: +1 703 883 1339
Associated Programs :
Name:Fran Stachour (invited)
Employer: Hennepin County Libraries
Current Position: Public Service Representative
Address: 8800 Penn Avenue South
Bloomington, Minnesota
Business Phone: N/A
Home Phone: +1 952-884-5977 (home contact preferred)
E-mail: Fran Stachour mailto:
Fax: N/A
Responsibilities:Setup associated programs for spouses (during conference) and pre-post conference (all)
<This completes Section I>
NOTE: If you would like an ACM Program Director to prepare a conference budget for
your review and approval complete Section I only and forward to ACM Headquarters.
If you have chosen to fill out the TMRF without the assistance of an ACM Program
Director, please complete Sections I, II, & III.
SIGAda'01 Conference leaders & SIGAda officers will prepare TMRF Sections 2 & 3.
All ACM SPONSORED and CO-SPONSORED CONFERENCES, and conferences seeking ACM COOPERATION (that is, the conference uses the ACM name), must submit a Technical Meeting
Request Form (TMRF) at least 9 months in advance of the conference and before any announcements about the conference are made.
For SPONSORED and COSPONSORED CONFERENCES, this abbreviated approval form, once approved in writing by the sponsoring SIG, will allow you to submit this conference to calendar listings, and to send out your Call for Papers. A TMRF must be submitted before any fees are published and before the Advance Program is distributed.
For any CONFERENCE COSPONSORED with non-ACM organization, there must also be a joint sponsorship agreement between ACM and the Cosponsoring Organization on file at ACM Headquarters.
1. Complete this form, attach copies of your proposed Call for Papers and any tentative agreements or facility contracts. Contracts may not be signed until you have submitted a full TMRF and received written approval of your conference from ACM. Tentative commitments may be made but with a clear understanding between you and the facility that the agreement is contingent upon securing approval in writing from ACM. Until a conference is approved, it is not recognized as an ACM activity and hence ACM has no legal or financial responsibility for the arrangements.
2. Send this form to all of the chairs of the sponsoring SIGs for signature.
3. Send it to ACM Headquarters.
Please note: Until the three steps listed above are completed, your announcement and Call for Papers will not be published in any ACM/SIG publication or newsletter.
4. Complete the TMRF and submit it to ACM Headquarters.
5. ACM Headquarters will send the TMRF to all those, whose signatures are required for approval. This takes approximately 6-8 weeks.
6. Upon receipt of the approval letter, you may publish fees and distribute the Advance Program.
Please note: Until steps 4 through 6 listed above are completed your Advance Program or Registration Information will not be published in any ACM/SIG publication or newsletter.
Memo to:Conference Organizers
From:ACM's Office of SIG Services
Re:Technical Meeting Request Form (TMRF)
Date:October 1997
Attached is ACM's Technical Meeting Request Form (TMRF). This planning document will help you identify the decisions that must be made prior to publicizing conference details. The TMRF is a living document and should be referred to regularly, during the planning process, by all committee members.
The TMRF contains 3 sections: Section I - General Information, Section II - Budget Spreadsheet, Section III - Budget Rationale. Conference Chairs may select any one of the following two options for preparing this document:
1) Fill out Sections I, II and III, sign Section III, forward to your ACM Program Director
2) Fill out only Section I and forward to your ACM Program Director.
The ACM Program Director will prepare the conference budget and rationale for you. She/He will then provide a copy for the approval of the Conference Chair and Treasurer.
Before sending the completed TMRF to the ACM SIG Services Department, it is helpful to consult your vice chair for conferences.
Upon receipt of the completed TMRF, ACM will acknowledge receipt and distribute the completed TMRF for final approvals.
As long as you have submitted the calendar entry form, a call for papers may be issued. Please remember, however, that policy prevents you from signing contracts, publicizing registration fees or forms, or sending out publicity until you receive final approval. Promotions other than the Call may not be accepted by the SIG Newsletter or by CACM until approval has been received by you.
ACM HQ Contacts
Director, Office of SIG Services
Donna Baglio -
Associate Director, Office of SIG Services
Patrick McCarren - mccarren.acm.org
Program Directors, Office of SIG Services
Alisa Rivkin -
David Reiderman -
Ginger Ignatoff
Julie Goetz -
Lisette Burgos -
Your input regarding the TMRF and the process are always welcome. Please send your comments to Donna Baglio - .
SIGAda2001 TMRF - 11Updated: 2001/Feb/01 -- PDS