Completing the Aboriginal Pedogy course will contribute 10 hours of QTC Registered PD addressing 1.2.2, 1.3.2, 1.4.2, 2.1.2, 2.4.2, 6.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining atProficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
8 Ways Aboriginal Pedagogies were developed from Indigenous research in Western NSW, seeking the common ground between Quality Teaching and Aboriginal knowledge systems.
The course is structured into 3 sessions.
Session One: 6 Hours
Introduction of Aboriginal pedagogies: an interactive workshop drawing upon participants' background knowledge. It demonstrates how to teach through culture, rather than about culture.
Cultural orientation workshop: participants explore their own culture and how it impacts on their learning, in order to better understand their students.
Review of 8 Aboriginal pedagogies: teachers use each to explore their own preferred methods of teaching and learning.
Session Two: 2 Hours
Wiki session: Participants join and sign on to the wiki This module explores the 8-Ways wiki and how it can be used to influence what happens in the classroom each day. Message stick activity- participants explore their own journeys through symbols and images.
Participants work with facilitator/s to design new units of work (or modify existing units) incorporating Aboriginal learning processes and perspectives.
Session Three: 2 Hours
Participants are required to attend an additional showcase to be held later in the term where they will demonstrate how 8 Ways have been used in the classroom and what impact this pedagogy has had on student outcomes.
Learning event outcomes
Participants will engage in activities and discussions that will broaden their understanding of Aboriginal culture based on the fundamentals of the Quality Teaching Framework.
Learning event information:
Date and venue: 16 March 8:30am – 3:30pm
23 March 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Glenfield Education Office
Roy Watts Rd, Glenfield
Cost:$88.00 (incl. GST)
Register through MYPL by:9 March 2017
Session enrol:
/ Date and venue: 24 March 8:30am – 3:30pm
9 May 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Kogarah Golf Club
19 Marsh St, Arncliffe
Cost: $88.00 (incl. GST)
Register through MYPL by: 17 March 2017
Session enrol:
Contact Details:
Natalie Pierson
Aboriginal Education and Wellbeing Advisor- Ultimo
02 9408 8913 / Jane Stanley
Aboriginal Education and Wellbeing Advisor- Ultimo
02 9582 2844
Jayson Neill
Aboriginal Education and Wellbeing Officer - Glenfield
02 9203 9901 / Leisa Hicks
Aboriginal Education and Wellbeing Officer– Arncliffe
02 9852 2858 / Vicki Bowen
Aboriginal Education and Wellbeing Officer – Glenfield
02 9203 9950
This learning event supports the following strategies and priorities:
- NSW Premiers Priorities - Increase the proportion of NSW students in the top two NAPLAN bands by eight per cent
- National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy (2015) –
Priority area 7 : Literacy and Numeracy
This learning event aligns to the School Excellence Framework:
- Learning
- Teaching
- Wellbeing
- Curriculum and Learning
- Collaborative
- Learning and Development
- Professional Standards
Ultimo Operational Directorate Educational Services