School, 6.30pm
7 March2017
Juliet Healey (JH), Kate Henman (KHen), Alesa Henham, Esther Flower, Jackie Harrison(JHar), Emma Prince, Laura squires, Christine Gay, Darren Ellis, Liz Brookes, Krystle Hargreaves.
LBchaired the meeting / To Action
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting
1.Apologies for absence
Andrea Taylor,Hev Cheesman- Prior meeting minutes
- Xmas fair
- Mother’s day
JH, KHen, CG, LS to help bunch them up – round EP’s house EP send email.
DE to get some from Tesco – give them to EP on Wednesday.
- Circus
Tuesday is not booked – we could book them on that day too. Pro’s open it to a wider audience, more money, more opportunity to sell tickets if the Wednesday sells out. Con’s – have them onsite for another 24 hours, psa will have to do a BBQ which can’t be presold or possible can through the website – EP see if she can set up a community option or we can use a burger van? Take a % of the takings. Risk the tickets may not sell.
JH - We could have a Tuesday and Wednesday team to run the BBQ.
Gourmet burgers were a pain – need to pre-prep them – get all the stuff in the buns – can’t open the buns as they dry out – need different buns?
KH – can hot food be eaten in the circus? LB to find out.
10 trailers – to house the circus and the performers.
LB - The circus are DBS checked and have all insurance
AH – need more info to make the decision if to have them on site for longer than 24 hours. Is 50x50m for everything or just the big top? – LB to find out.
They need access to a toilet when they arrive – use the school? Outside classrooms? CG – can we hire a portaloo? – Everyone would feel happier if they aren’t coming into the school to go to the loo. CG can possibly source one.
The circus will be arriving between 9-12.
The school will section off the land for them.
Programme is going to be 24 pages.
2 non-uniform days – KHar do we need two? Non uniform on the 12th May – for bottle tombola – should we leave this to the summer fair – agreed yes. Only non-uniform on the 24th May – no theme. Some children are scared of clowns, and visitors coming into school that day.
Sell cloakroom tickets on the night for the raffle (one for children and one for adults), sellBBQ, drink, sweets, and show tickets on the night if not sold out.
Need at least 4 stations for the BBQ- one for vegetarian, three for sausages, burgers, gourmet burgers. Separate BBQ for the gourmet burgers? We need more BBQ’s can decide how to split them when we have an idea of numbers. Need somehow to pre-cook the stuff.
CG – Cobnor activity place – may be able to borrow it. Goodrowes – not sure if they sell them – will ask.
KH – do we need to invest in a catering size BBQ – can’t be gas. PSA decided with an expanding school we need a catering sized BBQ – KH will research.
DE – knows the manager of wicks – can ask if he can get us a BBQ.
Decided we do one night only. Not everyone on the psa can make two nights and risks it may not sell. If it’s really popular we can book two days another year.
School fair would be the 14th July Friday evening 3-6pm – if we have one. JH need a Sub-committee – LS said she can help, KH will be working, EP working. Decide a sub-committee another time.
Do we have a theme – not yet – perhaps construction!
- Easter Events
LB to do the admin for it.
£1 a ticket – is this ok?
Spent £174 this year – do we want to put the price up?
£1 a ticket is a good price
EF - Someone from the PSA needs to come into assembly to promote it. LB can come into assembly – 27th March. DE will help – bunny outfit?
EF - The class that sells the most could get something? – Agreed do this after Easter – JH did cookies/donuts for hazel class went down well.
Friday 7th April the draw will take place and eggs given out. All the children will get a boxed egg this year – DE has delivered them to the school.
Send out the letter on the 27th March or the week before, but it is red nose day that Friday. JH will draft one up.
LB needs help – EP can help handing them out, CG can help out until 12.30.
- Date of next meeting
AGM – 18th May
Meeting finished at 8pm,thank you to everyone who attended.
All decisions taken by the School Association are voted on by the Committee at the relevant meeting.
No decisions are made solely by the chairperson or individual committee members.
PTA-UK (was NCPTA) Membership No. 33297 - Registered Charity No. 110550