Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated
State of Georgia Executive Board and
2017 State Conference Planning Committee
The 2017 Georgia Miss Phi Beta Sigma
Scholarship Pageant
Preliminary to the 2017 Southern Region Miss Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship Pageant
Friday, March 3, 2017 – 8:14 PM
Savannah State University
Dear Pageant Contestants:
We would like to thank you for your interest in becoming a part of a long-standing tradition with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated and the state of Georgia Executive Board and the 2017 State Conference Planning Committee. We are currently seeking ladies that exemplify the qualities of scholarship, elegance, style and grace to represent the state of Georgia as our Miss Georgia Phi Beta Sigma 2017-2019.
We are now accepting applications for the 2017 Miss Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship Pageant. In order to be eligible to participate in the 2017 Miss Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship Pageant, the following criteria apply:
-Must currently hold the title of Miss Phi Beta Sigma or Chapter’s Homecoming Queen for a collegiate chapter in the state of Georgia.
-Must be presently enrolled as a student at a post-secondary institution in the state of Georgia and must NOT be older than 25 years of age.
-Must be unwed and without child(ren) at the time of the pageant. If chosen as Miss Georgia Phi Beta Sigma, she must remain unwed and without child(ren) during her reign.
-Must NOT have held or currently hold any pageant competition title representing any other Fraternity (i.e. Miss Black & Gold, Miss Krimson & Kreme, etc.).
-Should be a responsible, supportive, self-disciplined, positive and energetic individual who is interested in the welfare of the community.
Enclosed you will find the 2017Miss Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship Pageant application with forms, pageant guidelines and rules attached. The pageant application must be submitted by Friday, February 24, 201. Please make sure the following forms and documents are turned in:
-COMPLETED 2017-2019 Miss Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship Pageant Application and Signed Disclaimer (Attached to Application Packet)
-Current Resume
-One (1) 4x6 Color Photo (Full Body Length)
-One (1) 4x6 Black and White Photo (Head Shot)
-Personal Biography (no more than one page)
-$50.00 Entry Fee (Non-Refundable Certified Check or Money Order – NO PERSONAL CHECKS; made payable to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.)
- Entry Fee must be paid by the local chapter.
Once we receive your application, you will receive an email confirming we have received your application package. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted! NO EXCEPTIONS!
If you have any questions about the pageant application or the pageant guidelines and rules, please contact me at or . Thank you for your time and good luck with the process!
Bro. Monaleto C. Irby
Event Chairman
Miss Phi Beta Sigma GA Scholarship Pageant
Mission Statement
The mission of the Miss Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship Pageant is to develop women that will embody principles of self-confidence and self-worth, and to publicly recognize women who have obtained personal, professional and community achievements; to provide unique opportunities for young women to win scholarship awards; to create and maintain a system of competition which will enhance career opportunities and produce role models representing positive values; to utilize the Miss Phi Beta Sigma name to promote issues of concern and to encourage and promote the role of women in all aspects of our society.
We believe that involvement in community service should be encouraged and in order to be a strong female leader, a young woman must be a well-rounded individual. Not only should she be able to challenge herself scholastically, but she must also be poised and comfortable with herself in learned and natural talents.
Pageant Guidelines and Qualifications
In order to be eligible to participate in the 2017-2019 Miss Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship Pageant – State of Georgia, the following rules apply:
- Contestants must currently hold the title of Miss Phi Beta Sigma or chapter’s Homecoming Queen Title for a collegiate chapter in the state of Georgia.
- Contestants must be presently enrolled as a student at a post-secondary institution in the state of Georgia.
- Contestants must NOT be older than 25 years of age.
- Contestants must be unwed and without child(ren) at the time of the pageant. If chosen as Miss Phi Beta Sigma, she must remain unwed and without child(ren) during her reign.
- Contestants must NOT have held or currently hold any pageant competition title representing any other Fraternity (i.e. Miss Black & Gold, Miss Krimson & Kreme, etc.) in the past three (3) years.
- Contestants are required to sell a minimum of $300.00 in Ad sales for the State Souvenir Journal .
- Ticket Prices: $7.00 per ticket
- Advertisement Prices:
- Full Page: $100.00
- Half Page: $70.00
- Quarter Page: $40.00
- Patron: $5.00
- Inside Front/Back Cover: $200.00
- Contestants will be disqualified from the Pageant competition if the minimum requirements for ads are not sold.
- Collegiate chapters are responsible for the following for their chapter queens:
- Responsible for the $50.00 entry fee.
- Responsible for the travel and lodging to the State Conference in Savannah, GA.
- Responsible for securing a sash trimmed with their chapter’s name for its queen.
- Responsible for having a brother from the chapter to escort chapter queen (please dress in a black or navy suit)
- Encouraged to assist their chapter queen with the $300.00 ad sales requirements for the state pageant. SUGGESTIONS: asking your advising alumni chapter, alumni brothers, businesses and corporations to assist in your chapter queen’s sponsorship.
Please be sure to complete the pageant application form and include ALL attachments listed below. Failure to adhere to the instructions will result in disqualification of your application.
- COMPLETED 2017-2019 Miss Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship Pageant Application
- Current Resume
- One (1) 4x6 Color Photo (Full Body Length)
- One (1) 4x6 Black and White Photo (Head Shot)
**Photos will be used for publicity and will not be returned.
- Personal Biography (no more than one page)
- $50.00 Entry Fee paid by the local chapter (Non-Refundable Certified Check or Money Order made payable to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.)
- Signed Miss Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship Pageant Disclaimer Form
Your completed application package should be postmarked no later than February 14, 2017 to:
Miss PBS Scholarship Pageant – State of Georgia
C/o Bro. Monaleto C. Irby
1006 Marquis Way
Morrow, GA 30260
On the day of the pageant, please adhere to the following rules and regulations:
- Be courteous and professional to all fellow contestants and pageant committee staff.
- Please bring ALL items that you will need during the show. Do not plan to shop the day of the pageant for items of necessity.
- Be prepared and bring any props needed for your talent during the pageant.
- Contestants are required to check in at the conference registration table by 10:00am on Friday, March 3, 2017.
- Contestants arriving after the designated check-in time will have 10 points deducted from their final score.
- Rehearsal is MANDATORY and will begin PROMPTLY at 10:30am.
- Immediately following the mandatory rehearsal, you are allowed to leave the premises and prepare yourselves for the pageant (hair, makeup, etc.). You MUST be back to the designated location by 6:00pm. Contestants arriving after the designated time will have 10 points deducted from their final score.
*We will be hosting a Pre-Pageant Workshop to answer all of your questions and assist you in your quest in becoming the next Miss Georgia Phi Beta Sigma Queen. This workshop will be conducted by Former Miss International Phi Beta Sigma and Centennial Queen, Kendra Kelly. A Time and Place will be announced in a couple of weeks. Ms. Kelly will reach out to each contestant separately to introduce herself.
Choosing the Queen and Winner Awards
The Georgia Miss Phi Beta Sigma Queen is selected by a multitude of things. We base our scoring on your pageant application, Ad monies raised. You will also be scored on your performance the night of the show including your pageant introduction, talent, evening gown and on-stage question, and swimsuit portions.
Your attitude is everything, a positive attitude and the ability to be comfortable in stressful situations will allow you to flow through the pageant easier and make this a rewarding experience for all who are involved.
Miss Georgia Phi Beta Sigma Queen
The Queen will receive the following:
•Crown/Tiara, Sash, Flowers, and Winner Trophy
•Free Hotel Room Stay at the Conference Hotel for Saturday Night
•Award Banquet Ticket for Saturday Afternoon
•Ticket for Blue & White Party for Saturday Night
•Financial Assistance to Represent Georgia in the Southern Regional Pageant in Freeport, Bahamas: Southern Region Conference Dates, April 6-Apri 9, 2017
- Travel/Gas Money
- Two Night Hotel Stay at Regional Conference Host Hotel
- Registration Fee at the Southern Regional Conference
- Full Page Ad in the Southern Regional Conference Journal
- Full Page Ad in the International Conclave Journal (if Miss Phi Beta Sigma – Southern Region)
Miss Georgia Phi Beta Sigma Obligations and Expectations:
•Represent the State of Georgia in the Southern Regional Miss Phi Beta Sigma Pageant in April 2017.
•Expected to attend the State of Georgia Awards Luncheon on March 4, 2017.
•Expected to serve as Hostess (as needed) at Phi Beta Sigma – State of Georgia Events.
•Attend local collegiate chapter pageants with proper notice and approval from the State Executive Board.
•Assist in the promotion of Fraternity events and marketing of future pageants.
•Attend the Georgia State Conference in 2019 to relinquish title and crown the new Miss Georgia Phi Beta Sigma Queen
1ST RUNNER UP (Miss Vanguard State)2ND RUNNER UP (Miss Blue & White)
(voted by Contestants) (Most Photogenic)
Trophy Trophy
Pageant Categories
The 2017 Miss Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship Pageant judging system is patterned from the International Miss Phi Beta Sigma Pageant and is designed to promote diversity, individuality and overall achievement among contestants and serve as a preliminary to the Miss Phi Beta Sigma Pageant – Southern Region. Judges score the individual contestants immediately following each phase of the competition. Contestants are scored totally on a point scale in whole numbers
This portion of the pageant is where the pageant contestants formally introduce themselves to the judges and audience. Each contestant will be evaluated on the overall attractiveness, poise, personality and self-expressive introduction to the judges and audience. Points will not be awarded or deducted on the production itself; however, each contestant should display enthusiasm and enjoyment during this category. The on-stage introduction portion will be worth 50 points.
SWIMSUIT (75 Points)
This phase of the competition will highlight posture and physical fitness. Contestants will wear a one-piece bathing suit of personal color choice. Swimsuits should be tasteful and complimentary to the figure. Over exposure of the body will not be tolerated. Each contestant will be responsible for the procurement of her own swimsuit and will bring it to the day of the pageant. The Swimsuit competition will be worth 75 points.
TALENT (100 points)
Talents may not exceed THREE (3) minutes. Consistently, contestants have scored better using one talent rather than a combination of two or more, i.e. singing & dancing, playing two unrelated instruments. Multiple talents tend to leave an audience wondering what the contestant’s real talent was.
Talent presentations MUST be live on stage and not by use of projection. This does not preclude the utilization of taped background music (on CD) as long as you, yourself, are performing live.
For the 2017 pageant, talents involving fire will not be permitted as a talent due to the regulations of Savannah State University.
NO-NO’s: Fire batons, sword and/or knife twirling, bow and arrow skills, or any other talent that would constitute danger to anyone. Props that require excessively large stage areas and complicated setting up and striking will not be permitted. Live animals are not permitted.
Depending on the type of movement a contestant has planned and the limitations of the sound system at Valdosta State University, you should decide upon which type of microphone you will need for your performance (stand microphone, handheld microphone or wireless microphone). You must make these arrangements with the Pageant Event Coordinator well in advance of the day of show.
Taped accompaniment must be on a CD. All talent CDs must be turned in Friday, March 3, 2017 by 1:00pm. Regardless of the type of talent background music cannot have voices, instruments or other noises which mimic the talent of the contestant. (Example: A vocalist may have background vocals with “oohs and aahs” or other background lyrics, but cannot have a tape with a voice singing the melody line for the contestant to sing along with. The same would apply for instrumentalists, dancers and any other talent which could provide for an unfair advantage if a judge could not delineate from the talent on the track versus the live performance of the contestant.)
Any prop you wish to bring on stage with you MUST be absolutely functional. Some non-functional props tend to distract from the contestant. (i.e. If you wish to bring a chair on stage, you must actually NEED it to sit or stand on).
If technical difficulties prevent you from performing any phase of the competition, fairness dictates you will be allowed to restart. The decision for a restart will be made with consultation of the producer, Pageant Event Coordinator and the judges’ panel. The talent competition will be worth 100 points.
EVENING WEAR (100 Points)
For this portion of competition you are allowed to wear evening wear (i.e. pants, cocktail dress, etc.) or the traditional gown. Contestants are responsible for choosing their own evening wear prior to the date of the pageant; the contestant is also responsible for bringing the evening wear fully pressed and ready for the day of the show. Each contestant will be allowed a maximum of (2) two individuals behind stage to assist with dressing. The evening wear competition will be worth 100 points.
You will be asked one question during the competition. The question will most likely relate to a social issue of interest in our world. Your answer should be brief and to the point. You will not be scored on what you wear during this phase but rather on how you respond to the question. Contestants are encouraged to research various topics as well as stay informed through various media. This phase of competition will count 100 points.
In the event that a Contestant is selected Miss Georgia Phi Beta Sigma, she will be required to sign a contract with the State of Georgia Executive Board of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. This will be presented to her, for her signature, immediately following the Pageant.
A Contestant, or any individual related to a Contestant, must not approach Judges with the intent to influence or harass. Action of this type will be reported to the Miss Phi Beta Sigma Board and disqualification of that Contestant could result.
Your attitude is everything, a positive attitude and the ability to be comfortable in stressful situations will allow you to flow through the pageant easier and make this a rewarding experience for all who are involved. The Pageant Committee has the right to dismiss a contestant and/or Queen for showing lack of character or participating in lewd acts.
The queen will be expected to represent the state at the 2017 Southern Regional Conferenceat the state of Georgia’s expense.
Five Judges will be used to judge all categories related to the day of the show and the pageant committee will score the pre pageant experience.
The services of an independent Auditor will be used to tally the Judge’s scores.
Pageant Officials will not have access to completed judging sheets. The Judges will select from among themselves one person to serve as Head Judge and that Judge will gather the completed score sheets from all of the Judges, put them in a sealed envelope and personally see that the Auditor receives them.
Each Contestant will receive her personal scores in the mail following the Pageant.
Decisions by the Judges are final!
In the event of a tie in the contestants overall score, a tie-breaker will be issued in which the tied contestants will be asked a question on stage selected at random.