Notice of Termination[1]

(Landlord intends to substantially refurbish/renovate)

Atenancy, which is a Part 4 tenancy, may only be terminated by the landlord pursuant to Section 34 of the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 – 2016. Additional factors apply where the tenant is in occupation under the terms of a fixed term lease or tenancy agreement as this may only be terminated under certain conditions (see The following are permitted grounds for the termination of a Part 4 tenancy:-

  1. The tenant has failed to comply with their obligations having first been notified, in writing, of the failure, and given an opportunity to remedy it.
  2. The landlord intends to sell the dwelling within 3 months of the termination date.
  3. The dwelling is no longer suited to the needs of the occupying household.
  4. The landlord requires the dwelling for own or family member occupation – thisis not applicable to tenancies involving Approved Housing Bodies.
  5. Vacant possession is required for substantial refurbishment of the dwelling.
  6. The landlord intends to change the use of the dwelling.

For the last 3 listed grounds, the termination notice must contain certain additional details as specified in the Act relating to the tenant being given first refusal to resume the tenancy should the dwelling become available for re-letting.

Landlord intends to substantially refurbish or renovate the dwelling

A landlord is entitled to terminate a Part 4 tenancy where the landlord intends to substantially refurbishor renovate the dwelling or the property containingthe dwelling in a way which requires the dwellingto be vacated for that purpose (and, where planningpermission is required for the carrying out of thatrefurbishment or renovation, that permission hasbeen obtained) and the notice of termination (the‘‘notice’’) contains or is accompanied, in writing, bya statement—

(a)specifying the nature of the intended works,

(b)that, in a case where planning permission has been obtained, a copy of the planning permission is attached to the notice or statement,

(c)that planning permission is not required and the landlord has complied with the requirements under section 35(9)(b), which is to specify that where planning permission is not required to provide

(i)the name of the contract, if any, employed to carry out the intended works, and

(ii)the dates on which the intended works are to be carried out and the proposed duration of the period in which those works are to be carried out


(d)that that the landlord, by serving the notice, isrequired to offer to the tenant a tenancyof the dwelling if up-to-date details are provided by the tenant to the landlordand thefollowing conditions are satisfied—

(i)the dwelling becomes available for relettingwithin the period of 6 months fromexpiry of the period of noticerequired to be given, or if a dispute in relation to the validityof the notice was referred to the RTB under Part 6 for resolution,the final determination of the dispute,and

(ii)the tenancy had not otherwise beenvalidly terminated by using the grounds of breach of obligations, or the dwelling is no longer suitable to the accommodation needs of the tenant, or the landlord intends to sell with 3 months of the termination date, or the landlord seeks to terminate to change the use of the dwelling.

In order to allow the tenants an opportunity to fix any issues you may have with regard to the property i.e. cleaning, repairs and replacements in excess of normal wear and tear, it is recommended that you carry out an inspection a few days / weeks before the tenants are due to vacate and on the day they vacate the dwelling.



The tenancy of the dwelling at (Insert Address of Rented Dwelling) will terminate on XX/XX/XXXX.

You must vacate and give up possession of the dwelling on or before the termination date. The reason for the termination of the tenancy is that the landlord intends to substantially refurbish or renovate the dwelling or the property containing the dwelling in a way which requires the dwelling to be vacated for that purpose.

The following works[2] will be carried out: (for example-The refurbishment/renovation work involves a total replacement of internal plumbing which will require the water supply to be shut off between xx/xx/xx and xx/xx/xx. Planning permission is not required for these renovations). The landlord will offer you the opportunity to re-occupy the dwelling if:

(a)the dwelling becomes available for re-letting within the period of 6 months from the expiry of the period of notice required to be given by the notice, or if a dispute in relation to the validity of the notice was referred to the Board under Part 6 for resolution, the final determination of the dispute;

(b)the tenancy to which this notice relates has not otherwise been validly terminated by reason of a ground specified in paragraph 1, 2, 3 or 6 of the Table to section 34 of the Residential Tenancies Acts 2004 to 2016;

(c)you provide your contact details to the landlord within 28 days from the service of this notice or the final determination of a dispute referred to the Board relating to the validity of this notice andyou notify the landlord as soon as possible of any change in your contact details.

You have the whole of the 24 hours of the termination date to vacate and give up possession of the above dwelling.

Any issue as to the validity of this notice or the right of the landlord to serve it, must be referred to the Residential Tenancies Board under Part 6 of the Residential Tenancies Acts 2004 to 2016 within 28 days from the date of receipt of it.

This notice is served on XX/XX/XXXX.



A. N. Other


Please note - In order to ensure that there is no delay on returning the deposit, I would suggest carrying out inspections on (INSERT DATE) and (INSERT DATE) at (INSERT TIME). Please let me know if this time is convenient for you.

A Notice of Termination using the ground that the landlord intends to substantially refurbish or renovate the dwelling must now contain or be accompanied by a statement specifying:

  • What is the nature of the intended works to be carried out and where planning permission has been obtained a copy of it must be attached to the notice and/or the statement.
  • Where planning permission is not required the following must be provided:
  • The name of the contractor, if any, employed to carry out the intended works
  • The dates on which the intended works are to be carried out
  • The proposed duration of the intended works

In respect of a Notice of Termination, for counting purposes Day 1 of the notice period begins on the day immediately following the date of service of the notice. The RTB recommend that you give additional days when calculating the required notice period to ensure sufficient notice is provided.

[1] This is not a legal document and you should refer to the original legislation. This is intended as a guide only. The RTB accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions.

[2] See Statement required overleaf if information not contained with the notice of termination