Geography & History of the World 19th week 5-21to 5-25
Monday 5-21-18 Warm up/EQ #6
List all of the countries that are located in East Africa.
Geography & History of the World standard:GHW.7.2 Analyze the physical and human factors involved in conflicts and violence related to nationalist, racial, ethnic, religious, economic, political, and/or resource issues in various parts of the world.
Big idea: East/West Africa
Objective/Goal: Complete today’s online questions in order to be prepared for the test covering East and West Africa on Thursday.
Vocabulary words: From the day’s activities
- Daily work
- Notes – East Africa chapter Canvas- Answer the questions in Google Docs and then share your file through Canvas with me.
- Canvas Study guide questions chapter 22 & 23
- Final exam study guide – on the website and Canvas. Due the day of the final exam.
Reflection question:
How would you describe the region of East Africa?
- Bring your textbook tomorrow
- Test on East/West Africa on Wednesday(Friday) READ CHAPTER 22/23
- Daily work is due Friday from 5-14 to 5-25
- Your Final Exam is the first week of June
Tuesday5-22-18 Warm up/EQ #7
What country has the largest population in the world?
Geography & History of the World standard:GHW.7.2 Analyze the physical and human factors involved in conflicts and violence related to nationalist, racial, ethnic, religious, economic, political, and/or resource issues in various parts of the world.
Big idea: China/Mongolia
Objective/Goal:Complete today’s notes on China to understand their physical geography.
Vocabulary words: From the day’s activities
- Daily work
- Notes –China
- Finish your assignments yesterday/ must be shared with me before you leave or I will not take the work. If you finish early prepare for your test on Friday.
Reflection question:
What are the dominate landforms of China?
- Bring your textbook tomorrow
- Test covering Africa chapters 22 & 23 on Friday
- Daily work is due Friday from 5-14 to 5-25
- Your Final Exam is the first week of June
Wednesday5-23-18 Warm up/EQ#8
What are two landforms located in China?
Geography & History of the World standard:GHW.7.2 Analyze the physical and human factors involved in conflicts and violence related to nationalist, racial, ethnic, religious, economic, political, and/or resource issues in various parts of the world.
Big idea: China/Mongolia
Objective/Goal:Complete today’s activities in order to demonstrate you understand the physical geography of China. Be prepared for Friday’s test on East& West Africa.
Vocabulary words: From the day’s activities
1.Daily work /Rules
2.Canvas- Map & questions activity (China and Japan)
3.Kahoot review for Friday’s test
Reflection question:
What are the dominate landforms of Asia?
- Study your Finals study guide is due Friday they day of the Final exam
- Make sure you begin studying for the Final exam
- Test covering Africa chapters 22 & 23 on Friday READ
- Daily work is due Friday from 5-14 to 5-25
Thursday5-23-18 Warm up#8
Name two resources located in China.
Geography & History of the World standard:GHW.7.1 to 7.3
Big idea:China
Objective/Goal:Complete today’s activities in order to demonstrate you understand the political boundaries and physical features of China.
Vocabulary words: From the day’s activities
- Daily work.
- Canvas- online questions based on the China notes- pull up the notes from my website if the link does not work!
- Test review
Reflection question:
What can you do to ensure you are prepared for tomorrow’s test?
- Daily work is due Friday from 5-14 to 5-25
- Your Test is tomorrow! Africa chapters 22 & 23
Friday 5-25-18 Warm up#10
Describe the weather in most of China. Name it’s predominate climate.
Geography & History of the World standard:GHW 7.1 & 7.2
Big idea:China
Objective/Goal:Score at least 70% on your test.
Vocabulary words: None
- Daily work. Then turn in all of your daily work! Starting at 5-14
- Test covering East and West Africa
- Video clip China –Natural resources (Energy)
Reflection question:
What can you do to prepare for your final exam?
- Your Finals study guide is due the day of your Final exam
- Bring your textbook on Monday