28.KOEHLER DALE & MARTIE ET UXParcel # 10-103-07-05-00700-0000
Physical Location:119 OAK DR
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:2010-07354
Legal Description:Lot Fifty-two (52) of Tamarac Estates Amended II, a subdivision in the County of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by plat filed in Plat Book 14 at page 33, also described as Lot Fifty-two (52) OF Tamarac Estates Amended II, Second Subdivision, a subdivision in the County of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by plat filed in Plat Book 15 at page 58. Subject to easements, conditions, restrictions and limitations of record.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011740.33118.4560.11918.89 2010 746.75 253.90 70.05 1,070.70
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 2,062.01
34.AUBUCHON ROBERT MParcel # 10-800-28-00-01700-0000 & 10-802-27-00-01100-0000
Physical Location:0 STATE HWY Y & 3150 STATE HWY Y
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:2009-05848
Legal Description:This includes parcel 10-800-28-00-01700-0000 and 10-802-27-00-01100-0000, being sold together as one. TRACT I: 40 acres, more or less, being 34 acres, more or less, of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, and 6 acres, more or less, in the northeast part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, descnbed by metes and bounds as follows. Begin at the southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, thence East 12 rods to a corner, thence South 14-2/17 rods to a corner, thence East 68 rods to a corner, thence South to the center of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 27, thence West to the west line of said Section 27, thence North 8.50 chains, thence West 522 chains to a corner, thence North 11 50 chains to a corner, thence East 5.22 chains to the place of beginning, all in Township 32 North, Range 13 East, being the same real estate conveyed to Alma Masters by deed dated December 6, 1954, recorded in Book 162 at page 292 in the Recorder's Office of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, except all that part thereof south and west of State Route "S W" and except 0 3 acre, more or less, conveyed to Phyllis Marie Masters by warranty deed recorded in Book 202 at page 62 in the Recorder's Office of Cape GIrardeau County, Missouri, and subject to the right of way of public roads, and to the right of way for Supplementary Highway Route “Y” granted by instrument dated February 21, 1956, recorded m Book 167 at page 152 in the Recorder's Office of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. TRACT II : A tract of land situated in the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 28, Twp 32 N , Range 13 East, descnbed as follows. Commencmg at a point 5 22 chains west from the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 27, run thence east along the north line of the southeast quarter of said section 28, a distance of 6 rods for a corner, thence south a distance of 7 rods and 12 feet for a corner, thence west a distance of 6 rods, thence north a distance of 7 rods and 12 feet to the pomt of beginning
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011956.05152.9677.631,186.64 2010 964.35 327.88 90.45 1,382.68
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 2,641.74
35.PEAVLER SCOTT D & ROBIN L UXParcel # 10-802-27-01-00700-0000
Physical Location:0 RUSTIC HILLS LN
2.58 ACRESBook and Page:795-555
Legal Description:All of Lot Numbered Six (6) of a Resubdivision of Lots 5, 6 & 7 and the park area of Rustic Hills Subdivision in the County of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by Plat recorded in Plat Book 14 at page 32, land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. Subject to terms, conditions,restrictions and reservations of record, if any.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
201186.5613.857.03107.44 2010 87.31 29.69 8.19 125.19
Total Sale Fees42.42
Total Due 275.05
39.WYNKOOP MARTIN DParcel # 13-601-14-00-01100-0000
Physical Location:374 STATE HWY HH
2.91 ACRESBook and Page:873-154
Legal Description:2.75 acres, more or less, an interior part of Survey no 808, Township 31 North, Range 11 East, described as follows: Begin at an iron fence post on the South Boundary of the right of way of the Jackson and Burfordville gravel road in said Survey No. 808,Township 31 North, Range 11 East, the Northeast corner of land of J. M. Chostner and the Northwest corner of this tract, run East along South side of Gravel Road 133 feet to the Northwest corner of H. Estes lot from which the Northwest corner to Estes Porch bears 57 feet 5 inches; thence South 100 feet to a corner, thence East 232 feet to a stone corner; thence South 271 feet to a corner; an elm 2 inches bears 5 feet; thence South 801/2 degrees West 260 feet to a corner; thence South 61 feet to a corner; thence South 801/2 degrees West 60 feet to a corner; a Walnut 20 north 10 east 661/2 north 384 feet to a corner; thence West 40 feet to a corner; thence North 100 feet to the beginning corner. Except any part in public roadways.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011212.0333.9317.21263.17 2010 213.84 72.71 20.06 306.61
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 642.20
42.HUTCHERSON GEORGE & BERTHAParcel # 14-312-00-13-00300-0000
Physical Location:724 HOPE N
0.82 ACRESBook and Page:112-562
Legal Description:All of a tract of land Containing 0.819 acres situated in U.S. Survey No. 2250 in Township 30 North Range 12 East in the City of Jackson, Missouri, and described in metes and bounds as follows: From the northeast corner of U.S. Survey No. 797 also a corner of said U.S. Survey No. 2250, measure N. 7° 88.4 ft. to a corner; thence N. 83° W. 157.3 ft. to a corner; thence N. 7° 31’ E. 300 ft. to the beginning corner; thence N. 7° 31' E. 149.5 ft. to a corner; thence N. 55° E. 158.3 ft. to a corner; thence S.11° 22' E. 265.7 ft. to a corner; thence N. 84° 12' W. 203.9 ft. to the beginning corner.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011348.2555.7228.28432.25 2010 350.89 119.30 32.91 503.10
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 1,007.77
43.HUTCHERSON PAUL T & CORNELLParcel # 14-312-00-13-00400-0000
Physical Location:722 HOPE N
0.24 ACRESBook and Page:482-26
Legal Description:A PART OF U.S.P.S. 2250, TOWNSHIP 31 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST, CITY OF JACKSON, COUNTY OF CAPE GIRARDEAU, STATE OF MISSOURI, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Commencing at the northwest corner of U.S.P.S.. 797 thence N 07o E 88.4 feet; Thence N 83o W 157.3 feet to the east right-of-way of Hope Street; Thence N 07o 22' 40" E, 250.0 feet along said east line to the Point of Beginning; Thence continue N 07o 22’ 40" E, 49.70 feet along said east right-of-way line; Thence S 84o 12' E, 205.51 feet; Thence S 11o 22’ E, 52.00 feet; Thence N 84o 12' W, 222.23 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.24 acres, more or less.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011134.3521.5010.91166.76 2010 135.37 46.03 12.70 194.10
Total Sale Fees42.42
Total Due 403.28
47.JACKSON FORREST JEFFREYParcel # 14-313-00-03-00100-0000
Physical Location:1502 JACKSON BLVD W
0.22 ACRESBook and Page:2007-07517
Legal Description:Lot One (1) in Block Three (3) of Sunset View, a subdivision in the City of Jackson, County of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by plat recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 36. SUBJECT to terms, conditions, restrictions and reservations of record, if any. EXCEPT that part conveyed to Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission by General Warranty Deed dated June 16, 2003 and recorded July 10, 2003 in Book 1359 at Page 624, land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
20112,446.78391.48198.683,036.94 2010 2,464.49 837.93 231.17 3,533.59
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 6,642.95
52.HANKINS JEFFREY D & PAMELA JParcel # 14-320-00-09-00500-0000
Physical Location:808 KENT
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:585-329
Legal Description:All of Lot 'Numbered One (1) in Block Numbered Two (2) of L.E. Kies Subdivision in the City of Jackson, Missouri, as shown by Plat recorded in Plat Book 3 at page 43, land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. The said William H. Froemsdorf, hereby states that he is the surviving spouse of Molly L. Froemsdorf. and that she died July 7 , 1991, while still married to William H. Froemsdorf, the marriage having never been terminated by divorce.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011534.8085.5743.43663.80 2010 538.86 183.21 50.55 772.62
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 1,508.84
53.ELLIOTT MARK & DEBRA UXParcel # 14-500-21-03-01700-0000
Physical Location:0 LONSOME DOVE
3.19 ACRESBook and Page:2006-07052
Legal Description:Lot Thirty-eight (38) of a Resubdivision of Lots 32, 37 and 38 of Saddlebrooke Ridge Phase 1-Amended in the County of Cape GIrardeau, Missouri, as shown by plat filed in Plat Book 21 at page 100. LESS AND EXCEPT that portion conveyed by Deed recorded in Document #2006-04317. SUBJECT to terms, conditions, restrictions and reservations of record, if any.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011168.7327.0013.70209.43 2010 170.20 57.87 15.96 244.03
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 525.88
55.KSCJ INVESTMENTS LPParcel # 15-104-00-11-01400-0000
Physical Location:234 HIDDEN MEADOW DR
0.47 ACRESBook and Page:2011-11333
Legal Description:All of Lot One (1) of Hidden Meadows Subdivision, a subdivision in the City of Jackson, Missouri, as shown by plat recorded in Plat Book 18 at page 55 of the land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. EXCEPT All of that part of Lot No.1 of Hidden Meadows Subdivision, being a part of United States Private Survey No. 324, located in Township 31 North Range 13 East of the Fifth Principal Meridian, in the City of Jackson, County of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Eastern most corner of said Lot No.1; thence with the North line of said lot, North 51 deg. 18' 00" West, 171.38 feet; thence North 89 deg. 07' 51" West 83.70 feet, to a point on the East line of Hidden Meadow Drive; thence South 63 deg. 29' 510 East, 242.97 feet, to the place of beginning and containing 4,399 sq. ft., more or less. SUBJECT to "Hidden Meadows Subdivision Protective Covenants and Restrictions" as recorded in Book 801 at page 600 of the land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. ALSO SUBJECT to "Hidden Meadows Subdivision First Amended Protective Covenants and Restrictions" as recorded in Book 804 at page 756 of the land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. ALSO SUBJECT to "Green Meadows 3rd Subdivision and Lot "1" (One) of Hidden Meadows Subdivision First Amended Protective Covenants and Restrictions" as recorded in Book 852 at page 124 of the land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
20112,167.26346.76175.982,690.00 2010 2,183.86 742.51 204.85 3,131.22
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 5,893.64
61.TOWNSEND JEROME & SUZANNE ET UXParcel # 15-117-00-11-01100-0000
Physical Location:1305 APACHE
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:2010-07528
Legal Description:All of Lot Eight (8) in Block Three (3) of Indian Hills Subdivision, a subdivision in the City of Jackson, Missouri, as shown by Plat recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 22, land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. Subject to terms, conditions, restrictions, reservations and easements of record, if any.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011985.44157.6780.021,223.13 2010 992.93 337.60 93.14 1,423.67
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 2,719.22
Parcel # 15-300-12-00-01500-0000
Physical Location:0 COUNTY RD 621
0.75 ACRESBook and Page:309-769
Legal Description:All that part of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 12, Township 31 North, Range 13 East, County of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, described as follows: Start at sand stone and a six inch flue pipe at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 11, Township 31 North, Range 13 East; run south 89 degrees 40 ' east, 2198.48 feet to the southeast corner of a 1.125 acre tract conveyed to Betty Crites and Earl Crites, Jr. her husband by deed recorded in Book 154 at Page 400, for the point of beginning; thence north 0 degrees 20' east, 219.78 feet; thence south 89 degrees 40' east, 148.76 feet to a point in the center of the Oriole Road; thence south 0 degrees 17' east, with the center of said road 219.78 feet; thence north 89 degrees 40' west, 151.1 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.75 acres more or less, Subject to the right-of-way of the Oriole Road. This property is one and the same as that described as Tract 1 in the Finding and Decree of Succession and Distribution entered July 10,1964, in the Estate of George W. Heuer, Cause No.T-1381, in the Cape Girardeau Court of Common Pleas, recorded in Book 234 at Pages 39 through 44 in the Recorder's Office in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. This conveyance is in compliance with such Order and the Last Will and Testament of George W. Heuer, Grantee having now reached the age of 21 years. Grantee Janet Crites is one and the same person as Jeannette Crites. Heirs known and unknown.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
20110.440.070.040.55 2010 0.45 0.15 0.04 0.64 2009 0.45 0.23 0.05 0.73
Total Sale Fees72.02
Total Due 73.94
68.PEAVLER ROBIN LYNNEParcel # 15-614-00-01-00400-0000
Physical Location:2327 BOUTIN DR
2.00 ACRESBook and Page:2010-01135
Legal Description:All of a parcel of land containing 2.0 acres, more or less, located in the northeast quarter of Section 23, Township 31 North, Range 13 East, described as follows: Start at the northeast corner of said section 23; thence West along the north line of section 23, 1121.3 feet to the northeast comer of a 3.0 acre tract; thence South along the east line of said 3.0 acre tract and said line extended, 1041.0 feet to a point in the present South right of way line of Missouri State Highway Route “W”, thence N. 88°56' west along said south right of way line 112.7 feet to a point in the west line of a 1.0 acre parcel described in Deed Book 188 at Page 447, said point being south 10.0 feet from the northwest corner of said 1.0 acre tract and is the place of beginning of land to be conveyed; thence continue north 88°56' west along said south right of way line 367.0 feet for a corner; thence south 21°30' east 383.5 feet to a point in the north edge of a creek; thence along said north edge north 52°0' east 156.0 feet; thence north 60°18' east 119.0 feet; thence leaving said creek go north 195.0 feet to the point of beginning.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011943.76151.0076.631,171.39 2010 950.87 323.30 89.19 1,363.36
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 2,607.17
71.LOWERY HAROLD S & LINDA GParcel # 15-812-00-11-00100-0000
Physical Location:3913 EAGLE RIDGE DR
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:524-87
Legal Description:All of Lot Twenty-six (26) of Ashand Hills Estates Fourth Subdivision in the City of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by Plat recorded in Plat Book 15 at Page 53.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
20111,364.23218.28110.781,693.29 2010 1,374.50 467.33 128.93 1,970.76
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 3,736.47
75.ADAMS RILEY R & CONNIE M UXParcel # 15-910-00-06-00700-0000
Physical Location:2811 HILDALE CIRCLE
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:2006-06562
Legal Description:Lot Four (4) in Block One (1) of Hildale Estates Subdivision in the City and County of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by plat recorded in Plat Book 7 at page 11.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
20111,197.46191.5997.231,486.28 2010 1,206.48 410.20 113.17 1,729.85
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 3,288.55
Parcel # 15-911-00-03-00400-0000
Physical Location:2520 LEROY
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:2012-03594
Legal Description:All of Lot Seven (7) in Block Two (2) of Randol Subdivision in the City of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by the plat recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 53.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011739.15118.2660.02917.43 2010 744.72 253.20 69.85 1,067.77
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 2,057.62
79.BRAXTON DEBRA MITCHELLParcel # 15-913-00-10-01500-0000
Physical Location:3734 OLD HOPPER RD
1.89 ACRESBook and Page:1231-882
Legal Description:Lots One (1) and Two (2) of Gwena Ridge, a subdivision in the City and County of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by plat recorded in Plat Book 16 at page 8.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
20117,149.511,143.92580.548,873.97 2010 7,203.32 2,449.13 675.67 10,328.12
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 19,274.51
80.MARTIN JEWELLParcel # 15-915-00-11-01601-0000
Physical Location:2828 BEVIN
2.11 ACRESBook and Page:2010-05547
Legal Description:All of Lot Three (3) of Jeff Jackson Subdivision in the City and County of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown on plat recorded in Plat Book 25 at page 17 of the land records of said county.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011864.47138.3270.191,072.98 2010 799.32 271.77 74.98 1,146.07
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 2,291.47
86.BAKER KIMBERLY A TRUSTParcel # 15-920-00-05-00600-9001
Physical Location:625 TERRY LN
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:2004-02328
Legal Description:Lot Five (5) in Block Two (2) in Golladay Addition, to the City of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by Plat recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 8. Property Address: 625 Terry Lane, Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011136.0721.7711.05168.89 2010 143.79 48.89 13.49 206.17
Total Sale Fees42.42
Total Due 417.48
87.BAKER KIMBERLY A TRUSTParcel # 15-920-00-05-00600-9002
Physical Location:629 TERRY LN
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:2004-02328
Legal Description:Lot Six (6) in Block Two (2) of Golladay Addition to the City of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by Plat recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 8. Property Address: 629 Terry Lane, Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
201122.513.601.8327.94 2010 22.68 7.71 2.13 32.52
Total Sale Fees42.42
Total Due 102.88
91.MCDONALD JAMES E & DONNA L ET UXParcel # 16-410-18-03-00500-0000
Physical Location:2405 HILL TOP LN
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:2010-07081
Legal Description:All of Lot Numbered Two (2) of a Subdivision of part of Out Lot No. 2 of Cape Rock Village in the County of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by plat recorded in Plat Book 8 at page 15, land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. Subject to terms, conditions, restrictions, reservations and easements of record, if any.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011444.4571.1136.09551.65 2010 442.81 150.56 41.54 634.91
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 1,258.98
93.MCDONALD JAMES E & DONNA L ET UXParcel # 16-414-19-03-00300-0000
Physical Location:2416 WINDY HILL LN
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:1127-108
Legal Description:All of Lot Numbered Forty-one (41) of Cape Rock Village, a subdivision in the County of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by Plat recorded in Plat Book 6 at page l8, land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, except the South 5 feet of said Lot 41. Subject to terms, conditions, restrictions and reservations of record,if any.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011515.1482.4241.83639.39 2010 513.23 174.50 48.14 735.87
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 1,447.68
94.MCDONALD JAMES E & DONNA L ET UXParcel # 16-414-19-03-00500-0000
Physical Location:2408 WINDY HILL LN
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:2006-8395
Legal Description:All of the North 80 feet of Lot Thirty-nine (39) and the South 10 feet of Lot Forty (40) in Cape Rock Village in the County of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as shown by Plat recorded in Plat Book 6 at page 18, land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, described as follows: Begin at the northwest corner of Lot 39; thence North along the west line of Lot 40, a distance of 10 feet; thence East parallel to the south line of Lot 40,140 feet to the east line of Lot 40; thence South along the east line of Lots 40 and 39, 90.0 feet to a point 10 feet north of the Southeast corner of Lot 39; thence West parallel to the south line of Lot 39, 140 feet to the west line of Lot 39; thence North with the west line of Lot 39, a distance of 80 feet to the beginning corner. Subject to terms, conditions, restrictions, reservations and easements of record, if any.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011576.2292.2046.79715.21 2010 574.10 195.19 53.85 823.14
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 1,610.77
95.MCDONALD JAMES E & DONNA L ET UXParcel # 16-414-19-03-00700-0000
Physical Location:2402 WINDY HILL LN
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:2007-15044
Legal Description:All of the North Seventy-five (75) feet of Lot Numbered Thirty-seven (37) and the South Fifteen (15) feet of Lot Thirty-eight (38) of Cape Rock Village Subdivision in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, as shown by Plat recorded in Plat Book 6 at page 18, land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. Subject to terms, conditions, restrictions, reservations and easements of record, if any.
Receipt #Base TaxInterestPenaltyTotal
2011586.6193.8647.63728.10 2010 584.44 198.71 54.82 837.97
Total Sale Fees72.42
Total Due 1,638.49
96.MARRA MELISSAParcel # 16-417-00-12-00200-1005
Physical Location:1602 AMBLEWOOD
0.00 ACRESBook and Page:2005-06096
Legal Description:All of Unit Five (5) of Heritage Park Condominium, as shown by Plat recorded November 10,1982 in Plat Book 14 at page 19, and the Declaration of Condominium recorded November 10, 1982 in Book 403 at page 363, land records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. Subject to terms, conditions, restrictions, reservations and easements of record, if any.