Mrs. Rumbaugh Syllabus- Social Studies Department

Contact Information:

Mrs. Samantha (Askew) Rumbaugh


Phone: 785-410-0517 (Please feel free to call or text me at any time, as long as the questions pertain to my class or volleyball/basketball.)

Classroom Rules/Policies: There are just a few rules to make our travel throughout this year go smoothly.

1.  Absent Policy: It is important to be in my class every day as important material will be taught. Sometimes we may work in groups so respect me and your classmates by coming to class. Excused Absence: You will have equal to the amount of days you were absent to complete and turn in the assignment. If it is not turned in by then it will be considered late. (Please see late policy.) Unexcused Absence: If the office has not approved your absence you will not be allowed to make up the missing work and will receive a 0.

2.  Tardy policy: Please be to class on time. You must be at the top of the 5 stairs leading into my classroom by the time the bell rings. Every second later will be counted tardy. (Unless you have a pass from another teacher.)

3.  Classroom Rules and Expectations: Each day you will need to bring to class your textbook, a pen and a pencil, your history notebook, loose paper, and a positive, respectful, open attitude. Show respect for yourself, your peers, me (your teacher), and school property. Every student in this class is a valuable member and contributor. There are to be no put-downs in this class. Respect your classmate’s opinions. I will respect everyone’s opinion in the classroom and I expect the same from you. This also means no writing on the desks, walls, your classmates, or anything besides paper in the classroom. Please turn in all your assignments on time with your name on them.

4.  Discipline Policy: Disrespect shown towards any peer, teacher, or school property will first be given one warning. After using that warning if the behavior continues the student will receive a 15 minute detention. A note will be sent home to the parent notifying them of the behavior and the detention to be served the next day with the teacher. If the behavior persists the office and/or parents will be brought in to the situation.

5.  Late Work Policy: All class work is due on the date that I give you. Late work will be given partial credit. 10 percent will be dropped off of the score per day that it is late. You are able to turn any work in until the end of the nine weeks it was assigned in for half credit. Please take pride in your work and your tests. I will give you plenty of time to finish your assignment, but you need to use your time wisely.

6.  Make-up work Policy- If your absence is for a school event you need to ask for your assignment before you leave. If I get the assignment to you before you leave then it is due the day you get back. If you miss a test, it is up to you, the student, to schedule a time with me to make it up. I will be at school from 7:30 to at least 4:00 every day (unless coaching.) You will not be allowed to make up any tests or assignments unless the entire class is allowed. Do your best on your work the first time.

7.  Incomplete Work Policy: Once you turn in your work to me, I will grade it as is. If you are not finished it will be graded incomplete.

8.  Try your best! As a teacher this is all I can ask of you. I expect 100% effort from you. Study for your tests and turn in all your homework on time and you will do well in my class!

9.  Follow all school handbook rules.

10.  Parent Contact: I will be posting grades every week, so please check your students grades regularly and feel free to call or email me with any questions you may have about their grades. I also plan to let you know about any tests, and project due dates through the gradebook calendar. Please check and make sure your student is ready for the test or project. Thank you and I hope we have a great school year!


To pass this class you must receive a grade of D or better. Grades are based on approximately the following percentages:

50% -- Daily work, Homework, and class participation.

20% -- Group or individual Projects

30% -- tests/quizzes

Extra- Credit: There will be very few opportunities throughout the semester for extra credit. If a student is experiencing problems with their grade please come and talk to me. I am going to be open with you about your grades. Anytime you want to know what your grade is please come and ask me. I also encourage you to check your online grades often because I sometimes make mistakes. Since I am going to be open with you I expect you to be open with me about any problems you may be experiencing in my class (or any other class if you need someone to talk to). We might be able to work something out if you are trying your best and being responsible.

Grading Scale: Materials Needed:

A= 100% - 91% 1. Pen and Pencil everyday

B= 90% - 82% 2. History Notebook

C= 81% - 73% 3. Loose Paper

D= 72% - 64% 4. Kleenex for the classroom

F= 63% or less