WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2014 Page 1 of 1
PRESENT: Carlton B. Crocker, John A. Lacoste, and David V. Lawler, Prudential Committee; Michael J. Winn, Fire Chief; Craig A. Crocker, Water Superintendent; Judith Sprague, Clerk/Treasurer; Melissa Abrams, Assistant Clerk/Treasurer.
Also Present: Byron Eldridge, Deputy Fire Chief; Michelle Newcomb, Vice President Bartholomew & Co., Dory Huard, Vice President Bartholomew & Co.
The meeting convened at 6:00 p.m.
Public Comment: None
Bartholomew & Co: A booklet from Bartholomew & Company was handed out and a presentation was given on investing funds into an OPEB (Other Post-Employment Benefit) Trust.
Craig Crocker: A draft of the FY15 Water Budget was handed out and discussed. Also, he is working on an article to trade in the older backhoe for a compact mini excavator which would be more practical for the type of jobs the Water Department requires and the other articles will be the usual ones.
Chief Winn: We welcome Jason Travis as a new Firefighter as of February 10, 2014. Also, an employee will be going out on Disability Retirement so there will be another new hire request but no figures have been put together yet. We had 230 emergency calls last month and Fire Prevention did 227 inspections. First two blizzards were quiet but there were 16 calls during the last blizzard. We are moving along on getting the new website up and the front page should be ready to be viewed by Friday. Year-to-date budget was discussed and everything looks to be on target. Since there has been an overwhelming number of heroin overdoses, a meeting was held today on Narcan, a drug that reverses the effect of heroin, and the next meeting is scheduled for March 5th. A draft of the FY15 Fire Budget and Proposed Articles were handed out and discussed. These figures will go before the Fire Commissioners at Monday night’s meeting.
Judy Sprague: Barnstable County Retirement Association FY2015 Assessment has an increase of $27,800 over last year. Cape Cod Municipal Health Group rates for FY2015 has an increase of 1.8% on all insurances. Dowling and O’Neil business insurance rates will increase 0 – 2% but we are about due to get quotes from other insurance companies. EAP Network contract is up so we will go out to bid. The Information Technology Budget and Appropriation Report was handed out and discussed.
Minutes: John A. Lacoste made a motion to accept the minutes of January 8, 2014 as printed. David V. Lawler seconded the motion. It was a unanimous vote.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
Public Comment: None
Carlton B. Crocker made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm. John A. Lacoste seconded the motion. It was a unanimous vote.
Melissa Abrams, Assistant Treasurer