Legal Aid Services of Oregon is beginning a new statewide project called Legal Aid Foreclosure Help (Legal Aid) and Jackson County’s Center for NonProfit Legal Services, Inc. (CNPLS) is partnering in this effort to increase foreclosure legal assistance statewide. Thanks to a grant from the Oregon Department of Housing and Community Services, Legal Aid will provide free legal help to low-income clients and will refer moderate income clients (with incomes of 200-400% of poverty level) to private attorneys for assistance. This is where we need your help.
We are asking for attorney volunteers to commit to giving a one-hour consultation to a referred client at no charge. Beyond the initial consultation, you will have the option of providing additional representation, either on a pro bono basis or for a reduced or sliding scale fee. You may negotiate the terms of any additional representation with the client, but in accord with the pro bono nature of the project, you must certify that any assistance you provide will be for a reduced or sliding scale fee. Some referred cases may involve possible claims under fee-shifting statutes; fees recovered from opposing parties need not be at reduced rates.
We make an effort to place referrals according to the needs of the homeowner’s case and the self-assessed skill level of the volunteer lawyer. New lawyers are especially encouraged to register, as this program will present a good opportunity for practicing client interviews and counseling. If you do not haveprofessional liability coverage for your pro bono work referred through our office, LASO can provide it for you.
If you would like to join the referral panel, please complete the attached application form and return it promptly to .
Pro bono volunteers are provided with expert training and support on foreclosure avoidance, since foreclosuredefense can be technical. Legal Aid is co-sponsoring a training on judicial foreclosure at the Oregon State Bar Center in Tigard on February 6, 2013. Our pro bono volunteers are entitled to a special half-price registration fee (details available at the OSB website:
Name: Bar Number:
Email Address: Phone Number:
I apply to serve on the pro bono/reduced fee panel for Legal Aid Foreclosure Help. I certify that I am an attorney licensed to practice law in Oregon, that I am in good standing with the Oregon State Bar, and that I will maintain professional liability insurance while assisting clients referred by Legal Aid Foreclosure Help.
I would like to:
take direct referrals
be a mentor to a less experienced attorney
If taking direct referrals:
1. I agree to provide one 60-minute consultation on a pro bono basis for each referral that I accept. I understand that I have the option to provide additional legal assistance to any client referred to me on terms to be negotiated by me and the client. I understand that Legal Aid Foreclosure Help requires me to provide this assistance for a reduced or sliding scale fee. I understand that the purpose of the Legal Aid Foreclosure Help referral panel is to provide free or reduced-cost legal assistance to low- and moderate income Oregonians. I certify that any additional legal assistance that I provide will be for a reduced fee.
2. I am willing to consult with clients who live in:
any county in Oregon
the following counties in Oregon
3. I am willing to consider on-going representation of clients who live in
any county in Oregon
the following counties in Oregon
4. I am fluent in the following languages other than English:
If taking direct referrals OR mentoring less experienced attorneys:
Please assess your proficiency with the following foreclosure-related topics, rating your knowledge and experience level for each. In column 1, please rank your knowledge on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being none and 10 being expert. In column 2, please indicate the approximate number of cases you have handled that involved this topic.
Non-judicial foreclosure advice/defense
Obtaining TRO/injunction to stop foreclosure
Judicial foreclosure advice/defense
Advising borrowers on risks of deficiency judgment
Tax issues arising from discharge/forgiveness of debt
Federal loss mitigation programs (HAMP, 2MP, etc.)
Oregon borrower assistance programs (LRA, LRAPP, etc.)
Senior and disabled persons’ Oregon property tax deferralprogram
Negotiating foreclosure alternatives (forbearance, shortsales, etc.)
Fair debt collection laws (FDCPA, OUDCPA)
Unlawful Trade Practices Act
Credit reporting and FCRA
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Truth in Lending Act claims
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act claims
Reading and analyzing PSAs
Representing borrowers in mediation
Small claims advice
National Mortgage Servicers Settlement
Independent Foreclosure Review
Advising/representing tenants in foreclosed homes
Signature: Date:
Thank you for your generous support of our program! Because of your efforts, clients who could not otherwise afford legal services will receive the help they need.
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