Our Mission / 2
About Us / 2
Knowledge Requirements / 3
Technical and Instructional Assistance / 3
Our Promise / 3
Online Class Schedule / 4

Contact Information

/ 4
Course Objectives / 5
Course Materials / 6
Required Software / 6
Course Withdrawal / 6
Completion Timeline / 7
ADA Compliance / 7
Prerequisites / 7
ProEducate® OVERVIEW
Course and Software Overview
ProEducate® Illustrated with Diagrams / 8


/ 8
Welcome Page / 8-9
Lessons / 9
Lessons Page
/ 10-15
Mouseovers / 10-11
Quizzes / 11-12
Final Exam / 12-14
Course Evaluation / 14


/ 14-15
Resources / 15
Communication / 16
Links / 17
Course Instructions / 18
Course Instructor / 19
Course Syllabus / 19


Our Mission

To maximize our position as the leader in the live and distance professional adult education industry with both our inter and intra state markets by furnishing each student with the finest programs in order to promote the best possible education by exhibiting top-notch training and customer service via first rate instructors and office staff that are unparalleled in our industry, as well as by providing our students with state of the art materials and delivery systems in facilities that exemplify an atmosphere that is unrivaled. To foster an unequalled rapport with our past and present students by not only offering an acceptable educational experience, but by offering a cutting edge interactive educational experience that focuses on administering course material to each student in a constructive light, which will elevate their knowledge level in a capacity that is both inspiring and ethical, while representing ourselves to the surrounding stakeholders in such an extent as to earn applicable business growth, while remaining a good neighbor to our community.


The Internet Distance Education Association (IDEA) is a multifaceted organization that provides training for a variety of different professions through online course delivery. Through our association with First Professional Real Estate School, Inc., IDEA offers a range of prelicensing, postlicensing, and continuing education training in real estate that is second to none. IDEA also offers programs leading to careers in real estate appraisal, mortgage loan origination, mortgage brokering, and notarial services. When you take our course, you can clearly see that it is professionally designed and administered to our students, and ProEducate®, along with our professional staff, is the reason for the course's success. We have assembled the most educated and most experienced team of course designers and technology professionals for the sole purpose of bringing our students the best online real estate courses that are currently available on the market.


There are no prerequisites that must be met before enrolling in one of our online courses. The level of computer and Internet knowledge that is necessary to register for an online course is very minimal. You will need a basic understanding of PC’s and the Internet to successfully finish the course; having additional computer knowledge will help you, but it is not necessary. The software that we use to host our online courses is very easy to use. Our staff is available to assist you with any technical or instructional problems that you may have while taking one of our online courses.


Technical Assistance: If you have any problems with logging onto the system, please contact us immediately. You can email us at , and we will contact you in order to help solve your problem.

Instructional Assistance: If you have any questions about course content, an instructor will be able to assist you. We provide you with two convenient ways to communicate with an instructor concerning the material. You can email us at , or if you are logged onto the course software, you can click on the Communication link and chat with the instructor in our online Chat room.


Our promise to you is simple - we will provide you with the opportunity to learn via online course delivery in a manner that promotes high quality education, while conveying the course to you in an easy to understand format. Our entire staff will give you the time, respect, and courtesy that we extend to the students who participate in our live courses. Because online distance education is becoming a vital part of formal education, we want to make sure that your experience in taking our course is a pleasurable one. Therefore, when we design our online courses, we have you in mind, because you are the cornerstone of our educational offerings.


The chief advantage of taking an online course, as compared to a live course, is the versatility to work on the course at your convenience. The course can be taken at your convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even on holidays. You can take as much or as little of the course as you want without ever leaving the comfort of your home or office.



By Phone: If you have questions regarding administrative issues, you may contact our administrative offices by phone at (504) 454-9866 or (800) 966-9866, weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. central standard time. We are closed for lunch between 11:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

By Email: You can contact us with technical or course content questions 24 hours a day by emailing us at: .

In Person: We are in the office to assist you with administrative questions Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. central standard time. We are closed for lunch from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We are located at 4200 S. I-10 Service Rd. W., Suite 134, Metairie, Louisiana 70001 (Boy Scouts of America Building).


This course is primarily designed to assist individuals in the knowledge necessary to pass the mortgage broker or mortgage loan originators state licensing examination in Louisiana. It is also geared toward providing an understanding of the practical concepts associated with the residential mortgage lending industry.


This course is inclusive and no other materials are needed to successfully complete the course. However, additional resources may be obtained for an additional fee by contacting our office. These extra materials include:

1) Modern Real Estate Practice, 15th Edition. (The Yellow Book)

2) Study Guide To Modern Real Estate Practice, 15th Edition


You will not have to purchase any expensive software to take this online course. The only program that is utilized in this course is Adobe Acrobat Reader®, which can be downloaded under the Resources link. This program is needed in order to view certain documents throughout the lessons and all the documents found under the Resources link.


It is our policy to provide students with a refund for this course if a written request is

emailed to our office within 48 hours after registering. This refund is specifically defined as 75% of only the course tuition.


Upon registering, you will have six months to finish the course and pass both final exams. After the six-month deadline has passed, your password will be inactivated. If you have not started the course within 30 days of registering, an instructor will contact you with assistance. If you have not finished the course within 5 months of registering, you will also be contacted to inform you that your deadline for finishing is approaching. If there are any circumstances that do not allow you to finish the course during the prescribed period, please contact our office. Additional fees will be assessed for an extension.


Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request to individuals with a documented disability to assure that an equal opportunity to participate in this course is provided. For further information, contact our office at (504) 454-9866 or (800) 966-9866.


There is no prerequisite required.

ProEducate® OVERVIEW


Welcome to one of the most cutting edge mortgage courses in America. Online programs of study are the future of education, and we are able to offer them to you today. We are pleased to offer this course through our use of ProEducate® Software, which is the most well organized and easy to use software in the education marketplace. Most educational software is not designed for online courses, but rather for online course assistance. In essence, these software packages were developed to store and manage materials, as well as to take quizzes, but ProEducate® was designed solely for the purpose of taking an entire course online. It is educational software, and not just management software. Through the use of ProEducate®, we are able to bring you one of the highest quality courses that Internet education has to offer. In the next section, you will see a preview of the ProEducate® system, which will allow you to envision the course before you actually start.


In this section, you will be able to see the major components of the ProEducate® system. The purpose of offering these illustrations is to put you at ease with the system by giving you a tutorial before you begin the course. After you finish with this preview, you should be able to understand ProEducate’s® format and purpose, which will minimize any problems taking this online course with ProEducate® software. Our goal is to assist in making this course user-friendly for you, while maximizing its educational value.


Open your web browser, (AOL users must use Internet Explorer), and type in ProEducate® requires that you use Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. Next, type in your Username (Figure 1-A) and Password (Figure 1-B) that you received in you confirmation e-mail after registering for this course. Then, click on the Login button (Figure 1-C) to enter your course.


By default, the Welcome Page (Figure 2) is the first page that you view once you login to ProEducate®. This is considered the student Home Page because when you click on the home link at the bottom of the page in each lesson, it will bring you back to this page. The Welcome Page also displays your first name, along with which course you are taking.


Click on the Lessons link (Figure 3-A), and you will see a list of lessons. This list contains each lesson that you will take in order to finish the course. When you start the course, only Lesson 1 (Figure 3-B) will be highlighted and accessible.


On each page of every lesson, there is a navigation bar with six icons that allows you to move through your lessons. The email link (Figure 4-A) allows you to email your instructor a question you may have regarding the course material. When you click on this link, it will open in a new window (Figure 5). This email function is web-based, therefore, there is no need for you to have an email program installed on your computer to use this feature. ProEducate® will automatically enter your email address for you (Figure 5-A). All you have to do is type in your question (Figure 5-B) and submit your question (Figure 5-C). The normal response time to email sent to an instructor is less than 24 hours.

(Figure 4-B) is the button used to return to the first page of the lesson you are viewing. (Figure 4-C) allows you to visit the previous page in the lesson. (Figure 4-D) will take you back to your student Welcome page. (Figure 4-E) allows you to navigate to the next page in your lesson. (Figure 4-F) will log you out of the system.


ProEducate® also uses mouseovers as shown in Figure 6. When a word is highlighted in blue (Figure 6-A), just run your mouse over it, and a definition or example relating to the word will appear (Figure 6-B). Do not click on the word; simply place your mouse over it. On occasion, the word will also be formatted as an external link, in which case the mouseover will inform you of this, you may click on it to visit the external site. When an external link is present and you click on it, a new window will pop up and allow you to visit the external site without losing your place in the course.


After clicking on lesson one, you will progress through the material by reading each section, and then by passing a quiz. Once you submit your quiz by clicking on "Grade Quiz" (Figure 7-A), your results will appear on the Quiz Results Page (Figure 8). If you do not pass the quiz, at the bottom of your Quiz Results Page, you will have a choice of remediation. You can either refresh the quiz (Figure 8-A) and take the quiz again, or you can link back to the material (Figure 8-B) that was the content for the quiz in order to study the material again before you retake the quiz. Anytime you have to retake a quiz, some or all of your questions will be different because of the use of ProEducate's® test bank. Once you pass the quiz, another message will appear at the bottom of the Quiz Results Page that allows you to advance to the next section (Figure 9-A).

After finishing lesson one, lesson two will be highlighted and accessible. Repeat this process through the entire course. Each lesson contains lesson objectives, the material, multiple-choice quizzes, and a final summary of the material. If you have to quit a lesson before finishing it, ProEducate® will allow you to bypass all of the quizzes you already passed in that particular lesson. After you finish all the lessons, you will be eligible to take the final exam.